Title: Temples, Tombs, and Hieroglyphs: A Popular History of Ancient Egypt, Author: Barbara Mertz
Title: The Tomb-Builders of the Pharaohs, Author: Morris Bierbrier
Title: Lost Tombs, Author: Manniche
Title: L'eau Dans les Espaces et les Pratiques Funeraires D'Alexandrie Aux epoques Greque et Romaine: (IVe Siecle Av. J.-C. - IIIe Siecle Ap. J.-C.), Author: Agnes Tricoche
Title: Giza and the Pyramids: The Definitive History, Author: Mark Lehner
Title: Royal Festivals in the Late Predynastic Period and the First Dynasty, Author: Alejandro Jimenez Serrano
Title: The Book of the Dead, Author: E. A. Wallis Budge
Title: The Development of Royal Funerary Cult at Abydos: Two Funerary Enclosures from the Reign of Aha, Author: Laurel Bestock
Title: Visualizing the Afterlife in the Tombs of Graeco-Roman Egypt, Author: Marjorie Susan Venit
Title: Egyptian Tomb Architecture: The Archaeological Facts of Pharaonic Circular Symbolism, Author: David I. Lightbody
Title: Society and Death in Ancient Egypt: Mortuary Landscapes of the Middle Kingdom, Author: Janet Richards
Title: Tutankhamen and Other Essays, Author: Arthur E. P. Brome Weigall
Title: Excavations in the Locality 6 Cemetery at Hierakonpolis, 1979-1985, Author: Barbara Adams
Title: Hawara, Biahmu, and Arsinoe: With Thirty Plates, Author: Flinders Petrie
Title: The Elite Late Period Egyptian Tombs of Memphis, Author: Michael Stammers
Title: The Past and the Present Condition and the Destiny of the Colored Race, Author: Henry Highland Garnet