Title: The Middle East, Author: Ellen M. Lust
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Title: Iraq and the Politics of Oil: An Insider's Perspective, Author: Gary Vogler
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Title: The Politics of Christian Zionism 1891-1948, Author: Paul C. Merkley
Title: The Transforming Fire: The Rise of the Israel-Islamist Conflict, Author: Jonathan Spyer
Title: The Persistence of the Palestinian Question: Essays on Zionism and the Palestinians / Edition 1, Author: Joseph  Massad
Title: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A People's War / Edition 1, Author: Beverley Milton-Edwards
Title: The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq: A Study of Iraq's Old Landed and Commercial Classes and of Its Communists, Ba'thists and Free Officers, Author: Hanna Batatu
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Title: Turkey's Entente with Israel and Azerbaijan: State Identity and Security in the Middle East and Caucasus, Author: Alexander Murinson
Title: International Assistance to the Palestinians after Oslo: Political guilt, wasted money, Author: Anne Le More
Title: Curzon and British Imperialism in the Middle East, 1916-1919, Author: John Fisher

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