Title: Letters to Penthouse VI: Feel the Heat, Author: Penthouse International
Title: Letters to Penthouse XXXXIX: Sinful Sexxxploits, Author: Penthouse International
Title: LETTERS TO PENTHOUSE LI: Backdoor Adventures, Author: Penthouse International
Title: Penthouse Uncensored VII: Erotica Unbound, Author: Penthouse International
Title: Letters to Penthouse Vol. 52: Dirty Girls and Sexy Toys, Author: Penthouse International
Title: Letters to Penthouse XV: Outrages Erotic Oragasmic, Author: Penthouse International
Title: Letters to Penthouse XXIII: True Confessions, Author: Penthouse International
Title: Letters to Penthouse VIII: The Sexual Revolution Meets the Millennium Are YouReady, Author: Penthouse International
Title: Letters to Penthouse XXXII: Kinky Sex and Naughty Games, Author: Penthouse International
Title: Letters to Penthouse XXX: Extreme Sex, Maximum Pleasure, Author: Penthouse International
Title: Letters to Penthouse XII: It Just Gets Hotter, Author: Penthouse International
Title: Chocolate Flava: The Eroticanoir.com Anthology, Author: Zane
Title: Letters to Penthouse XVI: Hot and Uncensored, Author: Penthouse International
Title: Letters to Penthouse XXII: Views from the Top and Bottom, Author: Penthouse International
Title: Letters to Penthouse XXXXVI: Dirty Dares & Red-Hot Hookups, Author: Penthouse International
Title: Letters to Penthouse xxxix: Hot, Horny & Right Next Door, Author: Penthouse International
Title: Letters to Penthouse IX: Share the Secrets of the Sexiest People on Earth, Author: Penthouse International
Title: Letters to Penthouse III: More Sizzling Reports from Americas Sexual Frountier in the Real Words of Penthouse Readers, Author: Penthouse International
Title: She's on Top: Erotic Stories of Female Dominance and Male Submission, Author: Rachel  Kramer Bussel
Title: Letters to Penthouse xxxvi: Sultry Passions, Sinful Desires, Author: Penthouse International

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