Title: Carlos and the Squash Plant / Carlos y la planta de calabaza, Author: Jan Romero Stevens
Title: A is for Airplane/A es para avion, Author: Theresa Howell
Title: Hello Night/Hola Noche Bilingual, Author: Amy Costales
Title: La cosecha de calabazas/Pumpkin Harvest, Author: Calvin Harris
Title: Moopy el Monstruo Subterráneo/Moopy the Underground Monster, Author: Cari Meister
Title: La Gran Pesca/The Big Catch: Un cuento sobre Robot y Rico/A Robot and Rico Story, Author: Anastasia Suen
Title: La/The Noche de Terror/Scary Night: Un cuento sobre Robot y Rico/A Robot and Rico Story, Author: Anastasia Suen
Title: Under the Sea: Sous La Mer, Author: Jason Brunelle
Title: Líos en la Nieve/Snow Trouble, Author: Melinda Melton Crow
Title: Líos en el Lodo/Mud Mess, Author: Melinda Melton Crow
Title: Grandfather Thunder and The Night Horses, Author: Christine Nih'shaw
Title: Mitchell, The Little Badger, Author: Alain Moscoso
Title: The Candy Factory: L'Usine de Bonbons, Author: Jason Brunelle
Title: Tales with Tails: Bed Time Stories, Author: Danial Saari
Title: Las personas en otoño/People in Fall, Author: Martha E. H. Rustad
Title: Cuentos Bilingues Para Ninos, Author: Mayela Hess
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Multilingual Fairy Tale Collection 003
by Various
Narrated by  LibriVox Community
Title: The Amusement Park: El Parque de Diversiones, Author: Jason Brunelle
Title: Tiranosaurio rex/Tyrannosaurus Rex, Author: Helen Frost
Title: Camiones Amigos/Truck Buddies, Author: Melinda Melton Crow

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