Title: Providence and the Problem of Evil / Edition 1, Author: Richard Swinburne
Title: A Theodicy of Hell, Author: C. Seymour
Title: The Will to Reason: Theodicy and Freedom in Descartes, Author: C. P. Ragland
Title: The God Beyond Belief: In Defence of William Rowe's Evidential Argument from Evil / Edition 1, Author: Nick Trakakis
Title: Original Selfishness: Original Sin and Evil in the Light of Evolution / Edition 1, Author: Daryl P. Domning
Title: The Problem of Evil: The Gifford Lectures Delivered in the University of St. Andrews in 2003 / Edition 1, Author: Peter van Inwagen
Title: Sinners in the Presence of a Loving God: An Essay on the Problem of Hell, Author: R. Zachary Manis
Title: The Puzzle of Evil / Edition 1, Author: Peter Vardy
Title: Can God Intervene?: How Religion Explains Natural Disasters, Author: Gary Stern
Title: Evolution and the Problem of Natural Evil, Author: Michael A. Corey
Title: The Problem of Evil and its Symbols in Jewish and Christian Tradition, Author: Henning Graf Reventlow
Title: Vera philosophia: Studies in Late Antique medieval and Renaissance Christian Thought, Author: G d'Onofrio
Title: Evil Beyond Belief, Author: James Petrik
Title: Theodicies in Conflict: A Dilemma in Puritan Ethics and Nineteenth-Century American Literature, Author: Richard P. Forrer
Title: God and the Problem of Evil / Edition 1, Author: William L. Rowe
Title: Defending God: Biblical Responses to the Problem of Evil, Author: James L. Crenshaw
Title: The Origenist Controversy: The Cultural Construction of an Early Christian Debate, Author: Elizabeth A. Clark
Title: God, Evil and Design: An Introduction to the Philosophical Issues / Edition 1, Author: David K. O'Connor
Title: (God) After Auschwitz: Tradition and Change in Post-Holocaust Jewish Thought / Edition 1, Author: Zachary Braiterman
Title: Freedom, Teleology, and Evil, Author: Stewart Goetz

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