Title: Secrets to Helping the Alcoholic in Your Life: The Insider Guide to Living With a Functional Alcoholic, an Alcoholic Spouse, or Family Alcoholism With Strategies for Confronting an Alcoholic and Facts About Alcohol, Author: Trina E. Parker
Title: A Gift For Sarah, Author: Robert Rios
Title: A Summary of The Supreme Court Affordable Patient Care Healthcare Decision, Author: Valerie Butler
Title: Crossing Bridges: A Priest's Uplifting Life Among the Downtrodden, Author: Kenneth Vavrina
Title: Surviving Cancer After Surviving Cancer, Author: Kevin L Murphy
Title: A Girl’s Life in Moon River Village, Thailand, Author: Ted Gugelyk
Title: You Had To Be There- From Web Town To Psych Ward, Author: Terrence McCarthy
Title: Victory Deferred: How AIDS Changed Gay Life in America, Author: John-Manuel Andriote
Title: Julita's Sands: A Memoir, Author: Emily Placido
Title: Safe Senior Drivers: A Guide for a Critical Time, Author: Phil Berardelli
Title: Back on Track : A Survival Guide for People with Chronic Back Pain, Author: Kristi Pierce
Title: Understanding Dementia and Caregiving For Your Aging Parents From A to Z, Author: Ellen Gerst