Mel Robbins is the creator and host of the award-winning The Mel Robbins Podcast, one of the most successful podcasts in the world, and a #1 New York Times bestselling author. She has amassed 21 million followers online and is considered the most sought-after expert in life improvement, mindset, and behavior change. Her books have been translated into 50 languages and include the #1 New York Times and Sunday Times bestselling The Let Them Theory, which Oprah Daily named as one of the best books of 2025.

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Title: The Let Them Theory: A Life-Changing Tool That Millions of People Can't Stop Talking About, Author: Mel Robbins
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Title: The High 5 Habit: Take Control of Your Life with One Simple Habit, Author: Mel Robbins
Title: The High 5 Daily Journal, Author: Mel Robbins
Title: High Functioning: Overcome Your Hidden Depression and Reclaim Your Joy, Author: Judith Joseph Pre-Order Now
Title: The 5 Second Journal: The Best Daily Journal and Fastest Way to Slow Down, Power Up, and Get Sh*t Done, Author: Mel Robbins
Title: Stop Saying You're Fine: The No-BS Guide to Getting What You Want, Author: Mel Robbins
Title: El poder de los 5 segundos: Sé valiente en el día a día y transforma tu vida / The 5 Second Rule, Author: Mel Robbins
Title: 1 hábito para cambiarte la vida: Cámbialo todo con un simple gesto, Author: Mel Robbins
Title: Do It: The Life-Changing Power of Taking Action, Author: David Nurse
Title: The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage, Author: Mel Robbins
Title: Pravilo 5 sekund. Kak uspevat vse i ne nervnichat, Author: Mel Robbins
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The High 5 Habit: E timpul sa te bucuri de tine
by Mel Robbins
Narrated by  Veronica Soare
Audiobook (Unabridged) $10.00
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Title: Regula de 5 secunde, Author: Mel Robbins
Explore Series
Title: 1 habitude peut changer votre vie, Author: Mel Robbins
Title: O Hábito de Fazer High 5, Author: Mel Robbins
Title: Die einfachste Gewohnheit der Welt: Übernehmen Sie die Kontrolle über Ihr Leben mit der High-5-Habit-Methode, Author: Mel Robbins
Title: Kick Ass with Mel Robbins: Advice from the author of The Five Second Rule, Author: Mel Robbins
Title: La regola dei 5 secondi, Author: Mel Robbins
Title: Day pyat'! Kak odna prostaya privychka izmenit vashu zhizn' k luchshemu, Author: Mel Robbins
Title: O poder dos 5 segundos, Author: Mel Robbins

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