Title: The I in Evil: Accepting and Embracing the Monster You Are, Author: Ken W. Hanley
Title: Cool Sports Dad: 75 Amazing Sporting Tricks to Teach and Impress Your Kids, Author: David Fischer
Title: The Supervillain Field Manual: How to Conquer (Super) Friends and Incinerate People, Author: King Oblivion
Title: Zombies vs. Nazis: A Lost History of the Walking Undead, Author: Scott Kenemore
Title: Grandma Rules: Notes on Grandmotherhood, the World's Best Job, Author: Jill Milligan
Title: Dad Rules: Notes on Fatherhood, the World's Best Job, Author: Michael Milligan
Title: The Incredible Plate Tectonics Comic: The Adventures of Geo, Vol. 1, Author: Kanani K. M. Lee
Title: The Supervillain Handbook: The Ultimate How-to Guide to Destruction and Mayhem, Author: King Oblivion
Title: The Art of Zombie Warfare: How to Kick Ass Like the Walking Dead, Author: Scott Kenemore
Title: Mom Rules: Notes on Motherhood, the World's Best Job, Author: Jill Milligan