Title: British Light Music: Edward German, Artist: Adrian Leaper
Title: Curzon: Robin Hood Suite; In Malaga; The Boulevardier; Punchinello, Artist: Adrian Leaper
Title: Havergal Brian: Symphony No. 4
Title: Albert Ket¿¿lby: In a Monastery Garden; Chal Romano; Suite Romantique; Cockney Suite; Wedgwood Blue, Artist: Adrian Leaper
Title: Granados: Dante; 5 Pieces on Popular Spanish Songs; Goyescas, Artist: Adrian Leaper
Title: Roger Quilter: British Light Music, Artist: Adrian Leaper
Title: Tchaikovsky: Symphonies No. 2
Title: Brian Havergal: Symphonies Nos. 17 & 32, Artist: Adrian Leaper
Title: Malcolm Lipkin: The Symphonies, Artist: Adrian Leaper
Title: Bantock: Hebridean Symphony, Artist: Adrian Leaper
Title: Eric Coates: London Suite, Cinderella, The Dam Busters, etc., Artist: Adrian Leaper
Title: Jos¿¿ Luis Greco: Geograf¿¿as del silencio, Artist: Adrian Leaper
Title: Elgar: Violin Concerto in B Minor; Overture: Cockaigne (In London Town), Artist: Adrian Leaper
Title: Neilsen: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 6 (
Title: Grieg, Sibelius: Romantic Music for Strings, Artist: Adrian Leaper
Title: Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 1; Hamlet Overture, Artist: Adrian Leaper
Title: Elgar: Enigma Variations, Artist: Adrian Leaper