Title: Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea, Author: Barbara Demick
Title: Eat the Buddha: Life and Death in a Tibetan Town, Author: Barbara Demick
Title: Logavina Street: Life and Death in a Sarajevo Neighborhood, Author: Barbara Demick
Title: Daughters of the Bamboo Grove: From China to America, a True Story of Abduction, Adoption, and Separated Twins, Author: Barbara Demick Pre-Order Now
Title: Rien à envier au reste du monde: Vies ordinaires en Corée du Nord, Author: Barbara Demick
Title: Comerse a Buda: Vida y muerte del pueblo tibetano a manos del Imperio Chino, Author: Barbara Demick
Title: Le Tibet profané: Vivre mourir et résister dans un pays occupé, Author: Barbara Demick
Title: Querido Líder: La vida cotidiana en Corea del Norte, Author: Barbara Demick
Title: I mangiatori di Buddha, Author: Barbara Demick
Title: Daughters of the Bamboo Grove: From China to America, a True Story of Abduction, Adoption, and Separated Twins, Author: Barbara Demick Pre-Order Now
Title: Im Land des Flüsterns: Geschichten aus dem Alltag in Nordkorea, Author: Barbara Demick
Title: Buddhas vergessene Kinder: Geschichten aus einer tibetischen Stadt (Die bewegende Tibet-Reportage der preisgekrönten Journalistin), Author: Barbara Demick
Title: Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea, Author: Barbara Demick