Title: The Queering of Corporate America: How Big Business Went from LGBTQ Adversary to Ally, Author: Carlos A. Ball
Title: From the Closet to the Courtroom: Five LGBT Rights Lawsuits That Have Changed Our Nation, Author: Michael Bronski
Title: After Marriage Equality: The Future of LGBT Rights, Author: Carlos A. Ball
Title: The Right to Be Parents: LGBT Families and the Transformation of Parenthood, Author: Carlos A. Ball
Title: Same-Sex Marriage and Children: A Tale of History, Social Science, and Law, Author: Carlos A. Ball
Title: Principles Matter: The Constitution, Progressives, and the Trump Era, Author: Carlos A. Ball
Title: The First Amendment and LGBT Equality: A Contentious History, Author: Carlos A. Ball
Title: From the Closet to the Courtroom: Five LGBT Rights Lawsuits That Have Changed Our Nation, Author: Michael Bronski