Title: The Lost Princess: And Other Kabbalistic Tales of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, Author: Chaim Kramer
Title: Likutey Moharan. Vol. 3: (Lessons 17-22), Author: Chaim Kramer
Title: Anatomy of the Soul, Author: Avraham Sutton
Title: Crossing the Narrow Bridge: A Practical Guide to Rebbe Nachman's Teachings, Author: Rebbe Nachman Of Breslov
Title: Likutey Moharan. Part II -Vol. 12: (Lessons 1-6), Author: Moshe Mykoff
Title: Likutey Moharan. Vol. 9: (Lessons 73-108), Author: Chaim Kramer
Title: Likutey Moharan. Vol. 4: (Lessons 23-32), Author: Chaim Kramer
Title: Likutey Moharan. Part II -Vol. 14: (Lessons 25-72), Author: Chaim Kramer
Title: Likutey Moharan. Vol. 2, Author: Chaim Kramer
Title: The Seven Beggars: & Other Kabbalistic Tales of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, Author: Chaim Kramer
Title: Likutey Moharan. Vol. 10: (Lessons 109-194), Author: Chaim Kramer
Title: Likutey Moharan. Part II -Vol. 15: (Lessons 73-125), Author: Chaim Kramer
Title: Likutey Moharan. Vol. 8: (Lessons 65-72), Author: Chaim Kramer
Title: Likutey Moharan. Vol. 5: (Lessons 33-48), Author: Chaim Kramer
Title: Likutey Moharan. Part II -Vol. 13: (Lessons 7-24), Author: Chaim Kramer
Title: Likutey Moharan. Vol. 7: (Lessons 58-54), Author: Chaim Kramer
Title: Likutey Moharan. Vol. 6: (Lessons 49-57), Author: Chaim Kramer
Title: Likutey Moharan. Vol. 11: (Lessons 195-286), Author: Chaim Kramer
Title: This Land is My Land: Rebbe Nachman of Breslov: History, Conflict and Hope in the Land of Israel, Author: Rebbe Nachman Of Breslov