Title: The Improbable War: China, The United States and Logic of Great Power Conflict, Author: Christopher Coker
Title: Can War be Eliminated?, Author: Christopher Coker
Title: The Warrior Ethos: Military Culture and the War on Terror, Author: Christopher Coker
Title: Waging War without Warriors?: The Changing Culture of Military Conflict, Author: Christopher Coker
Title: Globalisation and Insecurity in the Twenty-First Century: NATO and the Management of Risk, Author: Christopher Coker
Title: Future War / Edition 1, Author: Christopher Coker
Title: Men At War: What Fiction Tells us About Conflict, From The Iliad to Catch-22, Author: Christopher Coker
Title: Twilight Of The West, Author: Christopher Coker
Title: Why War?, Author: Christopher Coker
Title: Barbarous Philosophers: Reflections on the Nature of War from Herclitus to Heisenberg, Author: Christopher Coker
Title: War in an Age of Risk / Edition 1, Author: Christopher Coker
Title: Humane Warfare / Edition 1, Author: Christopher Coker
Title: NATO, the Warsaw Pact and Africa, Author: Christopher Coker
Title: Globalisation and Insecurity in the Twenty-First Century: NATO and the Management of Risk / Edition 1, Author: Christopher Coker
Title: The Rise of the Civilizational State / Edition 1, Author: Christopher Coker
Title: Ethics and War in the 21st Century / Edition 1, Author: Christopher Coker
Title: The Future of War: The Re-Enchantment of War in the Twenty-First Century / Edition 1, Author: Christopher Coker
Title: Rebooting Clausewitz: 'On War' in the Twenty-First Century, Author: Christopher Coker
Title: The Warrior Ethos: Military Culture and the War on Terror / Edition 1, Author: Christopher Coker
Title: Can War be Eliminated? / Edition 1, Author: Christopher Coker

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