Title: More Alike Than Different: My Life with Down Syndrome, Author: David Egan
Title: U.S. Go Home: The U.S. Military in France, 1945-1968, Author: David Egan
Title: Creating the Curriculum, Author: Dominic Wyse
Title: Corporations 101, Author: David Egan
Title: The Pursuit of an Authentic Philosophy: Wittgenstein, Heidegger, and the Everyday, Author: David Egan
Title: Corporations 101: A Guide for Beginners, Author: David Egan
Title: Wittgenstein and Heidegger, Author: David Egan
Title: Understanding the myths of market trends & patterns, Author: David egan
Title: New World Disorder: Lessons from Brexit, The Trump Factor, Populism, Wars, Terrorism, '1984' and The Matrix, Economic Bubbles and Crashes..........: The Case for Economic Democracy, Author: David Egan