Title: The Vajra Essence, Author: Dudjom Lingpa
Title: Buddhahood without Meditation, Author: Dudjom Lingpa
Title: The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism: Its Fundamentals and History, Author: Dudjom Rinpoche
Title: Wisdom Nectar: Dudjom Rinpoche's Heart Advice, Author: Dudjom Rinpoche
Title: A Torch Lighting the Way to Freedom: Complete Instructions on the Preliminary Practices, Author: Dudjom Rinpoche
Title: Counsels from My Heart, Author: Dudjom
Title: Stillness, Insight, and Emptiness: Buddhist Meditation from the Ground Up, Author: Lama Dudjom Dorjee
Title: The Bountiful Cow of Accomplishments: Directives for the Two Phases of the Profound Path of the Khandro Thugthig, Author: Dudjom Rinpoche
Title: Heartfelt Advice, Author: Lama Dudjom Dorjee
Title: Heart of the Great Perfection: Dudjom Lingpa's Visions of the Great Perfection, Author: Dudjom Lingpa
Title: A Clear Mirror, Author: Traktung Dudjom Lingpa
Title: Sunlight Speech That Dispels the Darkness of Doubt: Sublime Prayers, Praises, and Practices of the Nyingma Masters, Author: Longchenpa