Title: Myths and Legends of Japan, Author: F. Hadland Davis
Title: Myths & legends of Japan, Author: F. Hadland Davis
Title: Myths & Legends Of Japan, Author: F Hadland Davis
Title: The Persian Mystics, Author: F. Hadland Davis
Title: Japan, from the age of the gods to the fall of Tsingtau, Author: F. Hadland Davis
Title: MYTHS & LEGENDS OF JAPAN - over 200 Myths, Legends and Tales from Ancient Nippon: Tales of Japan before time began, Author: Anon E. Mouse
Title: Mythen & Legenden van Japan, Author: F Hadland Davis
Title: The Persian Mystics Jámí, Author: Jami
Title: Wisdom of the East - The Persian Mystics Jalalud-Din Rumi and Jami, Two Volume Edition, Author: F. Hadland Davis