Title: Janácek: The Cunning Little Vixen; Sárka: Bollon: Twelve Lilies for Leos, Artist: Fabrice Bollon
Title: Cendrillon (Theater Freiburg) [Blu-ray]
Title: Jules Massenet: Cendrillon
Title: Richard Strauss: Josephs Legende, Artist: Fabrice Bollon
Title: Mussorgsky: Sorochintsï Fair; Salammbô Suite, Artist: Fabrice Bollon Pre-Order Now
Title: Magnard: Orchestral Works, Artist: Fabrice Bollon
Title: Karl Goldmark: Symphonic Poems, Vol. 1, Artist: Fabrice Bollon
Title: Rihm: Tutugari, Artist: Fabrice Bollon
Title: Francesco Cilea: L'Arlesianna, Artist: Fabrice Bollon
Title: Korngold: Das Wunder der Heliane, Artist: Fabrice Bollon
Title: Magnard: Symphonies Nos. 3 and 4, Artist: Fabrice Bollon
Title: Albert Roussel: Symphonie no. 1, op. 7
Title: Magnard: Symphonies Nos. 1 and 2, Artist: Fabrice Bollon