Title: Why You Shouldn't Eat Your Boogers: Gross but True Things You Don't Want to Know About Your Body, Author: Francesca Gould
Title: Why Dogs Eat Poop: Gross but True Things You Never Knew About Animals, Author: Francesca Gould
Title: Why Dogs Eat Poop, and Other Useless or Gross Information About the Animal Kingdom: Every Disgusting Fact About Animals you Ever Wanted to Know -- from Monkey-Face, Author: Francesca Gould
Title: Why Fish Fart: Gross but True Things You'll Wish You Didn't Know, Author: Francesca Gould
Title: Why Fish Fart and Other Useless Or Gross Information About the World, Author: Francesca Gould
Title: Why You Shouldn't Eat Your Boogers and Other Useless or Gross Information About: Information About Your Body, Author: Francesca Gould