Maths for Chemists
The two volumes of Maths for Chemists provide an excellent resource for all undergraduate chemistry students but are particularly focussed on the needs of students who may not have studied mathematics beyond GCSE level (or equivalent). The texts are introductory in nature and adopt a sympathetic approach for students who need support and understanding in working with the diverse mathematical tools required in a typical chemistry degree course. The early chapters of Maths for Chemists Volume I: Numbers, Functions and Calculus provide a succinct introduction to the important mathematical skills of algebraic manipulation, trigonometry, numbers, functions, units and the general grammar of maths. Later chapters build on these basic mathematical principles as a foundation for the development of differential and integral calculus. In spite of the introductory nature of this volume, some of the more important mathematical tools required in quantum chemistry are deliberately included, through a gradual introduction to, and development of, the concept of the eigenvalue problem. Ideal for the needs of undergraduate chemistry students, Tutorial Chemistry Texts is a major series consisting of short, single topic or modular texts concentrating on the fundamental areas of chemistry taught in undergraduate science courses. Each book provides a concise account of the basic principles underlying a given subject, embodying an independent-learning philosophy and including worked examples.

Maths for Chemists
The two volumes of Maths for Chemists provide an excellent resource for all undergraduate chemistry students but are particularly focussed on the needs of students who may not have studied mathematics beyond GCSE level (or equivalent). The texts are introductory in nature and adopt a sympathetic approach for students who need support and understanding in working with the diverse mathematical tools required in a typical chemistry degree course. The early chapters of Maths for Chemists Volume I: Numbers, Functions and Calculus provide a succinct introduction to the important mathematical skills of algebraic manipulation, trigonometry, numbers, functions, units and the general grammar of maths. Later chapters build on these basic mathematical principles as a foundation for the development of differential and integral calculus. In spite of the introductory nature of this volume, some of the more important mathematical tools required in quantum chemistry are deliberately included, through a gradual introduction to, and development of, the concept of the eigenvalue problem. Ideal for the needs of undergraduate chemistry students, Tutorial Chemistry Texts is a major series consisting of short, single topic or modular texts concentrating on the fundamental areas of chemistry taught in undergraduate science courses. Each book provides a concise account of the basic principles underlying a given subject, embodying an independent-learning philosophy and including worked examples.

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Maths for Chemists

Maths for Chemists

Maths for Chemists

Maths for Chemists

Paperback(Second Edition,New edition)

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The two volumes of Maths for Chemists provide an excellent resource for all undergraduate chemistry students but are particularly focussed on the needs of students who may not have studied mathematics beyond GCSE level (or equivalent). The texts are introductory in nature and adopt a sympathetic approach for students who need support and understanding in working with the diverse mathematical tools required in a typical chemistry degree course. The early chapters of Maths for Chemists Volume I: Numbers, Functions and Calculus provide a succinct introduction to the important mathematical skills of algebraic manipulation, trigonometry, numbers, functions, units and the general grammar of maths. Later chapters build on these basic mathematical principles as a foundation for the development of differential and integral calculus. In spite of the introductory nature of this volume, some of the more important mathematical tools required in quantum chemistry are deliberately included, through a gradual introduction to, and development of, the concept of the eigenvalue problem. Ideal for the needs of undergraduate chemistry students, Tutorial Chemistry Texts is a major series consisting of short, single topic or modular texts concentrating on the fundamental areas of chemistry taught in undergraduate science courses. Each book provides a concise account of the basic principles underlying a given subject, embodying an independent-learning philosophy and including worked examples.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781849733595
Publisher: RSC
Publication date: 03/28/2012
Series: Tutorial Chemistry Texts
Edition description: Second Edition,New edition
Pages: 404
Product dimensions: 7.40(w) x 9.60(h) x 0.90(d)

About the Author

Professor Abel is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Exeter.

Read an Excerpt

Maths for Chemists

By Martin Cockett, Graham Doggett

The Royal Society of Chemistry

Copyright © 2012 Martin Cockett and Graham Doggett
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-84973-359-5


Numbers and Algebra

Numbers of one kind or another permeate all branches of chemistry (and science generally), simply because any measuring device we use to record a characteristic of a system can only yield a number as output. For example, we might measure or determine the:

• Weight of a sample.

• Intensity or frequency of light absorption of a solution.

• Vibration frequency for the HCl molecule.

• Relative molecular mass of a carbohydrate molecule.

Or we might:

• Confirm the identity of an organic species by measuring its boiling point.

• Measure, or deduce, the equilibrium constant of a reversible reaction.

• Wish to count the number of isomeric hydrocarbon species with the formula [C.sub.4][H.sub.10].

In some of these examples, we also need to:

• Specify units.

• Estimate the error in the measured property.

Clearly then, the manner in which we interact with the world around us leads us quite naturally to use numbers to interpret our experiences.

In many situations, we routinely handle very large and very small numbers, so disparate in size that it is difficult to have an intuitive feel for order of magnitude. For example:

• The number of coulombs (the basic unit of electrical charge) associated with a single electron is approximately 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 160 2177.

Decimal numbers are commonly written with a space between every group of three digits after the decimal point (sometimes omitted if there are only four such digits).

• The equilibrium constant for the electrochemical process


is of the order of 1 followed by 4343 zeros. In chemical terms, we have no problem with this answer, as it indicates that the equilibrium is totally towards the right side (which means that the aluminium electrode will be completely consumed and the gold electrode untouched).

These two widely different examples, of a type commonly experienced in chemistry, illustrate why it is so important to feel at ease using numbers of all types and sizes. A familiarity and confidence with numbers is of such fundamental importance in solving quantitative chemical problems that we devote the first two chapters of this book to underpinning these foundations. Our main objective is to supply the necessary tools for constructing models to help in interpreting numerical data, as well as in achieving an understanding of the significance of such data.

1.1 Real Numbers

1.1.1 Integers

One of the earliest skills we learn from childhood is the concept of counting: at first we learn to deal with natural numbers (positive, whole numbers), including zero, but we tend to ignore the concept of negative numbers, because they are not generally used to count objects. However, we soon run into difficulties when we have to subtract two numbers, as this process sometimes yields a negative result. The concept of a negative counting number applied to an object can lead us into all sorts of trouble, although it does allow us to account for the notion of debt (you owe me 2 apples is the equivalent of saying "I own -2 apples"). We therefore extend natural numbers to a wider category of number called integers, which consist of all positive and negative whole numbers, as well as zero:

Counting numbers have been in use for a very long time, but the recognition of zero as a numeral originated in India over two millennia ago, and only became widely accepted in the West with the advent of the printed book in the 13th century.

..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...

We use integers in chemistry to specify:

• The atomic number, Z, defined as the number of protons in the nucleus: Z is a positive integer, less than or equal to 112.

At the time of writing, the heaviest (named) element to have been isolated is the highly radioactive element copernicium (Z = 112). In June 2011, elements 114 and 116 officially joined the periodic table. Element 116 was made by bombarding targets made of the radioactive element curium (Z = 96) with calcium nuclei (Z = 20). The nuclei of element 116 lasted only a few milliseconds before decaying into element 114, which itself lasted less than half a second before decaying to copernicium. The heaviest naturally occurring element is uranium, Z = 92.

• The number of atoms of a given type (positive) in the formula of a chemical species.

• The number of electrons (a positive integer) involved in a redox reaction occurring in an electrochemical cell.

• The quantum numbers required in the mathematical specification of individual atomic orbitals. These can take positive or negative integer values or zero depending on the choice of orbital.

1.1.2 Rational Numbers

When we divide one integer by another, we sometimes obtain another integer; for example, 6/-3 = -2. At other times, however, we obtain a fraction, or rational number, of the form a/b, where the integers a and b are known as the numerator and denominator, respectively; for example, 2/3. The denominator, b, cannot take the value zero because a/0 is of indeterminate value.

Rational numbers occur in chemistry:

• In defining the spin quantum number of an electron (s = 1/2), and the nuclear spin quantum number, I, of an atomic nucleus; for example, [sup.45]Sc has I = 7/2.

• In specifying the coordinates (0,0,0) and (a/2, a/2, a/2), which define the locations of two of the nuclei that generate a body-centred unit cell of side a.

1.1.3 Irrational Numbers

Rational numbers can always be expressed as ratios of integers, but sometimes we encounter numbers which cannot be written in this form. These numbers are known as irrational numbers and include:

Surds, of the form [square root of 2], [cube root of 2], which are obtained from the solution of a quadratic or higher order equation.

[square root of 2] is obtained as a solution of the equation [x.sup.2]-2 = 0; likewise, [cube root of 2] is obtained as a solution of [x.sup.3] - 2 = 0.

Transcendental numbers, which, in contrast to surds, do not derive from the solution to algebraic equations. Examples include π, which we know as the ratio of the circumference to diameter of a circle, and e, which is the base of natural logarithms.

1.1.4 Decimal Numbers

Decimal numbers occur in:

• Measuring chemical properties, and interpreting chemical data.

• Defining relative atomic masses.

• Specifying the values of fundamental constants.

Decimal numbers consist of two parts separated by a decimal point:

Decimal numbers are so called because they use base 10 for counting.

• Digits to the left of the decimal point give the integral part of the number in units, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc.

• A series of digits to the right of the decimal point specify the fractional (or decimal) part of the number (tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc.).

We can now more easily discuss the distinction between rational and irrational numbers by considering how they are represented using decimal numbers.

Rational numbers, expressed in decimal form, may have either of the following representations:

• A finite number of digits after the decimal point: for example, 3/8 becomes 0.375.

• A never-ending number of digits after the decimal point, but with a repeating pattern: for example, 70/33 becomes 2.121 212 ..., with an infinite repeat pattern of '12'.

Irrational numbers, expressed in decimal form have a never-ending number of decimal places in which there is no repeat pattern: for example, π is expressed as 3.141 592 653 ... and e as 2.718 281 82. ... As irrational numbers like p and e cannot be represented exactly by a finite number of digits, there will always be an error associated with their decimal representation, no matter how many decimal places we include. For example, the important irrational number e, which is the base for natural logarithms (not to be confused with the electron charge), appears widely in chemistry. This number is defined by the infinite sum of terms:

e = 1 + [1/1!] + [1/2!] + [1/3!] + [1/4!] + ... + [1/n!] + ... (1.1)

We can represent a sum of terms using a shorthand notation involving the summation symbol Σ: for example, the sum of terms e = 1 + [1/1!] + [1/2!] + [1/3!] + [1/4!] + ... + [1/n!] + ... may be written as [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], where the counting index, which we have arbitrarily named r, runs from 0 to 8. A sum of terms which extends indefinitely, is known as an infinite series, whereas one which extends to a finite number of terms is known as a finite series. We shall discuss series in more detail in Chapter 8.

where n! is the factorial (pronounced 'n factorial') of the number n, defined as n! = 1×2×3×4× ... ×n: for example, 4! = 1×2×3×4. The form of eqn (1.1) indicates that the value for e keeps getting larger (but by increasingly smaller amounts), as we include progressively more and more terms in the sum; a feature clearly seen in Table 1.1, in which the value for e has been truncated to 18 decimal places.

Although the value of e has converged to 18 decimal places, it is still not exact; the addition of more terms causes the calculated value to change beyond the 18 decimal place. Likewise, attempts to calculate p are all based on the use of formulae with an infinite number of terms:

• Perhaps the most astonishing method uses only the number 2 and surds involving sums of 2:

π = 2 x [2/[square root of 2]] x [2/[square root of 2 + 2]] x [2/[square root of 2 + 2 + 2]] x ...

• Another method involves an infinite sum of terms:

π/2 = [1/1] + 1 x [1/1 x 3] + [1 x 1 x 2/1 x 3 x 5] + [1 x 1 x 2 x 3/1 x 3 x 5 x 7] + ...,

• A particularly elegant method uses a formula that relates the square of π to the sum of the inverses of the squares of all positive whole numbers:

[π.sup.2]/6 = 1 + [1/[2.sup.2]] + [1/[3.sup.2]] + [1/[4.sup.2]] + 1/[5.sup.2] ...

However, this requires an enormous number of terms to achieve a satisfactory level of precision (see Chapter 8 for more information regarding infinite series and convergence). Working with Decimal Numbers

As we have seen above, numbers in decimal form may have a finite or infinite number of digits after the decimal point: thus, for example, we say that the number 1.4623 has 4 decimal places. However, since the decimal representations of irrational numbers, such as π or the surd [square root of 2], all have an infinite number of digits, it is necessary, when working with such decimal numbers, to reduce the number of digits to those that are significant (often indicated by the shorthand 'sig. fig.'). In specifying the number of significant figures of a number displayed in decimal form, all zeros to the left of the first non-zero digit are taken as not significant and are therefore ignored. Thus, for example, both 0.1456 and 0.000 097 44 have 4 significant figures.

There are basically two approaches for reducing the number of digits to those deemed significant:

Truncation of the decimal part of the number to an appropriate number of decimal places or significant digits: for example, we could truncate π, 3.141 592 653 ... to 7 significant figures (6 decimal places), by dropping all digits after the 2, to yield 3.141 592. For future reference, we refer to the sequence of digits removed as the 'tail' which, in this example, is 653 ...

Rounding up or rounding down the decimal part of a number to a given number of decimal places is achieved by some generally accepted rules. The number is first truncated to the required number of decimal places in the manner described above; attention is then focused on the tail (see above).

(i) If the leading digit of the tail is greater than 5, then the last digit of the truncated decimal number is increased by unity (rounded up), e.g. rounding π to 6 decimal places (d.p.) yields 3.141 593;

(ii) If the leading digit of the tail is less than 5, then the last digit of the truncated decimal number is left unchanged (the number is rounded down); e.g. rounding π to 5 d.p. yields 3.141 59;

(iii) If the leading digit of the tail is 5, then:

(a) If this is the only digit, or there are also trailing zeros, e.g. 3.7500, then the last digit of the truncated decimal number is rounded up if it is odd or down if it is even. Thus 3.75 is rounded up to 3.8 because the last digit of the truncated number is 7 and therefore odd, but 3.45 is rounded down to 3.4 because the last digit of the truncated number is 4 and therefore even. This somewhat complicated rule ensures that there is no bias in rounding up or down in cases where the leading digit of the tail is 5;

(b) If any other non-zero digits appear in the tail, then the last digit of the truncated decimal number is rounded up, e.g. 3.751 is rounded up to 3.8. Observations on Rounding

Worked Problem 1.1 illustrates that different answers may be produced if the rules are not applied in the accepted way. In particular, sequential rounding is not acceptable, as potential errors may be introduced because more than one rounding is carried out. In general, it is accepted practice to present the result of a chemical calculation by rounding the result to the number of significant figures that are known to be reliable (zeros to the left of the first non-zero digit are not included). Thus, although π is given as 3.142 to 4 significant figures (3 decimal places), π/1000 is given to 4 significant figures (and 6 decimal places) as 0.003142. Rounding Errors

It should always be born in mind that, in rounding a number up or down, we are introducing an error: the number thus represented is merely an approximation of the actual number. The conventions discussed above for truncating and rounding a number imply that a number obtained by rounding actually represents a range of numbers spanned by the implied error bound. Thus, π expressed to 4 decimal places, 3.1416, represents all numbers between 3.14155 and 3.14165, a feature that we can indicate by writing this rounded form of π as 3.14160 ± 0.00005. Whenever we use rounded numbers, it is prudent to aim to minimise the rounding error by expressing the number to a sufficient number of decimal places. However, we must also be aware that if we subsequently combine our number with other rounded numbers through addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, the errors associated with each number also combine, propagate and, generally, grow in size through the calculation.

1.1.5 Combining Numbers

Numbers may be combined using the arithmetic operations of addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (×) and division (/ or ÷). The type of number (integer, rational or irrational) is not necessarily maintained under combination; thus, for example, addition of the fractions ¼ and ¾ yields an integer, but division of 3 by 4 (both integers) yields the rational number (fraction) ¾. When a number (for example, 8) is multiplied by a fraction (for example, ¾), we say in words that we want the number which is three quarters of 8, which, in this case, is 6.

For addition and multiplication the order of operation is unimportant, regardless of how many numbers are being combined. Thus,

2 + 3 = 3 + 2


2 x 3 = 3 x 2

and we say both addition and multiplication are commutative. However, for subtraction and division, the order of operation is important, and we say that both are non-commutative:

2 - 3 ≠ 3 - 2


2/3 ≠ 3/2.

One consequence of combining operations in an arithmetic expression is that ambiguity may arise in expressing the outcome. In such cases, it is imperative to include brackets (in the generic sense), where appropriate, to indicate which arithmetic operations should be evaluated first. The order in which arithmetic operations may be combined is described, by convention, by the BODMAS rules of precedence. These state that the order of preference is as follows:


Of (multiplication by a fraction)




For example:

• If we wish to evaluate 2 × 3 + 5, the result depends upon whether we perform the addition prior to multiplication or vice versa. The BODMAS rules tell us that multiplication takes precedence over addition and so the result should be 6 + 5 = 11 and not 2 × 8 = 16. Using parentheses ( ) in this case removes any ambiguity, as we would then write the expression as (2 × 3) + 5.

• If we wish to divide the sum of 15 and 21 by 3, then the expression 15 + 21 / 3 yields the unintended result 15 + 7 = 22, instead of 12, as division takes precedence over addition. Thus, in order to obtain the intended result, we introduce parentheses to ensure that summation of 15 and 21 takes place before division:

(15 + 21)/3 = 36/3 = 12.

Alternatively, this ambiguity is avoided by expressing the quotient in the form:

15 + 12/3

However, as the solidus sign, /, for division is in widespread use, it is important to be aware of possible ambiguity.


Excerpted from Maths for Chemists by Martin Cockett, Graham Doggett. Copyright © 2012 Martin Cockett and Graham Doggett. Excerpted by permission of The Royal Society of Chemistry.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Numbers and Algebra;
Functions and Equations: Their Form and Use;
Differential Equations;
Subject Index

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