Title: Homotopy Type and Homology, Author: Hans-Joachim Baues
Title: The Homotopy Category of Simply Connected 4-Manifolds, Author: Hans-Joachim Baues
Title: Algebraic Homotopy, Author: Hans Joachim Baues
Title: Combinatorial Foundation of Homology and Homotopy: Applications to Spaces, Diagrams, Transformation Groups, Compactifications, Differential Algebras, Algebraic Theories, Simplicial Objects, and Resolutions / Edition 1, Author: Hans-Joachim Baues
Title: Combinatorial Homotopy and 4-Dimensional Complexes / Edition 1, Author: Hans-Joachim Baues
Title: The Algebra of Secondary Cohomology Operations, Author: Hans-Joachim Baues
Title: Commutator Calculus and Groups of Homotopy Classes, Author: Hans Joachim Baues