Title: Gunfight with a Wild-Eyed Moderate: On Cowboys, Cargirls, Penboys, and Chalkers-and-Talkers, Author: Howard Denson
Title: McGregor and the Patriots, Author: Howard Denson
Title: The Case of the Anniversary Libation: A Judah P. Benjamin-Horatio T. Burdette Mystery, Author: Howard Denson
Title: McGregor and the Lost Tribe: A novel of the Scots and Indians, Author: Howard Denson
Title: Alas, Poor Elvis, I Knew Him, Bubba: On the 45th anniversary of The Death of The King, Author: Howard Denson
Title: El Ritual de Aniversario, Author: William Howard Denson
Title: Mowbray y los Tiburones (OTROS LIBROS DE HOWARD DENSON Siga buscando estos libros en Amazon.com y en Kindle: MOWBRAY Y EL B), Author: Howard Denson
Title: Mowbray and the Wolves: A Novel Set in 1938 Tennessee and New York, Author: Howard Denson
Title: Mowbray and the Baron: Being a Tale about Ghosts, Crooks, and Social Vampires, Author: Howard Denson
Title: Il Waldentown Express, Author: Howard Denson
Title: A Grievance with Death: An Edwina Heyward-Bill Tartleton Mystery, Author: Howard Denson
Title: Mowbray and the Catacombs, Author: Howard Denson
Title: The Michelangelo of Marsay: a contemporary novel in the foothills of Appalachia, Author: Howard Denson
Title: The Waldentown Express, Author: Howard Denson
Title: Shoot-Out with a Wild-Eyed Moderate: Riding Herd on the Bible, Rust, and Sun Belts and the Beltway, Author: (william) Howard Denson (III)
Title: Wolfram and the Rainbow Ranch: A novel of the Old West of the 1870s, Author: Howard Denson
Title: Mowbray & the Sharks: Being a Tale of Ghosts, Gangsters, and Nazis, Author: Howard Denson