Title: The Preaching Ministry, Author: James Blaine Chapman
Title: Ask Dr. Chapman, Author: James Blaine Chapman
Title: Holiness: The Heart of Christian Experience, Author: James Blaine Chapman
Title: Bud Robinson: A Brother Beloved, Author: James Blaine Chapman
Title: The Nazarene Primer, Author: James Blaine Chapman
Title: The Stewardship of Time, Author: James Blaine Chapman
Title: Your Life Make the Most of It, Author: James Blaine Chapman
Title: A Day in the Lord's Court, Author: James Blaine Chapman
Title: The Touch of Jesus, Author: James Blaine Chapman
Title: Three Thousand Miles of Missionary Travel, Author: James Blaine Chapman
Title: Religion and Everyday Life, Author: James Blaine Chapman
Title: Some Estimates of Life, Author: James Blaine Chapman
Title: Holiness Triumphant, and Other Sermons on Holiness, Author: James Blaine Chapman
Title: The Terminology of Holiness, Author: James Blaine Chapman
Title: My Wife: Maud Frederick Chapman, Author: James Blaine Chapman
Title: The Divine Response, Author: James Blaine Chapman
Title: Christian Living in a Modern World, Author: James Blaine Chapman
Title: Camp Meeting Sermons, Author: James Blaine Chapman