Title: Apex Magazine April 2018, Author: Andrew F. Kooy
Title: Metaphorosis August 2017, Author: Candra Hope
Title: One Revolution: A Year of Flash Fiction, Author: Jamie Lackey
Title: The Colored Lens: Spring 2012, Author: Joanna Galbraith
Title: Second Revolution: Another Year of Flash Fiction, Author: Lukïs Zïdka
Title: Triangulation: Extinction, Author: Diane Turnshek
Title: Bards and Sages Quarterly (October 2015), Author: Amanda K. Thompson
Title: Triangulation: Lost Voices, Author: Benjamin Hitmar
Title: The Forest God, Author: Jamie Lackey
Title: A Rose by Any Other Name, Author: Jamie Lackey
Title: Andromeda Snow, Superhero, Author: Jamie Lackey
Title: Second Revolution: Another Year of Flash Fiction, Author: Jamie Lackey
Title: Triangulation: Beneath the Surface, Author: Jamie Lackey