Title: The 10 Commandments and the Secret Each One Guards--FOR YOU: For Teens and Young Adults, Author: Bettie Youngs
Title: Setting and Achieving Goals that Matter TO ME: For Teens and Young Adults, Author: Jennifer Youngs
Title: Managing Stress, Pressure and the Ups and Downs of Life: A Book for Teens and Young Adults, Author: Jennifer Youngs
Title: Understanding the Christian Faith: For Teens and Young Adults, Author: Jennifer Youngs
Title: Faith at Work in Our Lives: For Teens and Young Adults, Author: Jennifer Youngs
Title: How to be Courageous: For Teens and Young Adults, Author: Jennifer Youngs
Title: How Your Brain Decides if You Will Become Addicted--or NOT: For Teens & Young Adults, Author: Bettie Youngs
Title: Growing Your Confidence and Self-Esteem: For Teens and Young Adults, Author: Jennifer Youngs