Title: Struggle with the Issue, Not Each Other: Using Confrontation to Harvest Success, Author: Jerry Porras
Title: Recruiting Your Own Dream Team: Relationships Built to Last Lead to Success Built to Last, Author: Jerry Porras
Title: Success Built to Last: Creating a Life that Matters, Author: Jerry Porras
Title: From Your Greatest Struggles Come Your Greatest Triumphs: Personal Strengths Buit to Last, Author: Jerry Porras
Title: Doing What Matters: Why It Is So Damn Hard and So Darn Rewarding, Author: Jerry Porras
Title: Swimming Against the Tide of Opinion: Self-Esteem Built to Last, Author: Jerry Porras
Title: Life Balance Is Fiction: Finding Your Passion Will Bring a Life Built to Last, Author: Jerry Porras
Title: Stubbornly Hold on to Your Dreams: Meaning Built to Last, Author: Jerry Porras