Title: Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume I: The Whole Truth About the Illuminati and the New World Order, Author: Leo Lyon Zagami
Title: Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume II: The Time of Revelation and Tribulation Leading up to 2020, Author: Leo Lyon Zagami
Title: The Invisible Master: Secret Chiefs, Unknown Superiors, and the Puppet Masters Who Pull the Strings of Occult Power from the Alien World, Author: Leo Lyon Zagami
Title: Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume III: Espionage, Templars and Satanism in the Shadows of the Vatican, Author: Leo Lyon Zagami
Title: Pope Francis: The Last Pope?: Money, Masons and Occultism in the Decline of the Catholic Church, Author: Leo Lyon Zagami
Title: Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society, Author: Leo Lyon Zagami