Title: The Fate of Africa: A History of the Continent Since Independence, Author: Martin Meredith
Title: The Fortunes of Africa: A 5000-Year History of Wealth, Greed, and Endeavor, Author: Martin Meredith
Title: Elephant Destiny: Biography Of An Endangered Species In Africa, Author: Martin Meredith
Title: Mugabe: Power, Plunder, and the Struggle for Zimbabwe's Future, Author: Martin Meredith
Title: Born in Africa: The Quest for the Origins of Human Life, Author: Martin Meredith
Title: Diamonds, Gold, and War: The British, the Boers, and the Making of South Africa, Author: Martin Meredith
Title: Mugabe: Power, Plunder, and the Struggle for Zimbabwe's Future, Author: Martin Meredith
Title: Mandela: A Biography, Author: Martin Meredith
Title: Afrikaner Odyssey: The Life and Times of the Reitz Family, Author: Martin Meredith
Title: Fischer's Choice: The Life of Bram Fischer, Author: Martin Meredith
Title: The Fate of Africa: A History of Fifty Years of Independence / Edition 1, Author: Martin Meredith