Title: Psychometric Analysis, Author: Max Freedom Long
Title: La Scienza Segreta al Lavoro, Author: Max Freedom Long
Title: La scienza segreta all'opera: L'antica saggezza Huna per il benessere e la felicità, Author: Max Freedom Long
Title: Self-Suggestion: And the New Huna Theory of Mesmerism and Hypnosis, Author: Max Freedom Long
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Title: The Secret Science Behind Miracles, Author: Max Freedom Long
Title: A Ciência secreta por detrás de Milagres (Traduzido), Author: Max Freedom Long
Title: Auto-suggestione e la Nuova Teoria Huna sul Mesmerismo e l'Ipnosi, Author: Max Freedom Long
Title: Huna, Growing into Life, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: Recovering the Ancient Magic, Author: Max Freedom Long
Title: Growing Into Light, Author: Max Freedom Long
Title: Crescere nella luce: L'antica saggezza Huna per la tua evoluzione personale e spirituale, Author: Max Freedom Long
Title: Huna and Self Suggestion - A New Report on Hypnotism and Mesmerism, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: Introduction to Huna: The Workable Psycho-religious System of the Polynesians, Author: Max Freedom Long
Title: The Secret Science Behind Miracles, Author: Max Freedom Long
Title: Il codice Huna nelle religioni: Il segreto della sapienza hawaiana nei testi delle tradizioni religiose, Author: Max Freedom Long
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