Title: A Visit With Amalgamated Dynamics, Inc. (ADI), Author: Mitch Persons
Title: Classic Stars in Classic Roles: A Gallery of Great Film Performances, Vol. 1, Author: Mitch Persons
Title: A Descent into Mediocrity: The Last Seven Films of Alfred Hitchcock, Author: Mitch Persons
Title: In Hugo's Path, Author: Mitch Persons
Title: The Living Hell of Anxiety Attacks, Author: Mitch Persons
Title: THAT'S Entertainment? A Defense of Some Unfairly Maligned Films, Author: Mitch Persons
Title: Inside
Title: Maya Deren: A Retrospective, Author: Mitch Persons
Title: The Bigfoot Hunters: Dialogue and Storyboard Sketches by Mitch Persons, Author: Mitch Persons
Title: I'm No Pauline Kael...But I Know What I Like: Film Reviews, Author: Mitch Persons
Title: A Danger of Smoking (Not the One You Think), Author: Mitch Persons
Title: Classic Stars in Classic Roles, Vol. 2: The Characters, Author: Mitch Persons