Title: Marked Man: Frank Serpico's Inside Battle Against Police Corruption, Author: John Florio
Title: Doomed: Sacco, Vanzetti & the End of the American Dream, Author: John Florio
Title: One Nation Under Baseball: How the 1960s Collided with the National Pastime, Author: John Florio
Title: War in the Ring: Joe Louis, Max Schmeling, and the Fight between America and Hitler, Author: John Florio
Title: Bullying and Me: Schoolyard Stories, Author: Ouisie Shapiro
Title: O homem marcado - Serpico: o policial que desafiou a máfia de farda, Author: John Florio
Title: One Punch from the Promised Land: Leon Spinks, Michael Spinks, And The Myth Of The Heavyweight Title, Author: John Florio
Title: Autism and Me: Sibling Stories, Author: Ouisie Shapiro