Title: Reverberations: Tape & Electronic Music 1961-1970, Artist: Pauline Oliveros
Title: The Well & the Gentle, Artist: Pauline Oliveros
Title: Crone Music, Artist: Pauline Oliveros
Title: Four Meditations for Orchestra/Sound Geometries, Artist: Pauline Oliveros
Title: The Roots of the Moment, Artist: Pauline Oliveros
Title: Accordion and Voice, Artist: Pauline Oliveros
Title: Deep Listening: A Composer's Sound Practice, Author: Pauline Oliveros
Title: Sonic Meditations, Author: Pauline Oliveros
Title: Sounding the Margins: Collected Writings 1992-2009, Author: Pauline Oliveros
Title: Quantum Listening, Author: Pauline Oliveros Pre-Order Now