Title: Christ Fulfills All: Introducing the Biblical Covenants, Author: Richard P. Belcher Jr.
Title: Why Does the God of the Old Testament Seem so Violent and Hateful?, Author: Richard P. Belcher Jr.
Title: Journey in Authority, Author: Richard P. Belcher
Title: A Journey in Grace, Author: Richard P. Belcher
Title: Finding Favour in the Sight of God: A Theology of Wisdom Literature, Author: Richard P. Belcher Jr.
Title: Why Does the God of the Old Testament Seem so Violent and Hateful?, Author: Richard P. Belcher Jr
Title: Job: The Mystery of Suffering and God's Sovereignty, Author: Richard P. Belcher Jr.
Title: A Journey in Providence, Author: Richard P Belcher
Title: Prophet, Priest, and King: The Roles of Christ in the Bible and Our Roles Today, Author: Richard P. Belcher
Title: Christ Fulfills All: Introducing the Biblical Covenants, Author: Richard P. Belcher Jr
Title: The Fulfilment of the Promises of God, Author: Richard P. Belcher Jr
Title: The Fulfillment of the Promises of God: An Explanation of Covenant Theology, Author: Richard P. Belcher Jr.
Title: Genesis: The Beginning of God's Plan of Salvation, Author: Richard P. Belcher Jr.