Title: Raising the Fleet: The Pearl Harbor Salvage Operation, 1941-1944, Author: Ernest Arroyo
Title: Big Burn, Author: Don Miller
Title: Missoula, Author: Philip Maechling
Title: Civil War in West Virginia: A Pictorial History, Author: Stan Cohen
Title: King Coal: A Pictorial Heritage of West Virginia Coal Mining, Author: Stan Cohen
Title: A Pictorial Guide to West Virginia Civil War Sites and Related Information, Author: Stan Cohen
Title: What to Feed Your Baby: Cost-Conscious Nutrition for Your Infant, Author: Stan Cohen M.D.
Title: Going North: Memorabilia of Tourism in Alaska, Yukon, and Northern British Columbia, Author: Stan Cohen
Title: World War Two in Alaska and Northwest Canada, Author: Stan Cohen
Title: Images of the Civil War in West Virginia, Author: Stan Cohen
Title: Purple and Gold, Author: Stan Cohen