App Buzz: Build Up your App Collection with LEGO®

Do you have a favorite childhood toy? When I was young, I used to love to build things like tree houses, forts out of blankets, and bubble warships while I was in the bath. But for smaller projects, I’d always turn to LEGO® – classic, functional, and you can literally build ANYTHING. So when LEGO® Hero Factory Brain Attack was released, I was very excited to play. Better yet, it’s FREE.


The Hero Factory of Makuhero City is under siege from some very intelligent and evil brains, and it’s up to you to use your battle skills to save the day. You can customize your LEGO® defender with an amazing array of weapons and armor, and select a sidekick for maximum fighting power. Earn extra points to gain more firepower and other battle defenses – the fate of this LEGO® city depends on you!


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