The Book of Shadows by Lady Sheba
Llewellyn is pleased to bring back into print the book many consider to be the authentic holy book of Wicca, the first Book of Shadows ever published in the United States—Lady Sheba's Book of Shadows.

For generations, secret Craft teachings had been handed down by word of mouth to new initiates. When Lady Sheba was initiated into her first coven, she hand copied The Book of Shadows. It was her wish that publication would bring to light the authentic beliefs of Witchcraft and reestablish the respectability of this ancient art.

The Book of Shadows includes:

  • Secret initiation rites
  • Laws of the Craft (162 total)
  • Eight ceremonies for the Sabbats
  • Consecration rituals
  • Invocations
  • Actual chants and dances for calling on the gods

Lady Sheba was one of the first people in the United States to officially establish the Craft as a legally recognized religion. She registered "The American Order of the Brotherhood of Wicca" as an religious organization in Michigan on August 13, 1971. She stated that she was a witch "by traditional heritage" and a "Gardnerian Witch by choice."

The Book of Shadows by Lady Sheba
Llewellyn is pleased to bring back into print the book many consider to be the authentic holy book of Wicca, the first Book of Shadows ever published in the United States—Lady Sheba's Book of Shadows.

For generations, secret Craft teachings had been handed down by word of mouth to new initiates. When Lady Sheba was initiated into her first coven, she hand copied The Book of Shadows. It was her wish that publication would bring to light the authentic beliefs of Witchcraft and reestablish the respectability of this ancient art.

The Book of Shadows includes:

  • Secret initiation rites
  • Laws of the Craft (162 total)
  • Eight ceremonies for the Sabbats
  • Consecration rituals
  • Invocations
  • Actual chants and dances for calling on the gods

Lady Sheba was one of the first people in the United States to officially establish the Craft as a legally recognized religion. She registered "The American Order of the Brotherhood of Wicca" as an religious organization in Michigan on August 13, 1971. She stated that she was a witch "by traditional heritage" and a "Gardnerian Witch by choice."

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The Book of Shadows by Lady Sheba

The Book of Shadows by Lady Sheba

by Lady Sheba
The Book of Shadows by Lady Sheba

The Book of Shadows by Lady Sheba

by Lady Sheba


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Llewellyn is pleased to bring back into print the book many consider to be the authentic holy book of Wicca, the first Book of Shadows ever published in the United States—Lady Sheba's Book of Shadows.

For generations, secret Craft teachings had been handed down by word of mouth to new initiates. When Lady Sheba was initiated into her first coven, she hand copied The Book of Shadows. It was her wish that publication would bring to light the authentic beliefs of Witchcraft and reestablish the respectability of this ancient art.

The Book of Shadows includes:

  • Secret initiation rites
  • Laws of the Craft (162 total)
  • Eight ceremonies for the Sabbats
  • Consecration rituals
  • Invocations
  • Actual chants and dances for calling on the gods

Lady Sheba was one of the first people in the United States to officially establish the Craft as a legally recognized religion. She registered "The American Order of the Brotherhood of Wicca" as an religious organization in Michigan on August 13, 1971. She stated that she was a witch "by traditional heritage" and a "Gardnerian Witch by choice."

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780875420752
Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.
Publication date: 09/08/2002
Pages: 192
Product dimensions: 7.94(w) x 10.88(h) x 0.48(d)

About the Author

Lady Sheba was one of the first people in the United States to officially establish the Craft as a legally recognized religion. She registered "The American Order of the Brotherhood of Wicca" as an religious organization in Michigan on August 13, 1971. She stated that she was a witch "by traditional heritage" and a "Gardnerian Witch by choice."

Read an Excerpt

To Open the Circle
Let all be clean before the Gods. Being properly prepared, purify each other with Scourge or Cord: 3, 7, 9, 21 = 40. Give kiss. High Priest lights two white candles and places on Altar. Then place a white candle on each cardinal point of the Magic Circle.
Purify water and salt. First place point of Athame in water with right hand. Pronounce:
I exorcise Thee, O Creature of water, that though cast out from Thee all the impurities and uncleanlinesses of the Spirits of Phantasm. In the names of Arida and Kernunnos.
Touching salt with Athame, pronounce:
Blessings be upon Thee, O Creature of salt. Let all malignity and hindrance pass henceforth and let all good enter in (but ever are we mindful that as water purifies the body so the salt purifies the soul). Wherefore do I bless Thee in the names of Arida and Kernunnos, that Thou mayest aid me.

Then transfer three measures of salt with tip of Athame into the water and stir in clockwise direction three times. The Athame is now ready and purified.
Draw a nine-foot Magic Circle (or smaller or larger) as required with Athame, commencing in the East and ending in the East. The circle must be cut in an unbroken line. Then return to Altar facing North.
Take up water with right hand, transfer to left hand. Go to the East and sprinkle (aspurge) with fingers in the East, South, West, and North, finish in the East. Return to Altar.
Take up incense and Censer in right hand. Repeat motions, censing Circle as before. Return to Altar.
The celebrants then anoint the opposite sex with water and salt in the 1, 2, 3, triangle and censes likewise.
Take a bell in right hand. Place in left hand, take Athame in right hand. Go to the East and salute in the following manner: Athame to lips, straight out above eye level, back to lips, then to right side down, with outstretched arm, and back to "carry" position before the right breast.
Cut large clear Pentacle, then pronounce:
Hear Ye, O Mighty Ones, Dread Lords of the Watchtowers of the East. I (your name), Priestess and Witch, do summon you, and I do command your presence at this our meeting, that our Circle be guarded and our rites be witnessed.
Strike bell with Athame once in the East, South, West, and North. Finally giving salute only in the East. All present salute. The Circle is now perfect.

Dance around the Circle. High Priestess leading chanting of the ancient call. Dance and chant. Open Circle with ancient chant:
If there is Coven Work to be done, now is the proper time to do it. To close or dismiss the Magic Circle. High Priestess/Priest, with ATHAME, goes to the East, salute; Then all present salute. Then celebrant or High Priestess says:
Hear Ye, O Mighty Ones. We thank you for your attendance, and 'ere Ye depart to your lovely realms, we bid you Hail and Farewell.
All present repeat "Hail and Farewell" and point Athames high. Repeat at other quarters, South, West, North, and finishing in the East. Give final salute.

Initiation of the First Degree
The Circle is cast in the usual manner. All except High Priestess, High Priest, and Handmaiden will leave the Circle. The initiate having been ritually washed and blindfolded, is led in naked.
High Priestess or High Priest takes Athame or Sword and cuts doorway perfectly in Northeast and places tip of weapon at heart of postulant and says:
O thou who standeth on the threshold of pleant, world of men, and the domains of the Dread Lords of the outer spaces, hast Thou the courage to make the essay?
I have.
High Priestess:
For I say verily, it were better to rush upon my weapon and perish than to make the attempt with fear in thy heart.
I have two passwords.
High Priestess:
What are the two passwords?
Perfect love and perfect peace.
High Priestess: (Drops weapon and says)
All who bring such words are doubly welcome.
High Priestess: (She closes Circle and places weapon on Altar, goes behind postulant. Puts left arm around waist, pulls postulant's head around over right shoulder, with right arm, and kisses lips and says:) I give you a third password—a kiss. (High Priestess pushes postulant into Circle with her body and releasing postulant says:)
This is the way all are first brought into the Circle.
She then leads Postulant sunwise to the South of the Altar and says:
O Thou who hast declared intent to become one of us, hear then that which thou must know to do. Single is the race, single of men and of Gods, from a single source we both draw breath, but a difference of power in everything keeps us apart, for we are as nothing, but the Gods stay forever. Yet we can, in greatness of minds, be like the Gods. Though we know not to what goal by day or in the night. Fate has written that we shall run beyond all seas, and earth's last boundaries, beyond the Spring of night and the Heavens' vast expanse there lies a majesty which is the domain of the Gods. Those who would pass through the Gates of Night and Day to that sweet place, which is between the world of men and the domains of the Lords of the outer spaces. Know that unless there is truth in thy heart, thy every effort is doomed to failure. HEAR THEN THE LAW. That Thou lovest all things in nature. That thou shalt suffer no person to be harmed by thy hands or in thy mind. That thou walkest humbly in the ways of men and the ways of the Gods. Also it is the Law that contentment thou shalt learn, through suffering, and from long years and from nobility of mind and of purpose. FOR THE WISE NEVER GROW OLD. Their minds are nourished by living in the daylight of the Gods and if among the vulgar some discoveries should arise concerning some maxims of thy belief in the Gods, so do thou, for the most part, keep silent. For there is a great risk that thou straightway vomit up that which thou hast not digested and when someone shall say to thee, thou knowest naught and it bites thee not, then knowest thou that thou hast begun the work, and as sheep do not bring their food to the Shepherd to show how much they have eaten, but digesting inwardly their provender, bear outwardly wool and milk. Even so, do not thou display the maxims to the vulgar, but rather the works that flow when they are digested. Now there is the ordeal.

High Priestess takes stout Cord, ties Cord around postulant's right ankle leaving ends free, and says:
Feet neither bound nor free.
High Priestess takes longer Cord and ties wrists behind back, then bringing Cord around neck and tying in the front. Taking Cord in the left hand with Athame in right, leads postulant sunwise and pointing Athame high with arm outstretched, says:
Take heed O Lords of the Watchtowers of the East that (initiate) properly prepared will be made Priest/Priestess and Witch.
She repeats this at the South, West, North, returning to the East salutes, returning with postulant to South of the Altar, Clasping postulant around body with left arm, runs Deosil three times around the Altar.
High Priestess says to Postulant: Kneel.
High Priestess strikes eleven strokes on the bell and says to postulant:
Rise. In other religions the postulant kneels as the Priest claims supreme power, but in the Art Magical, we are taught to be humble, and we kneel and we say: Blessed are thy feet, that have brought thee in thy ways. (kiss feet); Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred Altar. (kiss knees); Blessed be thy groins (womb if female) without which we would not be. (kiss groins); Blessed be thy breasts (if female), erected in beauty and in strength. (kiss breasts); Blessed be thy lips, which shall utter the sacred names. (kiss lips).
Take measure with a reel of white cotton:
    Around Head—tie a knot.
    Around Breast—tie a knot.
    Around Hips—tie a knot.
    The Height—tie a knot.
Then break cotton and roll up around the finger. With needle or pin, prick thumb, catching blood on measure. Place measure on Altar. Make postulant kneel. Tie both feet together with Cord already around the ankles. Then attach Cord to the Altar. Strike bell three times with Athame and say:
High Priestess:
Art ready to swear thou wilt always be true to the art?
High Priestess strikes seven times on bell with Athame and says:
Thou must first be purified.
Take Scourge and strike postulant's bottom 3, 7, 9, 21 times (40 times in all) then High Priestess says:
Art always ready to protect, help, and defend thy Brothers and Sisters of the Art?
High Priestess:
Then say after me: I (postulant's name), in the presence of the Mighty Ones, do of my own free will and accord, most solemnly swear, without any reservation in me whatsoever, that I will ever keep secret and never reveal the secrets of the Arts, except it be to a person properly prepared, within such a Circle as I am now in, and that I will never deny the secrets to such a person if they be properly vouched for by a Brother or Sister of the Art. All this do I swear by my hopes of a future life. Mindful that, my measure has been taken, and may my weapons turn against me if I break this my solemn oath.
Loosen Cords from ankles, then Cord from Altar, leaving hands bound. Remove blindfold, then assist postulant in rising up.
High Priestess:
I hereby consecrate thee with oil. (Making sign with oil of the First Degree) I hereby consecrate thee with wine. (Making sign with wine of the First Degree) I hereby consecrate thee with water. (Making sign of the First Degree with water.) I hereby consecrate thee with fire. (Making sign with incense of First Degree.) I hereby consecrate thee with my lips, Priest (or Priestess) and Witch. (Making sign of the First Degree with a kiss.)
She unties hands and says:
Now I present you with the working tools of the Witch. First, the Magic Sword, with this and with the Athame, thou canst form all Magic Circles. Subdue and punish all rebellious Spirits and Demons, and even persuade the evil Genii. With this in your hand, Thou art ruler of the Magic Circle. (kiss) Next I present the Athame. This is the true Witches' weapon and it has all the powers of the Magic Sword. (kiss) Next I present the white-handled Knife. Its use is to form all instruments used in the Art. It can only be used within a Magic Circle. (kiss) Next I present the Magic Wand. Its use is to control properly certain Genii to whom it would not be mete to use the Magic Sword or Athame. (kiss) Next I present the Pentacle. This is for the purpose of calling up the appropriate Spirits. (kiss) Next I present the Censer of incense. This is used to encourage and welcome good Spirits and to banish evil Spirits. (kiss) Next I present the Scourge. This is a sign of power and domination. It is also used to cause suffering and purification. For it is written, "To learn thou must suffer and be purified." Art thou willing to suffer to learn?
I am. (kiss)
High Priestess:
Next and lastly, I present the Cords. They are of use to bind the Sigils of the Art—the material basis. Also they are necessary in the oath and to enforce thy will (kiss). I now salute you in the names of Arida and Kernunnos newly made Priest/Priestess and Witch.
High Priestess then leads postulant to the East. Salutes with Athame and proclaims:
Hear Ye, O Mighty Ones. (Name of witch) has been consecrated a Priest/High Priestess of the Art and a Brother/Sister of the Wicca.
This is repeated at the South, West, North, and finishing with salute at the East then returns to the Altar.
The Quaich (drinking horn, glass, or cup) is filled with wine. Others present then enter the Circle through the doorway cut by High Priestess or High Priest. New Witch is presented to Coven members. The Quaich is passed around the Circle, where all drink, then give it back to the High Priestess, who drains it. Postulant can be asked to relate any psychic experiences and can be shown the circle dance. Finish with Cakes and Wine ceremony which will follow, and a feast in Circle before closing (or after closing Circle). Feasting and dancing are permitted in Circle but I feel this should be done after closing the working Circle.

Elevation to the Second Degree
Form a circle. The Initiate must be properly prepared and bound. All are purified including the Initiate. High Priestess/High Priest proclaims at the four quarters.
High Priestess:
Hear ye, Ye Mighty Ones. (Initiate's witch name), a duly consecrated Priestess/Priest and Witch is now properly prepared to be elevated to the Second Degree.
High Priestess circles with Initiate three times with dance step. Initiate now kneels at the Altar and is secured at hands and feet. High Priestess/High Priest says:
To attain this degree it is necessary to be purified. Art willing to suffer to learn?
Initiate: I am.
High Priestess/High Priest says:
I purify thee to take this oath rightly.
High Priestess strikes three on the bell. Scourges 3, 7, 9, 21 then says:
Repeat after me: I, (initiate's witch name), swear on my Mother's womb, and by my honor amongst men, and by my Brothers and Sisters of the Art, that I will never reveal any secrets of the Art, except it be to a worthy person properly prepared in the center of a Magic Circle, such as I am now in. This I swear by my past lives and by my hopes of future ones to come and I devote myself to utter destruction if I break this my solemn oath.
High Priestess/High Priest kneels, places left hand under Initiate's knees and right hand on his/her head and says:
I will all my power into thee.
Loosens Cords from Altar and ankles and assists Initiate to rise. The consecration now follows.
High Priestess/High Priest makes the Pentagram on the genitals, right foot, left knee, right knee, left foot, genitals, and ays:
I consecrate Thee with oil (kiss).
I consecrate Thee with Wine (kiss).
I consecrate Thee with Water (kiss).
1 consecrate Thee with fire (kiss).
I consecrate Thee with my lips (kiss).
Unbind hands, then present tools to Initiate.
High Priestess/High Priest:
You will now use the tools in turn. First the Magic Sword—redraw the Magic Circle.
Initiate does this, then hands back tool to High Priest who gives it a kiss.
High Priestess:
Second, the Athame—redraw the Magic Circle.

Initiate does this, then hands back tool to High Priestess who gives it a kiss.
High Priestess:
Third, the White-handled Knife—inscribe a Pentagram on a candle.
Initiate does this, then hands back tool to High Priestess who gives it a kiss.
High Priestess:
Fourth, the Wand—wave to the Four Quarters.
Initiate does this, then hands back tool to High Priestess who it a kiss.
High Priestess:
Fifth, the Pentacle—show to the Four Quarters.
Initiate does this, then hands back tool to High Priestess who gives it a kiss.
High Priestess:
Sixth, the Censer—cense the Circle.
Initiate does this, then hands back tool to High Priestess who gives it a kiss.
High Priestess:
Seventh, the Cords—bind the High Priestess/ High Priest.

Initiate does this and High Priestess/High Priest gives a kiss.
High Priestess says:
Learn that in Witchcraft thou must ever return triple. As I scourge thee, thou must scourge me, but triple. Where I gave thee three strokes, return nine; seven strokes,
return twenty-one; nine strokes, return twenty-seven; twenty-one strokes, return sixty-three. That is 120 strokes in all. Take up the Scourge.
Initiate does so and purifies the High Priestess with 120 strokes, then unbinds High Priestess/High Priest who gives a kiss. High Priestess/High Priest then says:
Thou hast obeyed the Law but mark well, when thou receiveth good, so equally art thou bound to return good threefold.
The Initiate is then presented to the Four Quarters.
High Priestess/High Priest says:
Hail Ye, Mighty Ones, take heed that (name of initiate) hath been duly raised to the Second Degree.
Finally salute East as usual. Return to center and finish. [Note: Only Second Degree Witches should attend at this stage of elevation.]

Initiation of the Third Degree
High Priest, High Priestess, and Third Degree witches only attend. In the absence of sufficient Initiates, use the people who are being instructed to enact after describing the Saga.
The High Priestess and High Priest are doubly purified. Others purified in usual manner. Circle is opened in the usual way. Initiates sit in cross-legged position around the Circle. Magus or High Priestess then says:
Having learned thus far, you must know why the Wicca are called "The Hidden Children of the Goddess."
Then the Legend of the Goddess is narrated or enacted by High Priestess and High Priest. The High Priestess takes off her necklace and lays it on the Altar. She then puts on a veil and jewelry. The High Priest who is taking the part of the God is invested with a Horned Crown and girds on a Sword which he draws and stands in the God position with a Sword and a Scourge by the Altar. High Priestess meantime has left the Circle and stands outside in veil, etc.
The narrator, who must be a Third-Degree witch or one of the Initiates, says:
In Ancient time, Our Lord, The Great Horned One, was as He still is, The Consoler, The Comforter, but men knew him as the Dread Lord of the Shadowsólonely—stern and just, but Our Lady, The Goddess, would solve all mysteries—even the mystery of Death. And so She journeyed to the Netherlands, The Guardian of the Portal challenged her.
The High Priestess taking the part of the Goddess advances to the Side of the Magic Circle. The Guardian (whoever is taking the part of the Guardian, and it can be the Narrator) challenges her with the Sword or Athame.
Guardian of the Portal says:
Strip off thy garments, lay aside thy jewels, for naught may ye bring with thee into this our land.
So she laid down her garments and her jewels and was bound as all living must be who seek to enter the realms of Death, The Mighty Ones.
The High Priestess takes off the veil and jewelry, and lays them down outside the Circle. The Guardian of the Portal binds her with Cords and brings her inside the Circle.
Such was her beauty that Death himself knelt and laid his Sword and Crown at her feet and kissed her feet.

The High Priest comes forward and gazes at her, and He lays the Horned Crown and the Sword at the feet of the High Priestess and kisses her feet. High Priest and High Priestess repeat words after spoken by narrator.
Blessed are thy feet that have brought thee in these ways. Abide with me, but let me place my cold hand on thy heart. (High Priest repeats.)
And she replied, "I love thee not." (High Priestess repeats.)
Why dost thou cause all things that I love and take delight in, to fade and die?" (High Priestess repeats.)
"Lady, " replied Death, "'Tis age and fate, against which I am helpless. Age causes all things to wither, but when men die, at the end of time, I give them rest and strength so that they may return. But you, you are lovely. Return not: abide with me." (High Priest repeats.)
But she answers, "I love thee not." (High Priestess repeats.)

"Then," said Death, "An you receive not my hand on your heart, you must kneel at Death's Scourge."
(High Priest repeats, then he rises and takes up the Scourge from the Altar.)
"It is fate, better so," she replied. (High Priestess repeats.) And she knelt.
The High Priestess kneels before the Altar and the High Priest uses the Scourge 3, 7, 9, 21 = 40 times.
And Death scourged her tenderly, and she cried, "I knew the pangs of love." (High Priestess repeats.)
And Death raised her and said, "Blessed Be." And gave her the fivefold kiss saying, "Thus only may you attain to joy and knowledge."
(High Priest repeats, and then raises the High Priestess and gives her the fivefold kiss and unfastens her cords.)
And he taught her all the mysteries, and he gave her the necklace which is the circle of rebirth.

High Priest takes High Priestess' necklace from the Altar and replaces it about her neck. The High Priestess takes up the Sword and Horned Crown from the floor where the High Priest placed them, and gives them back to him. Then he stands as before, by the Altar, in the position of the God and she stands by his side in the Pentacle position of the Goddess.
And she taught him the mystery of the sacred cup which is the cauldron of rebirth. They loved and were one, for there be three great mysteries in the life of man. Magic (love) controls them all. For to fulfill love, you must return again at the same time, and at the same place, as the loved one, and you must meet, and know and remember and love them again. But to be reborn, you must die, and be made ready for a new body, and to die you must be born, and without love, you may not be born. And our Goddess ever inclineth to love and mirth and happiness and guardeth and cherisheth Her hidden children in life: And in death She teacheth the way to have communion, and even in the world, She teacheth them the Mystery of the Magic Circle, which is placed between the worlds.
The High Priestess and High Priest then replace the Scourge, and the Sword, Crown and etc. upon the Altar. The High Priestess and High Priest then invite the Initiates to ask questions on the Legend of the Goddess, which must be answered truthfully and also explain the symbolism contained in the Legend including the Great Rite. Cakes and wine follow.
The Circle is closed.

The Great Rite
In ancient times the Great Rite was practiced, but I do not know of any Witches in America or England who still practice the Great Rite. You may reject it, or if you feel closer to the Gods by returning as much as possible to the worship of the Ancients, then by all means do it.
THE GREAT RITE—at the end of each Sabbat Rite, the ancient ones had to "Earth" the power that had been raised within the Circle so that the power raised would not remain in the atmosphere afterwards. They earthed the power by committing the "Sex Act," which brought them down from the mystical to the material level. Each Sabbat Rite ended with this act and it was called "The Great Rite."
The Great Rite is performed as an act of worship to the God and Goddess. Obviously, if everybody indulged in lovemaking at the end of the rite, within the Magic Circle, it would look as if an orgy were taking place. Mostly the coveners did this in private after leaving the Magic Circle. Sex Magic is one of the most powerful of all acts of Magic and not to be taken lightly and certainly I believe should be performed in private before the Gods.

The Charge of the Goddess
Listen to the words of the Great Mother, who was of old, called amongst men, Artemis, Astarte, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Diana, Arionhod, Bride, and by many other names.
At mine Altar, the youths of Lacedemon in Sparta made due sacrifice. Whenever ye have need of anything, once in the month and better it be when the Moon is Full, then shall ye assemble in some secret place and adore the Spirit of Me, who am Queen of all the Witcheries. There shall Ye assemble, who are feign to learn all sorceries who have not as yet won my deepest secrets. To these will I teach that which is is yet unknown. And ye shall be free from all slavery and as a sign that ye be really free, ye shall be naked in your rites and ye shall sing, feast, make music and love, all in my presence. For mine is the ecstasy of the Spirit and mine is also joy on earth. For my Law is love unto all beings. Keep pure your highest ideals, strive ever towards them. Let none stop you or turn you aside. For mine is the secret that opens upon the door of youth and mine is the Cup of the Wine of Life and the Cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the Holy Grail of Immortality. I am the Gracious Goddess who gives the gift of joy unto the heart of man upon earth. I give the knowledge of the Spirit Eternal, and beyond death I give peace and freedom and reunion with those that have gone before. Nor do I
demand aught or sacrifice, for behold I am the Mother of all things, and my love is poured out upon the earth.
Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess. She, in the dust of whose feet are the Hosts of Heaven, whose body encircleth the universe.
I who am the beauty of the Green Earth, and the White Moon amongst the stars and the mystery of the Waters, and the desire of the heart of man, I call unto thy soul to arise and come unto me. For I am the Soul of Nature who giveth life to the universe; from me all things proceed and unto me all things must return. Beloved of the Gods and men, whose innermost divine self shall be enfolded in the raptures of the Infinite, let my worship be in the heart. Rejoiceth, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals; therefore,
let there be beauty and strength—power and compassion—honor and humility, mirth and reverence—within you. And thou who thinkest to seek me, know that thy seeking and yearning avail thee not unless thou knowest the mystery, that if that which thou seekest thou findeth not within thyself, thou wilt never find it without thee. For behold—
1 have been with thee from the beginning,
and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.

Invocation to the Horned God
By the flame that burneth bright,
O Horned One!
We call Thy name into the night,
O Ancient One!
Thee we invoke, by the Moon-led sea,
By the standing stone and the twisted tree.
Thee we invoke, where gather Thine own,
By the nameless shore, forgotten and lone.
Come where the round of the dance is trod,
Horn and Hoof of the Goat Foot God!
By moonlit meadow, on dusky hill,
When the haunted wood is hushed and still,
Come to the charm of the chanted prayer,
As the Moon bewitches the midnight air.
Evoke Thy powers that potent bide,
In shining stream and the secret tide.
In fiery flame by starlight pale,
In shadowy host that rides the gale.
And by the ferndrakes, fairy haunted,
Of forests wild and woods enchanted,
Come? O Come!
To the Heart-beat's drum!
Come to us who gather below,
When the broad white Moon is climbing slow.
Through the stars to the heavens' height,
We hear Thy hoofs on the wind of night!
As black tree branches shake and sigh,
By joy and terror we know Thee nigh.
We speak the spell Thy power unlocks,
At Solstice, Sabbat, and Equinox!

Ceremony of the Blessing of
Cakes and Wine
High Priestess stands in the God position. Feet are together, arms crossed under breasts, the Athame in right hand, the Scourge in the left hand. High Priest kisses her feet, then knees, then kneels with head below High Priestess' knees and adores.
High Priest fills Quaich and offers to the High Priestess who, holding Athame between the palms, places the point in the cup and says:
High Priestess:
As the Athame is the male, so the Cup is the female and enjoined they bring happiness.
High Priestess lays Athame aside and drinks from Cup and passes to all coveners. Each drinks. The Cup returns to the High Priestess, Who drains the Cup. High Priest presents cakes on Pentacle to the High Priestess who blesses with Athame. High Priest lifts cakes on Pentacle and says:
Oh Queen, most secret, Bless this food unto our bodies, bestowing wealth, strength, joy, and peace, and that fulfillment of love which is perpetual happiness.
The High Priest again presents the cakes to the High Priestess, Who eats while the High Priest again offers Her the Cup. All present sit and the High Priest invites the High Priestess to join them. The Paten of cakes and the Cup of Wine is passed to all present.

Witches' Chant
Darksome night and shining Moon,
Hearken to the Witches' rune.
East then South, West then North,
Hear! Come! I call Thee forth!
By all the powers of land and sea,
Be obedient unto me.
Wand and Pentacle and Sword,
Hearken ye unto my word.
Cords and Censer, Scourge and Knife,
Waken all ye into life.
Powers of the Witches' Blade,
Come ye as the charge is made.
Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell,
Send your aid unto the spell.
Horned Hunter of the night,
Work my will by magic rite.
By all the powers of land and sea,
As I do say, "So mote it be."
By all the might of Moon and Sun,
As I do will, it shall be done.


Drawing Down the Moon
This ceremony can be performed when holding Esbats at Full Moon or when Moon is waxing. High Priestess or High Priest casts the Circle. Coveners are properly prepared and purified. High Priestess assumes Goddess position.
High Priest draws down the Moon on either High Priestess or Handmaiden. A period of silence usually follows for many things may happen when this is done for it is a very powerful ceremony.
The High Priest will stand before the High Priestess, who is in the Osiris or God Position, and the High Priest will say:
I invoke Thee and call upon Thee, O Mighty Mother of us all. Bringer of Fruitfulness by seed and by root. I invoke Thee, by stem and by bud. I invoke Thee, by life and by love and call upon Thee to descend into the body of this Thy Priestess and Servant. Hear with her ears, speak with her tongue, touch with her hands, kiss with her lips, that thy servants may be fulfilled.
The High Priestess then adopts the Goddess position and the High Priest draws down the power by the force of his concentration and prayer, touching her on the breast and womb with the Wand. He then kneels at her feet and adores while concentrating. The High Priestess shall then recite The Charge.
All ye assembled at mine shrine,
Mother Darksome and Divine.
Mine the Scourge and mine the Kiss,
Here I charge you in this sign.
(Assumes God position.)
All ye assembled in my sight,
Bow before my spirit bright.
(Coveners bow before High Priestess.)
Aphrodite, Arionhod,
Lover of the Horned God,
Mighty Queen of Witchery and night,
Morgan, Etoine, Nisene,
Diana, Bridgid, Melusine,
Am I named of old by men,
Artemis and Cerridwen,
Hell's dark mistress, Heaven's queen.
Ye who would ask of me a rune,
Or who would ask of me a boon,
Meet me in some secret glade
Dance my round in greenwood shade,
By the light of the Full Moon.
In a place, wild and lone,
Dance about mine altar stone;
Work my holy mystery.
Ye who are feign to sorcery,
I bring ye secrets yet unknown.
No more shall ye know slavery,
Who give true worship unto me.
Ye who tread my round on Sabbat night,
Come ye all naked to the rite,
In token that ye be really free.
I teach ye the mystery of rebirth,
Work ye my mysteries in mirth.
Heart joined to heart and lip to lip,
Five are the points of fellowship,
That bring ye ecstasy on earth,
For I am the circle of rebirth.
I ask no sacrifice, but do bow,
No other Law but love I know,
By naught but love may I be known.
All things living are mine own,
From me they come, to me they go.
Close and dismiss Circle.

Ancient Wiccan Grace
Answer us, O Ancient Horned One,
Provender and power are Thine.
Hear and answer, Gracious Goddess,
Grant us laughter, wit and wine,
Descend on us, O Thou of blessings,
Come among us, make us glad.
Since Thou art Chief of our creation,
Why, O Why should we be sad?
Beam on us, O joyous Bacchus,
Banish heavy-hearted hate.
Accept our Craft, O Greatest Mother,
Let cheerful brightness be our fate.

Ancient Runic Spell
Upon this Candle I will write,
What I receive of Thee this night.
Grant what I wish You to do,
I dedicate this Rite to You.
I trust that You will grant this Boon,
O Lovely Goddess, of the Moon.
I call Earth to bond my Spell
Air speed its travel well,
Fire give It Spirit from Above,
Water quench my Spell with Love.

To Consecrate All Your
Ritual Instruments
High Priest or High Priestess casts the Magic Circle. All attending must be properly prepared and purified. High Priest or High Priestess faces the Altar in North. Coveners form circle and each holds in his strongest hand the tools he is consecrating. High Priest or High Priestess anoints all ritual instruments being held by coveners.
High Priest or High Priestess invokes the Watchers to bear witness as the instruments are consecrated to the Craft.
High Priestess:
Coveners! In your words and by the force of your will power and imagination, charge your (name of tool) concentrating on the purpose you wish the (name of tool)
to serve.
Grasp the (name of tool) in your strongest hand and concentrate your will power into the (name of tool).
Concentrate your desire into the (tool), that its power will increase with each new day. That its (name of tool) power will last as long as the (tool) itself. That Ghosts, Spirits, human beings, and animals are to obey your will. That they will obey your magic (name the tool) whether in the physical world or on the Astral (spiritual) or Mental plane.
Charge your (name the tool) to work on dead material also.
Concentrate on the Universal God Force (Akasha principle) and draw down this Life Force from the Great Universal God Force into your (tool).
Charge your (name the tool) with the knowledge that the Life Force Power in the (tool) will automatically intensify from one day to the next.
Charge your (tool) to automatically,
without any effort on your part, bring a piece of Life Force from the Universal Life Force, which will then radiate from your (tool) whenever and to whatever it is needed.
This force or power in your (name of tool) can be used for the good of yourself and for others as you wish, or if necessary it may be used against your enemies.

Table of Contents


The Book of Shadows

1 The Laws 1

2 The Rituals 37

3 The Sabbats 111


Lady Sheba's was the first published Book of Shadows in the United States. The author brought it to Llewellyn in 1970; it was released in 1971 and reprinted in 1973.

The impact was enormous. In many ways, this event was the touchstone for Wicca as a religion for the New Age. Yes, it is the "Old Religion," but it also speaks for the re-emergence of the Goddess as women moved beyond the Piscean patriarchy; it speaks for the re-emergence of the Pagan identification with the world of Nature and respect for the environment; and it speaks for the Awakening of the New Age spiritual experience.

Lady Sheba was among the first (perhaps the very first) to register Wicca as a religion (in the State of Michigan) and inspired many others to do the same.

With publication of The Book of Shadows bringing Wicca "out of the closet," Lady Sheba became the target of some animosity. She was accused of violating "oaths of secrecy" and of publishing material that wasn't original with her. She answered that the time for secrecy was past, and that she never claimed to be the author, for this was the Book of Shadows as passed on to her.

In one instance, the Invocation of the Horned God, we want to acknowledge that much longer poetic version was earlier (1965) published and copyrighted by Doreen Valiente in Pentagram.
Following publication of The Grimoire of Lady Sheba (1972), she withdrew from public life and we lost contact with her. With rumors of her death, and with no contact with the family, we were reluctant to reprint the books. However, this year, following her eightieth birthday, we are again in contact with Lady Sheba and her family, and are re-issuing her works.

Blessed Be,

Carl Llewellyn Weschcke, Publisher

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