The Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating Workbook: An Integrated Approach to Overcoming Disordered Eating
Some people use food to calm themselves when they feel overwhelmed. Others find it difficult to discern between eating out of hunger and eating out of habit. There are nearly as many reasons why people overeat as there are reasons to stop. While overeating can often bring comfort in the short term, it can lead to feelings of guilt later on. If you feel like you're caught in a cycle of unhealthy eating that you can't stop, this workbook can help you overcome it.

In The Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating Workbook, you'll learn skills and nutrition guidelines recommended by doctors and therapists for healthy eating and how to quell the often overpowering urge to overeat. Using a variety of practices drawn from complementary and alternative medicine, you'll replace unhealthy habits with nourishing rewards and relaxation practices. This potent combination of therapies will help you end your dependence on overeating as a way to cope with unpleasant feelings and shows you how to develop new strategies for a healthier lifestyle.

This workbook will help you:

•Identify the trigger foods and feelings that spur you to binge or overeat
•Determine how stress, depression, and anxiety may be affecting your eating
•Calm yourself in stressful times with nourishing self-care practices
•Learn to appreciate and accept your body

The Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating Workbook: An Integrated Approach to Overcoming Disordered Eating
Some people use food to calm themselves when they feel overwhelmed. Others find it difficult to discern between eating out of hunger and eating out of habit. There are nearly as many reasons why people overeat as there are reasons to stop. While overeating can often bring comfort in the short term, it can lead to feelings of guilt later on. If you feel like you're caught in a cycle of unhealthy eating that you can't stop, this workbook can help you overcome it.

In The Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating Workbook, you'll learn skills and nutrition guidelines recommended by doctors and therapists for healthy eating and how to quell the often overpowering urge to overeat. Using a variety of practices drawn from complementary and alternative medicine, you'll replace unhealthy habits with nourishing rewards and relaxation practices. This potent combination of therapies will help you end your dependence on overeating as a way to cope with unpleasant feelings and shows you how to develop new strategies for a healthier lifestyle.

This workbook will help you:

•Identify the trigger foods and feelings that spur you to binge or overeat
•Determine how stress, depression, and anxiety may be affecting your eating
•Calm yourself in stressful times with nourishing self-care practices
•Learn to appreciate and accept your body

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The Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating Workbook: An Integrated Approach to Overcoming Disordered Eating

The Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating Workbook: An Integrated Approach to Overcoming Disordered Eating

by Carolyn Coker Ross MD, MPH
The Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating Workbook: An Integrated Approach to Overcoming Disordered Eating

The Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating Workbook: An Integrated Approach to Overcoming Disordered Eating

by Carolyn Coker Ross MD, MPH


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Some people use food to calm themselves when they feel overwhelmed. Others find it difficult to discern between eating out of hunger and eating out of habit. There are nearly as many reasons why people overeat as there are reasons to stop. While overeating can often bring comfort in the short term, it can lead to feelings of guilt later on. If you feel like you're caught in a cycle of unhealthy eating that you can't stop, this workbook can help you overcome it.

In The Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating Workbook, you'll learn skills and nutrition guidelines recommended by doctors and therapists for healthy eating and how to quell the often overpowering urge to overeat. Using a variety of practices drawn from complementary and alternative medicine, you'll replace unhealthy habits with nourishing rewards and relaxation practices. This potent combination of therapies will help you end your dependence on overeating as a way to cope with unpleasant feelings and shows you how to develop new strategies for a healthier lifestyle.

This workbook will help you:

•Identify the trigger foods and feelings that spur you to binge or overeat
•Determine how stress, depression, and anxiety may be affecting your eating
•Calm yourself in stressful times with nourishing self-care practices
•Learn to appreciate and accept your body

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781572245914
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
Publication date: 07/01/2009
Series: The New Harbinger Whole-Body Healing Series
Pages: 256
Product dimensions: 7.90(w) x 9.90(h) x 0.50(d)

About the Author

Carolyn Coker Ross, MD, MPH, is an internationally known author, speaker, expert, and pioneer in the use of integrative medicine for the treatment of eating disorders, obesity, and addictions. She is a graduate of Andrew Weil’s Fellowship in Integrative Medicine program, and former head of the eating disorder program at internationally renowned Sierra Tucson. Ross is a consultant for treatment centers around the US, and author of three books, including The Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating Workbook and her recent book, The Emotional Eating Workbook. Ross currently has a private practice in Denver, CO, and San Diego, CA, specializing in integrative medicine for treating eating disorders, addictions, mood and anxiety disorders, and obesity.

Ross is available for speaking engagements, and has spoken nationally and internationally on integrative medicine therapies for eating disorders and addictions. Her topics include integrative medicine for mental health issues, the treatment of food and body-image issues, and eating disorders and addictions. For more information, visit

Ross also offers consulting services to help treatment centers build and incorporate eating disorder and addiction programs. For more information, visit

The Anchor Program™
The Anchor Program™ is an international online coaching program for obesity, food addiction, and binge eating disorder that will help you take your recovery from food and eating addiction to the next level. You can work individually or in a group setting. For more information, visit I look forward to assisting you.

Reach Carolyn Ross by phone at 303-355-2445, or by e-mail at

Read an Excerpt

Melinda, a patient, says of her binge eating disorder, “I eat and eat and I know that I should stop, but I can’t. I eat so much that I want to throw up, my stomach hurts, and I have to lie down. Sometimes, I feel like if I don’t eat everything I can get my hands on, I’ll explode.” Her words highlight the anguish that many people feel when food controls their lives.

Both binge eating disorder (BED) and compulsive overeating (CO) are conditions in which food is typically used for unhealthy reasons. People with BED or CO tend to feel powerless, and often lose hope that their behavior can change.

What Is Binge Eating Disorder?

Binge eating disorder affects between 2 and 5 percent(Spitzer et al. 1993) of adults in the United States (more than four million Americans) and is the most common eating disorder. Up to 25 percentof overweight or obese individuals seeking treatment for obesity have binge eating disorder (Pull 2004). This percentage increases in those who are severely obese. Unlike other eating disorders, binge eating disorder appears to be almost as common in men as it is in women (Grucza, Przybeck, and Cloniger 2007); it affects African Americans as often as Caucasians (Mitchell and Mazzeo 2004).

If you have periods in which you eat large quantities of food in one sitting (the definition of a binge) you may have binge eating disorder. Other symptoms of BED include difficulty in controlling how much you eat and feeling powerless to stop eating, even though you may no longer be hungry or may feel too full. After a binge, you may suffer from emotions of disgust, shame, or embarrassment about your behavior.

For individuals with BED, weight problems are likely to begin earlier than for their peers; often they have a history of obesity, and may have started dieting at a young age (Johnsen et al. 2003). The BED obsession with body shape and size bears a greater similarity to thought patterns of individuals with bulimia nervosa than those of individuals with obesity who don’t binge. A hallmark of BED is a history of exposure to negative messages about shape, eating, and weight. While dieting may be associated with BED, in the majority of people, bingeing behavior begins before dieting (Stunkard 2004).

What Is Compulsive Overeating?

If you don’t fit the criteria for BED, but have struggled with your weight for most of your life, going on and off diets, you may be a compulsive overeater (CO). If so, this book can still help you.The main difference between BED and CO is that people with CO don’t experience discrete episodes of binge eating; they tend to eat past the point of fullness, but don’t necessarily binge while alone or hide their overeating.

How Are BED and CO Different?

The stories below describe two patients, one with BED, the other with CO:

David, the Compulsive Overeater

David’s parents fought constantly when he was growing up. After every fight, David’s mother would take him into the kitchen and cook their favorite comfort foods, encouraging David to eat with her. David was overweight as a child, but his mother insisted that he just had “big bones.” In college, he played sports and lost weight, but after college the weight came back. David overate when he was happy, sad, or lonely. Although he successfully lost weight on diets, the weight always came back. By the time he was an adult, married with two small children, David’s weight was in the obese range and affecting his health. David suffered from depression. He felt he was a failure because he could not control his overeating.

Jennifer, the Binge Eater

Jennifer’s mother died when Jennifer was eight. At the time, her father sent her to live with her grandmother, who was very strict and emotionally distant. Here she began to sneak food and binge eat. After gaining weight in middle school, she was put on a strict diet. She was ostracized by the “popular” girls, who often teased her and said mean things about her. At night, Jennifer would sneak downstairs to the kitchen to eat the leftovers. After every episode of bingeing, she felt ashamed and disgusted with herself. In high school, she was diagnosed with depression and put on medication, but couldn’t stop bingeing. She felt isolated and alone. She tried to make a fresh start in college, vowing not to binge anymore. But here she felt even more pressure to fit in, and began dieting to lose weight. When she felt fat her whole day was ruined. She knew she should stop but couldn’t, often eating to the point of abdominal pain. She felt caught up in a vicious cycle of bingeing and trying not to binge; it was ruining her life.

Both Jennifer and David use food to cope with their emotions; both feel embarrassed and upset with their inability to control their behaviors. Both also often eat when they are not hungry or overeat when they are full. However, Jennifer has specific periods of time when she binges, while David tends to overeat throughout the day. Jennifer’s bingeing causes emotional distress and leads to other behaviors to hide it. These behaviors—rooted in the shame, disgust, and guilt she feels about her actions—may create havoc in her life. Of the two, Jennifer is more likely to judge her worth as a person on how she looks or on how she feels about her body than David is.

In comparisons between obese patients who do not have BED and obese patients who do have BED, those with BED tend to have more fluctuation in their weight, experience higher levels of body dissatisfaction (Marcus et al. 1992), and are more likely to have been overweight as a child (Fairburn et al. 1998). Those with BED also have a higher incidence of depression and anxiety (Yanovski 1993). When asked to eat as much as they want in laboratory settings, people with BED will eat significantly more calories than those with CO (Walsh and Boudreau 2003).

Several risk factors for both BED and CO have been identified. These include genetics (which we’ll discuss further in chapter 2), low social support, pressure to be thin, emotional eating, depression, low self-esteem (Stice, Presnell, and Spangler 2002),bullying by peers, and some form of maltreatment in childhood (physical or sexual abuse) (Striegel-Moore et al. 2002).

BED currently falls into a diagnostic category called “Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified” (EDNOS) in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (American Psychiatric Association 2000). EDNOS includes all eating disorders that don’t meet criteria for anorexia or bulimia. However, despite sharing many characteristics with other eating disorders, compulsive overeating has thus far not been considered part of the eating disorder spectrum.

What Causes Binge Eating Disorder and Compulsive Overeating?

There is no known cause for BED or CO. Also unclear is the relationship between dieting and BED, and whether depression causes BED or BED leads to depression. What is clear is that skipping meals, eating less than your body needs, and restricting categories of food that are thought to be fattening can lead to overeating or binge eating.

Many people with BED and CO have difficulty expressing their emotions, and may overeat or binge when happy, sad, bored, anxious, or stressed. Those with BED may also abuse alcohol, find it difficult to regulate their emotions (that is, they may feel that their emotions are in charge as opposed to the other way around), or act impulsively. In both BED and CO, social isolation or social withdrawal may occur. Strong genetic links exist for both BED and CO; these disorders may occur in several members of the same family.

Both binge eating disorder and compulsive overeatingcan serve as ways to cope with emotions, stressful situations, relationship problems, even issues from your childhood. It may be that when you find yourself home alone on a Friday night, food feels like your only reliable friend. Or you may have grown up in a family where dieting and talking about food and weight were part of the daily routine. If you were started on the diet treadmill as a child, you may no longer even know how to get off it. Or perhaps your disordered eating began after a traumatic event, when food soothed a chaos of emotions you didn’t know how to handle. No matter what your problems with eating may be, this book will help you develop a healthier relationship with both food and your body.


Recognizing that you have BED or CO is the first step on your road to recovery. Once you know you have a problem, you’ve gone a long way toward solving it.

Table of Contents


Part 1: Healing the Body

Chapter 1 What Are Binge Eating and Compulsive Eating?

Chapter 2 Your Body's Response to Too Much of a Good Thing

Chapter 3 Understanding Nutrition Basics

written with Alicia Trocker, MS, RD

Chapter 4 Nourishing Your Body

written with Alicia Trocker, MS, RD

Part 2: Healing the Mind

Chapter 5 Overview of Traditional Approaches to BED/CO

Chapter 6 What's Food Got to Do with BED/CO?

Chapter 7 Mirror, Mirror

written with Isabelle Tierney, MA, LMFT, BHSP

Chapter 8 Challenging Your Core Beliefs

Chapter 9 Co-occurring Diagnoses

written with Andrew Stropko, Ph.D.

Part 3: Healing the Spirit

Chapter 10 Coping with Stress

Chapter 11 Tools to Manage Stress

Chapter 12 Nourishing Your Spirit

Conclusion: Five Steps to Healing from Eating Disorders



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