The story involves a young man, Will Powers, who is in the throes of malignant self-absorption and potential victim of a satanic cult led by his father who is the leader of a satanic group that regularly sacrifices animals. Fortunately, Will becomes involved in a successful but at times disturbing psychotherapy with a psychiatrist who has keen insights and is able to handle the powerful emotions that inevitably arise. As the psychotherapy unfolds, the evil dynamics behind destructive leaders is exposed.
The book includes an intriguing final section called "Existential Addenda." (1) An emotional revery involving a lecture-sermon about a cure of evil pedophile priests, and (2) a dream of a psychiatrist's benevolent therapeutic revenge, which includes a confrontation (in a dream) with the parents of Jim Jones, Charles Manson, and other destructive leaders.
The author concludes this section noting that "spiritual salvation never results from simply believing the correct idea or practicing a correct ritual. Spiritual salvation or wholeness requires hard psychological and spiritual work. The mind God created in a child needs to be treated respectfully and gently like a valuable, delicate flower. Narrow, rigid, judgmental teaching can pervert it."
The story involves a young man, Will Powers, who is in the throes of malignant self-absorption and potential victim of a satanic cult led by his father who is the leader of a satanic group that regularly sacrifices animals. Fortunately, Will becomes involved in a successful but at times disturbing psychotherapy with a psychiatrist who has keen insights and is able to handle the powerful emotions that inevitably arise. As the psychotherapy unfolds, the evil dynamics behind destructive leaders is exposed.
The book includes an intriguing final section called "Existential Addenda." (1) An emotional revery involving a lecture-sermon about a cure of evil pedophile priests, and (2) a dream of a psychiatrist's benevolent therapeutic revenge, which includes a confrontation (in a dream) with the parents of Jim Jones, Charles Manson, and other destructive leaders.
The author concludes this section noting that "spiritual salvation never results from simply believing the correct idea or practicing a correct ritual. Spiritual salvation or wholeness requires hard psychological and spiritual work. The mind God created in a child needs to be treated respectfully and gently like a valuable, delicate flower. Narrow, rigid, judgmental teaching can pervert it."
A Boyish God
134A Boyish God
134Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9781648958182 |
Publisher: | Stratton Press |
Publication date: | 04/20/2022 |
Pages: | 134 |
Product dimensions: | 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.31(d) |