All at Once: Prose Poems

All at Once: Prose Poems

by C. K. Williams
All at Once: Prose Poems

All at Once: Prose Poems

by C. K. Williams



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Short, sharp musings on things profound and mundane (and sometimes both) from the Pulitzer Prize winning poet

C. K. Williams has never been afraid to push the boundaries of poetic form—in fact, he's known for it, with long, lyrical lines that compel, enthrall, and ensnare. In his latest work, All at Once, Williams again embodies this spirit of experimentation, carving out fresh spaces for himself and surprising his readers once more with inventions both formal and lyrical.
Somewhere between prose poems, short stories, and personal essays, the musings in this collection are profound, personal, witty, and inventive—sometimes all at once. Here are the starkly beautiful images that also pepper his poems: a neighbor's white butane tank in March "glares in the sunlight, raw and unseemly, like a breast inappropriately unclothed in the painful chill." Here are the tender, masterful sketches of characters Williams has encountered: a sign painter and skid-row denizen who makes an impression on the young soon-to-be poet with his "terrific focus, an intensity I'd never seen in an adult before." And here are a husband's hymns to his beloved wife, to her laughter, which "always has something keen and sweet to it, an edge of something like song."
This is a book that provokes pathos and thought, that inspires sympathy and contemplation. It is both fiercely representative of Williams's work and like nothing he's written before—a collection to be admired, celebrated, and above all read again and again.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781466880559
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Publication date: 09/09/2014
Sold by: Macmillan
Format: eBook
Pages: 208
File size: 338 KB

About the Author

C. K. Williams (1936–2015) published twenty-two books of poetry including, Flesh and Blood, which won the National Book Critics Circle Award; Repair, which won the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry; and The Singing, winner of the National Book Award. Williams was awarded the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize in 2005. He wrote a critical study, On Whitman; a memoir, Misgivings; and two books of essays, Poetry and Consciousness and In Time: Poets, Poems, and the Rest.
C. K. Williams (1936–2015) published twenty-three books of poetry, including Flesh and Blood, which won the National Book Critics Circle Award; Repair, which won the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry; and The Singing, winner of the National Book Award. He lived in New Jersey.

Read an Excerpt

All at Once

By C. K. Williams

Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Copyright © 2014 C. K. Williams
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4668-8055-9



The horse trainer's horse is a scrawny pony; its ribs show, and when it levers itself onto its battered pedestal, it looks more arthritic than I am. It's trained to nod its head "Yes," but you can tell it wouldn't care if what it's saying is "No," or "Never," or "Leave me alone, please."

His master also plays the clown—when he does, he looks like an accountant down on his luck: he's not very funny, we clap because we want him to be. He also juggles, though he keeps dropping the dumbbells and balls.

The girl who walks the tightrope, three feet off the ground, must be his daughter. Then she's the girl hanging from a long rope her clown-father swings; he lets her plummet down until her face nearly touches the sawdust, then she pops to her feet. Her costume is blotchy, and sags.

Intermission: behind the tent, the most bored lions in the world laze in their fetid cage, refusing to meet our eyes. Then a clutch of battered trailers, clotheslines slung from them out to some trees: T-shirts, towels, underclothes worn all but to air. Scattered beneath are crumpled pizza boxes, plastic bags, beer bottles, cans, other indecipherable junk.

The show begins again, the sparse audience climbs back onto the bleachers. One man sits engulfed by his children: a sleeping two-year-old sprawls across his lap, her head lolling on his shoulder; he kicks her gooey, half-eaten, half-melted glop of cotton candy into the void beneath; a larger child, another girl, sits on one of his knees, wriggling with delight, her circus banner waving in his face; and the last, a baby in the crook of his arm, he manages with the same hand that holds it to offer it some cola in a cup. A little dribbles on the baby's chin, and with a corner of his shirt he wipes it up, pats the disconsolate infant in his lap, who's just woken crying, and then, when the clown appears again, he cheers, stamps, whistles, and, like Shiva, foliates another pair of hands and heartily applauds.


The heron methodically pacing like an old-time librarian down the stream through the patch of woods at the end of the field, those great wings tucked in as neatly as clean sheets, is so intent on keeping her silence, extracting one leg, bending it like a paper clip, placing it back, then bending the other, the first again, that her concentration radiates out into the listening world, and everything obediently hushes, the ragged grasses that rise from the water, the light-sliced vault of sparkling aspens.

Then abruptly a flurry, a flapping, her lifting from the gravitied earth, her swoop out over the field, her banking and settling on a lightning-stricken oak, such a gangly, unwieldy contraption up there in the barkless branches, like a still Adam's-appled adolescent; then the cry, cranky, coarse, and wouldn't the waiting world laugh aloud if it could with glee?


As far as I know, I don't suffer from Alzheimer's or anything else so grim. I remember most of what I have to, and if occasionally someone's name skitters away from me, I've learned to announce without too much embarrassment that I'm having "a senior moment"—who came up with that so useful locution?—and I'm usually forgiven, or believe I am.

Sometimes in fact my memory can be too active, too frenetic, hopping about along unpredictable routes, dragging me sometimes to realms of blur in which I can barely make out old thoughts, old feelings, and even sometimes to places to which I feel a bit abashed to have taken myself. I remember for example with almost distressing clarity young women I long ago knew, and loved, or half loved, and, perhaps I should say, possessed, at least some of them. What a thick word: "possessed." I've never applied it to my life before, and I'll admit I feel more than a bit squeamish doing so: it feels like a term from another mode of being, so forceful, so definitive.

Anyway, there they are, these girls, these women, within me now, more specifically within that part of me ... Wait, what part do I mean exactly? I reach for an analogy and come up with, inappropriately I hope, peep shows, those insidious, debasing chambers that exist, or existed, in emporiums for pornography ... Or I'm told they did—I never had the inclination to slither into one of those surely disgusting, suffocating booths where males gaze out from their pathetic gloom at women simulating nakedness. Can't nakedness be simulated regardless of the condition of dress or undress of the object?

Yet it would seem here I am within my very own. I hope this isn't too despicable, what I'm doing, drawing my old sweethearts, my lust objects, my friends (once or twice), out of the peace and repose of time past, but there they are, so lifelike, their faces, their voices, their characters, their selves, their joy or delight or disappointment, even, touchingly, their bodies, which were one and all (this was, after all, decades ago) young, vibrant, unsullied by time's compromises.

Do I remember with delectation? Delight? I don't quite know. Perhaps the actual delight is in the ludicrously efficacious facility of memory. To remember those particular hips, those breasts, the suppleness of such and such a waist ...

Sometimes it can feel that these entrapments of the past, derangements they might be, are a kind of sin. And how painful that the past can arrive so intensely, yet remain so cosmically elusive, so frozen in disjointed moments that even as I hold them before me, "possess" them, they dim, grow uncertain, become again mist.

As does, in truth, much else, for memory and its inconsistencies can be darker, more annihilating—there's so much I've forgotten, apparently irretrievably. Books, for one: the many novels the plots of which I've forgotten, the volumes of thought the central premises of which are so uncertain to me as to be all but useless, the poems I no longer can quote more than patches of. And music and movies and plays ...

Occasionally, on a purely personal level, forgetting can be strange, bizarre—when I forget for instance about health problems I've had, when I can't remember within years when I had cancer, when my knees were replaced. And matters more trivial but as disorienting. Yesterday, when I was looking at the unusual insoles in a pair of shoes I was putting on, and tried to remember where they'd come from, why I had them at all, I couldn't. I could recall visiting a doctor a few years ago, and even the doctor, a pleasant woman about to have a baby, but not what had been wrong with me to bring me to her. After much flopping about in memory, I remembered I'd had pain in one of my feet, but not which foot, and not the name of what the doctor told me was the problem, nor how long it lasted, only that she'd suggested I use this insole, and it had helped me. Unsettling, not to remember the history of one's own body.

At the worst, it can feel my life is shrinking, if not quite physically then certainly as though the projectile my experiential self has always been is diminishing in density as it becomes longer in length, my dart through time more narrow, less forceful.

I recall there was a period after college when some of my artist friends and I—so young we were—mused longingly of "living in the moment," as the mystics and other enlightened souls we were studying were reputed to have done, but never did we dream what doing so might actually mean. The "moment" as we live it can be glorious, and full, and weigh and be savored, but there's much to be said too for the moment experienced again, savored again. How could we know back then that we were being tempted, as in one of those myths or folktales in which a protagonist isn't attentive enough to the implications of a wish about to be granted—Midas and his ilk?

I try not to think too much about this. My days are fine, I work, I don't work, I live, I love. I know if I am becoming senile, it's still benign, and not even terribly inconvenient. Any sadness comes down to having to realize I'm losing portions of the history I was innocently convinced I'd have with me to the end, while here the end is almost upon me, and where have those pieces of me gone?


"If you don't want to give me money, or a job, or something to eat," he announces loudly to the subway car, "then why not adopt me? I'm cleaner than a dog, I'm housebroken, so I don't have to be walked." Most of us are amused, but still, not many come across with the handout he's really after. I don't, I just don't feel like it today, and besides I'm absorbed in a book, which seems excuse enough.

I look up, though, after he passes, and notice that a rather pretty girl down the aisle is smiling, and that when the beggar—he's surprisingly young, and surprisingly clean-cut, even good-looking—comes to her seat, he smiles back, and when she gets off at the next station he pops out too and strides beside her, chatting her up, she still smiling, obviously feeling not unfriendly towards him, or, more than that, leaving the rest of us, or me anyway, to wonder if the whole thing was a put-on, two kids on a lark, but no, he did look like he needed help, hair too oily, clothes stained past the cusp of respectability, neither of which seemed to bother the girl at all, so who knows, maybe we've had the chance to be present at the onset of an unlikely romance, something from a movie, a "cute meet" they call it, and can go back to what we'd been doing, our consciences, such as they are, absolved for once, at peace.


On the same tape, the two voices: the younger, pert, perky, so early on already suffused with knowledge, it's tempting to say wisdom—though is knowledge wisdom? Then the later: a voice striated with the grittiness of time, of experience; the tone touched, just touched, by weariness, though with enough self-deprecation to indicate a really not overly debilitating weight of regret.

Young, imparting those blossomings of imagination the voice perhaps a little taken aback to have generated. Later, older: I did this, yes, it made some difference once, but I can't be bothered to remember what or when it would have been, though I still know it's there somewhere, and I still esteem it.

In neither voice is there any indication of the timbre being afflicted by tears, both as shriven of such matters as are their verse. There's only an echo of tears' deepest origins, the chamber beneath voice from which arise not only tears but everything else.

If there's early on a wide-eyed pride along with wonder at having accomplished what has been accomplished, in the later it's gone. Though there's still a tinge, a touch, a hint of satisfaction, perhaps brought about by the sheer inescapability of knowing what she's wrought, there's no residual narcissistic pride, except perhaps a tiny bit, layered deep within the jokey prosy preludes to the reading of the poems themselves.

Gone completely is the urgency of the younger, the barely suppressed rush, hurry, the need to bring forth, have brought forth, more, more. Enduring, the self-astonished patience that sanctioned it all.


Neither that I picked my nose compulsively, daydreamed through my boring classes, masturbated, once in a condom I stole from my father's drawer, enraptured by its half-chemical, half-organic odor; nor my obsessions with smells in general, earth, dead rats, even my baby sister's diaper shit, which made me pleasantly retch; nor that I filched money from my mother for candy and so knew early on I was a thief, a sneak, a liar: none of that convinced me I was "bad," subversive and perverse, so much as that purveyor of morality—parent, teacher, maybe even treacherous friend—who inculcated the unannulable conviction in me that the most egregious wrong, of which I was clearly already despicably, irredeemably guilty, was my abiding involvement with myself.

Even now, only rarely am I able to convince myself that my reluctance to pass on my most secret reflections, meditations, theorizings, all the modes by which I manage to distract myself, arises from my belief that out of my appalling inner universe nothing anyway could possibly be extracted, departicularized, and offered as an instance of anything at all to anyone else.

An overrefined sense of generosity, I opine; an unwillingness to presume upon others by hauling them into this barn, this sty, where mental vermin gobble, lust, excrete. Not a lack of sensitivity but a specialization of that lobe of it which most appreciates the unspoken wish of others: to stay free of that rank habitation within me I call "me."

Really, though: to consider one's splendid self-made self as after all benevolent, propelled by secret altruism? Aren't I, outer mouth and inner masticating self-excusing sublimations, still really back there in my neither-land?

Aren't I still a thief, stealing from some hoard of language trash to justify my inner stink?

Maybe let it go, just let it go.


The first divorce in my parents' generation, when marriages rupturing was still something shameful, a perilous secret, like sex, was between the father and mother of a friend of mine. His family lived across the backyard from us in a two-story house; the upstairs was occupied by my friend's aunt and her husband and children.

We learned afterwards, or anyway I did, that my friend's parents had stayed together "for the children" for what must have seemed long years for both of them: their apartment was very small, there wasn't even enough room for an extra bed, so they'd have had to continue to share one.

The mother as I remember her was attractive, with dark hair, strong facial structure, and a nice build. The father—they're all dead now, even my friend, who died too young—was a printer, a "job printer," my father told me. He had a small shop, not far from my father's business, and wasn't partaking much in the postwar burst of prosperity that benefited so many others. What most intrigued me about him were three long, ragged scars he had across the back of his neck, dramatic, crisscrossing evidence of slashes he was reputed to have suffered in a fight with a black man, in what I once overheard someone aver was a wild youth.

His scars were even more exotic to me than the divorce would be later on. A violence was implied in them that seemed to go beyond mere self-defense: he had to have been in an environment where knives or, even more frightening, straight razors were common, and he had to have been close enough to his assailant and physically effective enough so that the scars came only partway around his neck. He'd have had to fight off his attacker face-to-face, not turn and run, because then he'd have had his throat cut, or so I fantasized it.

Physically, he was imposing—stocky, with a big, muscular gut, an invulnerable-seeming torso—a body it would be impossible to tip over. At home, though, he was gentle, taciturn, reserved, in a family in which everyone else, his wife and daughter and my friend, were, as my parents put it, "high-strung." I can hardly remember him uttering a word all the time I spent with my friend in their apartment. When his wife finally left him, he disappeared from our lives completely. I never heard anyone mention him again.


The boy's grandmother keeps cutting the food on her plate into smaller and smaller pieces, and sometimes she cuts his food smaller, too, until his father tells her to stop. The boy worries, because not only is her food getting smaller, but her mouth is, and she is, and also she's more silent, and angrier to herself about things, her food, and matters she keeps to herself—he just can feel her getting angry in herself.

The way she's shrinking, he worries, soon maybe food won't fit in her at all, no matter how small she cuts it, no matter how exasperated with it she is.

One day, when he goes into the bathroom he shares with her and unzips, he sees a tiny, perfectly round poop she must have left in the toilet. As he pees, it rocks, sad and brown and bereft in the water at the bottom of the bowl.

So alone it looks, he wants almost to pop it into his mouth, to keep it, for her, for himself.


The wide-bristled brooms that late at night in bus stations glide noiselessly over the terrazzo floors, as though they'd achieved the most intimate, unintimidated relation to duration, to time; as though, despite the tired salesman half asleep on a bench, the two college-kid lovers impatiently waiting in the dark sanctity of a Greyhound for the bus to depart so they can continue their furtive petting, the group of Asian women who huddle around a pay phone, listening, listening, waiting, hanging up then dialing again an instant later (what betrayal might they be involved in, what abandonment, desertion?), and the semi-winos and the semi-paranoid who are allowed to slump and sleep in these sanctuaries reserved for them, as well as we who are blessèd by the scriptures of our tickets—as though all of this might be systematically transcended, lifted from the precincts of a mere motorless implement patterning methodically over trivial shining expanses with a mad geometrical exactness, to a process more comprehensive, a tractor, say, in a wheat field after harvest, when every centimeter must be disked and harrowed, and all beneath a brutal August sun none of us trapped here has beheld for centuries, only fancied, dreamed of, here in this hallowed, middle place of bland fluorescent longing.


Excerpted from All at Once by C. K. Williams. Copyright © 2014 C. K. Williams. Excerpted by permission of Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Title Page,
Copyright Notice,
The Last Circus,
The Beggar,
The Two Voices of Elizabeth Bishop,
The Broom,
The Sign Painter,
Child's Mind,
I Kept Changing My Mind,
Computer Genius,
The Death of Bara, the Child Hero,
A Short Novel,
Youth, Sorrow, System,
The Bully,
And I Never,
Flexible Tubing,
Dawn, Snow,
Simon Says,
Her Laughter,
Real Bees,
Her Beauty,
Breeze with Flowers,
The First Time,
They Call This,
Books, Damned Books,
A Jew, a Road, Some Crows,
Lost Boy,
A Certain Half Hour in Bed,
Gods Etc,
Another Disturbing Death,
Apollo or Dionysus,
The Infanticide,
A Bedroom in Africa,
About the Author,
Also by C. K. Williams,

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