Assassins: Assignment: Jerusalem, Target: Antichrist (Left Behind Series #6)
Book 6 in the 12-book series that has sold over 63 million copies!

Read the books that launched a cultural phenomenon!

“This is the most successful Christian fiction series ever.”
—Publishers Weekly

“Combines Tom Clancy–like suspense with touches of romance, high-tech flash, and biblical references.”
—New York Times

“Call it what you like, the Left Behind series . . . now has a label its creators could have never predicted: blockbuster success.”

Are you ready for the moment of truth?
  • Mass disappearances
  • Political crisis
  • Economic crisis
  • Worldwide epidemics
  • Environmental catastrophe
  • Military apocalypse
And that’s just the beginning . . .
of the end of the world.

The 12 books in the series by New York Times best-selling authors Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins cover the events of biblical prophecy surrounding the rapture and the seven-year period known as the tribulation that follows.

Assassins: Assignment: Jerusalem, Target: Antichrist
The members of the Tribulation Force face their most dangerous challenge. As international fugitives, they struggle to find supplies for safe houses around the world. In despair over so many lost lives, Rayford Steele and Buck Williams make plans to dethrone Nicolae Carpathia and expose his plan to become the ruler of the world. Many believers want him stopped, but who will fulfill Scripture and help bring about the Antichrist’s death?
Assassins: Assignment: Jerusalem, Target: Antichrist (Left Behind Series #6)
Book 6 in the 12-book series that has sold over 63 million copies!

Read the books that launched a cultural phenomenon!

“This is the most successful Christian fiction series ever.”
—Publishers Weekly

“Combines Tom Clancy–like suspense with touches of romance, high-tech flash, and biblical references.”
—New York Times

“Call it what you like, the Left Behind series . . . now has a label its creators could have never predicted: blockbuster success.”

Are you ready for the moment of truth?
  • Mass disappearances
  • Political crisis
  • Economic crisis
  • Worldwide epidemics
  • Environmental catastrophe
  • Military apocalypse
And that’s just the beginning . . .
of the end of the world.

The 12 books in the series by New York Times best-selling authors Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins cover the events of biblical prophecy surrounding the rapture and the seven-year period known as the tribulation that follows.

Assassins: Assignment: Jerusalem, Target: Antichrist
The members of the Tribulation Force face their most dangerous challenge. As international fugitives, they struggle to find supplies for safe houses around the world. In despair over so many lost lives, Rayford Steele and Buck Williams make plans to dethrone Nicolae Carpathia and expose his plan to become the ruler of the world. Many believers want him stopped, but who will fulfill Scripture and help bring about the Antichrist’s death?
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Assassins: Assignment: Jerusalem, Target: Antichrist (Left Behind Series #6)

Assassins: Assignment: Jerusalem, Target: Antichrist (Left Behind Series #6)

Assassins: Assignment: Jerusalem, Target: Antichrist (Left Behind Series #6)

Assassins: Assignment: Jerusalem, Target: Antichrist (Left Behind Series #6)


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Book 6 in the 12-book series that has sold over 63 million copies!

Read the books that launched a cultural phenomenon!

“This is the most successful Christian fiction series ever.”
—Publishers Weekly

“Combines Tom Clancy–like suspense with touches of romance, high-tech flash, and biblical references.”
—New York Times

“Call it what you like, the Left Behind series . . . now has a label its creators could have never predicted: blockbuster success.”

Are you ready for the moment of truth?
  • Mass disappearances
  • Political crisis
  • Economic crisis
  • Worldwide epidemics
  • Environmental catastrophe
  • Military apocalypse
And that’s just the beginning . . .
of the end of the world.

The 12 books in the series by New York Times best-selling authors Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins cover the events of biblical prophecy surrounding the rapture and the seven-year period known as the tribulation that follows.

Assassins: Assignment: Jerusalem, Target: Antichrist
The members of the Tribulation Force face their most dangerous challenge. As international fugitives, they struggle to find supplies for safe houses around the world. In despair over so many lost lives, Rayford Steele and Buck Williams make plans to dethrone Nicolae Carpathia and expose his plan to become the ruler of the world. Many believers want him stopped, but who will fulfill Scripture and help bring about the Antichrist’s death?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781414334950
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
Publication date: 04/01/2011
Series: Left Behind Series
Pages: 448
Sales rank: 41,199
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 8.20(h) x 1.10(d)

About the Author

About The Author

A prominent pastor, Tim LaHaye (1926-2016) was a New York Times bestselling author of more than 70 books, many on biblical prophecy and end-times. He coauthored the record-shattering Left Behind series (with Jerry B. Jenkins) and is considered one of America’s foremost authorities on biblical end-times prophecy. LaHaye earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from Western Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Literature degree from Liberty University.

Read an Excerpt


No other word described it.

Rayford knew he had much to be thankful for. Neither Irene--his wife of twenty-one years--nor Amanda--his wife of fewer than three months--had to suffer this world any longer. Raymie was in heaven too. Chloe and baby Kenny were healthy.

That should be enough. Yet the cliché consumed came to life for Rayford. He stormed out of the safe house in the middle of a crisp May Monday morning, eschewing a jacket and glad of it. It wasn't anyone in the safe house who had set him off.

Hattie had been her typical self, whining about her immobility while building her strength.

"You don't think I'll do it," she had told him as she raced through another set of sit-ups. "You way underestimate me."

"I don't doubt you're crazy enough to try."

"But you wouldn't fly me over there for any price."

"Not on your life."

Rayford stumbled along a path near a row of trees that separated a dusty field from what was left of the safe house and the piles of what had once been neighboring homes. He stopped and scanned the horizon. Anger was one thing. Stupidity another. There was no sense giving away their position just for a moment of fresh air.

He saw nothing and no one, but still he stayed closer to the trees than to the plain. What a difference a year and a half made! This whole area, for miles, had once been sprawling suburbia. Now it was earthquake rubble, abandoned to the fugitive and the destitute. One Rayford had been for months. The other he was fast becoming.

The murderous fury threatened to devour him. His rational, scientific mind fought his passion. He knew others--yes, including Hattie--who had as much or more motive. Yet Rayford pleaded with God to appoint him. He wanted to be the one to do the deed. He believed it his destiny.

Rayford shook his head and leaned against a tree, letting the bark scratch his back. Where was the aroma of newly mown grass, the sounds of kids playing in the yard? Nothing was as it once was. He closed his eyes and ran over the plan one more time. Steal into the Middle East in disguise. Put himself in the right place at the precise time. Be God's weapon, the instrument of death. Murder Nicolae Carpathia.


David Hassid assigned himself to accompany the Global Community helicopter that would take delivery of a gross of computers for the potentate's palace. Half the GC personnel in his department were to spend the next several weeks ferreting out the location of Tsion Ben-Judah's daily cyberspace teaching and Buck Williams's weekly Internet magazine.

The potentate himself wanted to know how quickly the computers could be installed. "Figure half a day to unload, reload, and truck them here from the airport," David had told him. "Then unload again and assume another couple of days for installation and setup."

Carpathia had begun snapping his fingers as soon as "half a day" rolled off David's tongue. "Faster," he said. "How can we steal some hours?"

"It would be costly, but you could--"

"Cost is not my priority, Mr. Hassid. Speed. Speed."

"Chopper could snag the whole load and set 'em down outside the freight entrance."

"That," Carpathia said. "Yes, that."

"I'd want to personally supervise pickup and delivery."

Carpathia was on to something else, dismissing David with a wave. "Of course, whatever."

David called Mac McCullum on his secure phone. "It worked," he said.

"When do we fly?"

"As late as possible. This has to look like a mistake."

Mac chuckled. "Did you get 'em to deliver to the wrong airstrip?"

"'Course. Told 'em one, paperworked 'em another. They'll go by what they heard. I'll protect myself from Abbott and Costello with the paperwork."

"Fortunato still looking over your shoulder?"

"Always, but neither he nor Nicolae suspects. They love you too, Mac."

"Don't I know it. We've got to ride this train as far as it'll take us."


Rayford didn't dare discuss his feelings with Tsion. The rabbi was busy enough, and Rayford knew what he would say: "God has his plan. Let him carry it out."

But what would be wrong with Rayford's helping? He was willing. He could get it done. If it cost him his life, so what? He'd reunite with loved ones, and more would join him later.

Rayford knew it was crazy. He had never been ruled by his feelings before. Maybe his problem was that he was out of the loop now, away from the action. The fear and tension of flying Carpathia around for months had been worth it for the proximity it afforded him and the advantage to the Tribulation Force.

The danger in his present role wasn't the same. He was senior flyer of the International Commodity Co-op, the one entity that might keep believers alive when their freedom to trade on the open market would vanish. For now, Rayford was just meeting contacts, setting up routes, in essence working for his own daughter. He had to remain anonymous and learn whom to trust. But it wasn't the same. He didn't feel as necessary to the cause.

But if he could be the one to kill Carpathia!

Who was he kidding? Carpathia's assassin would likely be put to death without trial. And if Carpathia was indeed the Antichrist--and most people except his followers thought he was--he wouldn't stay dead anyway. The murder would be all about Rayford, not Carpathia. Nicolae would come out of it more heroic than ever. But the fact that it had to be done anyway, and that he himself might be in place to do it, seemed to give Rayford something to live for. And likely to die for.

His grandson, Kenny Bruce, had stolen his heart, but that very name reminded Rayford of painful losses. The late Ken Ritz had been a new friend with the makings of a good one. Bruce Barnes had been Rayford's first mentor and had taught him so much after supplying him the videotape that had led him to Christ.

That was it! That had to be what had produced such hatred, such rage. Rayford knew Carpathia was merely a pawn of Satan, really part of God's plan for the ages. But the man had wreaked such havoc, caused such destruction, fostered such mourning, that Rayford couldn't help but hate him.

Rayford didn't want to grow numb to the disaster, death, and devastation that had become commonplace. He wanted to still feel alive, violated, offended. Things were bad and getting worse, and the chaos multiplied every month. Tsion taught that things were to come to a head at the halfway point of the seven-year tribulation, four months from now. And then would come the Great Tribulation.

Rayford longed to survive all seven years to witness the glorious appearing of Christ to set up his thousand-year reign on earth. But what were the odds? Tsion taught that, at most, only a quarter of the population left at the Rapture would survive to the end, and those who did might wish they hadn't.

Rayford tried to pray. Did he think God would answer, give him permission, put the plot in his mind? He knew better. His scheming was just a way to feel alive, and yet it ate at him, gave him a reason for breathing.

He had other reasons to live. He loved his daughter and her husband and their baby, and yet he felt responsible that Chloe had missed the Rapture. The only family he had left would face the same world he did. What kind of a future was that? He didn't want to think about it. All he wanted to think about was what weapons he might have access to and how he could avail himself of them at the right time.


Just after dark in New Babylon, David took a call from his routing manager. "Pilot wants to know if he's to put down at the strip or at--"

"I told him already! Tell him to do what he's told!"

"Sir, the bill of lading says palace airstrip. But he thought you told him New Babylon Airport."

David paused as if angry. "Do you understand what I said?"

"You said airport, but--"

"Thank you! What's his ETA?"

"Thirty minutes to the airport. Forty-five to the strip. Just so I'm clear--"

David hung up and called Mac. Half an hour later they were sitting in the chopper on the tarmac of the palace airstrip. Of course the computer cargo was not there. David called the airport. "Tell the pilot where we are!"

"Man," Mac said, "you've got everybody chasin' their tails."

"You think I want new computers in front of the world's best techies, all looking to find the safe house?"

Mac tuned in the airport frequency and heard the instruction for the cargo pilot to take off and put down at the palace strip. He looked at David. "To the airport, chopper jockey," David said.

"We'll pass 'im in the sky."

"I hope we do."

They did. David finally had pity on the pilot, assured him he and Mac would stay put, and instructed him to come back.

A crane helped disgorge the load of computers, and Mac maneuvered the helicopter into position to hook up to it. The cargo chief attached the cable, assured Mac he had the size and power to easily transport the load, and instructed him how to lift off. "You've got an onboard release in case of emergency, sir," he said, "but you should have no problem."

Mac thanked him and caught David's glance. "You wouldn't," he said, shaking his head.

"Of course I would. This lever here? I'll be in charge of this."

Copyright © 1999, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.


On Thursday, August 12th, welcolmed bestselling author Jerry Jenkins to discuss his new book, ASSASSINS.

Moderator: Welcome back, Jerry Jenkins! We are so pleased you could join us online to discuss your new book, ASSASSINS. How are you this evening?

Jerry B. Jenkins: Great! Good to be here.

Chuck from Oklahoma: What is the status of the Left Behind kids books -- volumes five and six? My ten-year-old daughter wants to know why we've gotten two books, APOLLYON and ASSASSINS, and she hasn't gotten any.

Jerry B. Jenkins: Interesting you should ask. I just got my copies today, and they look great. They'll be released officially next month, and there will be at least 4 more next year, probably 6. We're planning 4 for every adult title, and there will be 12 adult titles, so you can do the math. :)

Susan from Tennessee: Has it been determined just how many books there will be in the Left Behind series?

Jerry B. Jenkins: Twelve, plus maybe a prequel.

Julie from Stuart, FL: I am in the middle of NICOLAE. The books are so detailed and in line with the Word of God. How long did you study the Bible and, especially, Revelation, to prepare to write the books? I thank the Lord that He inspired you to write them. I truly believe many will come to know Christ through reading them.

Jerry B. Jenkins: The idea was Dr. Tim LaHaye's, and he serves as biblical expert, scholar, theologian, and prophecy resource. I have become a student of his, so my credentials are all borrowed. I get the fun part, writing novels to fit his view of the end times. I have been an avid Bible student all my life, but in very much of a layman's sense. He's the expert.

A. Boldeskul from New York, NY: Dear Mr. Jenkins, I'd love to purchase your great book. Can it be signed by you? If so, please, how? Best wishes!

Jerry B. Jenkins: I offer signed copies of any of the books at my web site,

Bill from New Jersey: How do you feel about the fairly large number of non-Christians who read and enjoy these books as a good story but take away no religious message?

Jerry B. Jenkins: Anyone who can read these books without taking away a religious message is reading with blinders. They may not agree, they may reject, laugh, ridicule, but at least they go away knowing what we think will happen someday.

Jeff Babb from Maryland: What denomination is your background and that of the Tribulation Force? My family comes from the nondenominational Church of Christ. Does it fit in to your novels?

Jerry B. Jenkins: I grew up in independent Bible churches that basically would fit into a conservative evangelical camp. We don't emphasize denominationalism but rather center our theology on Ephesians 2:8-9 and Acts 4:12.

Katie from Wisconsin: How did you decide to come up with this series, and how long will they last?

Jerry B. Jenkins: It was Dr. LaHaye's idea. I signed with his agent, he introduced us, and told me Tim was looking for a novelist. We're planning two more books a year for three years, then maybe a prequel if the market still bears with us.

Virginia Smith from San Antonio, TX: I just finished reading ASSASSINS and would like to know what's in store for the Trib Force in the next book. I have my own theory as to who shot Nicolae and can't wait to see if I'm right.

Jerry B. Jenkins: Okay, here's who did it and what's going to happen next: um, wait, you wouldn't really want me to do that, would you?:)

Chuck from Oklahoma: Clearly the best thing to come down the pike to explain the Rapture, I still marvel at the opening to LEFT BEHIND (to think of being on a plane and the Rapture coming). Anyway, what has been your biggest criticism from the Christian community?

Jerry B. Jenkins: Surprisingly little. We thought there would be a hue and cry from those who disagree with us on timing of the Rapture, as it relates to when the tribulation occurs, but even those who are mid-tribbers or post-tribbers still say nice things about the impact of the books. The most painful charge is that we did this for money and that these are poorly written. Well, we didn't know they would sell like this, and saying they are poorly written reflects on the millions who keep reading them. I'm not smart enough to write a book that's hard to read, but I'll let the market be the judge as to the quality.

Sharon Blackstock from Jackson, TN: I love the series that you and Dr. LaHaye have, but I've always wondered about where in the Scriptures it tells that children will be raptured with the church. I have two small children, and I've worried about leaving them behind.

Jerry B. Jenkins: You won't find it explicitly in Scriptures, but a fairly common belief is that God would not hold accountable children too young to understand the choice they eventually need to make. There would be no single age of accountability, as this would vary with the child, but we arbitrarily don't portray anyone left behind under the age of 12.

Amber from Left Behind BB: Who killed Nick?

Jerry B. Jenkins: A person or persons with means, motive, and opportunity.

Heather (GirlofGod) from Maryland: Mr. Jenkins, whatever happened to Buck's dad and brother and Steve Plank?

Jerry B. Jenkins: The answers are in the books. :)

A Boldeskul from New York, NY: Mr. Jenkins, I cannot log on to your site because of my proxy server. What is the price for signed ASSASSINS on your site?

Jerry B. Jenkins: I am not allowed to discount, but I pay sales taxes and shipping, so hardbacks are $20 and paperbacks $14. It might be cheaper to buy it through Barnes & Noble and mail it to me for a signature. :)

Mrs. Hill from Pennsylvania: Hi Jerry. You have a great gift for writing and capturing your reader. I am an avid reader and a huge Stephen King fan. One day while at the mall, I came across your first book. Ever since I have eagerly awaited each subsequent book. I have also come to know Christ because of my exposure to this series. I have such a hunger to learn more and more about what is in the Bible. I was scared after reading these books, and I felt the need to double-check this "fiction" with what's in the Bible. Imagine my surprise to find how truthful your story is! I want to say thank you! Also, I don't think I can wait till spring to find out so...give me a hint...who killed Carpathia? Rayford or Chaim? God bless you.

Jerry B. Jenkins: Thanks for those kind comments. So you have it narrowed to Chaim and Rayford, do you? I can tell you this: You may be right, and you may be wrong. How's that for a shameless marketing technique?

Suzanne from Bakersfield, CA: Hello, Mr. Jenkins. I just read ASSASSINS in a record two days and just loved it. I have heard rumors of the LEFT BEHIND book to be made into a movie. Is this true?

Jerry B. Jenkins: Thanks for asking. We just got the funding a month ago, and it is scheduled for script approval within a month, then casting, then production, and big screen by September 2000.

Virginia Smith from San Antonio, TX: I didn't really think you'd give away the story line but I had to try! Seriously, since you are planning six more books in the next three years, you obviously don't feel that the coming millennium will usher in the Rapture. What are your feelings on this?

Jerry B. Jenkins: I don't think God would be that predictable. Since Jesus said not even He knew when He would return but only His Father knew, we certainly don't. Our calendar is already off by four years, so if it was supposed to happen 2000 years A.D., it would have happened in 1996. God could wait one more day in His mercy, and in His economy, a thousand years is as a day. Still, we are exhorted to live as if it could be today. Because it could.

Chloe from Maryland: Why was the subtitle changed from "The Great Tribulation Unfolds" to "Assignment: Jerusalem, Target: Antichrist"?

Jerry B. Jenkins: Because I didn't tell enough of the story to get into the Great Tribulation, which begins immediately after the three and a half-year point. I thought I might get as far as it starting to unfold, but alas...

Tracy from Michigan: When will your next book after ASSASSINS be released?

Jerry B. Jenkins: March 30, 2000, and it will be called THE INDWELLING: THE BEAST TAKES POSSESSION.

Chuck from Oklahoma: Sorry to be a little uninformed, but what other books have you written?? You have obviously gotten a lot of notoriety from LEFT BEHIND, and I would like to check out some of your other books and series now.

Jerry B. Jenkins: I have written 130 others, including several biographies (Hank Aaron, Walter Payton, B. J. Thomas, Orel Hershiser, Nolan Ryan, Brett Butler, Mike Singletary, Joe Gibbs, Billy Graham) and novels like 'TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE, a Christmas fantasy that will be a CBS-TV movie either this year or next. You can see the complete list at

Sue from Apple Valley, MN: Jerry, All my friends were at the doorstep of our local Walmart to buy ASSASSINS last Thursday, and we couldn't wait to finish it. We all said, that's not fair!!!! He left us hanging...again! We can hardly wait for the next one! Keep on pressing on for Jesus, Jerry!! I finally decided to read the kids books, and they are great! Everyone out there, read 'em, you'll get another slant on what is happening to others out there!

Jerry B. Jenkins: Thanks!

Moderator: Your interpretation of the Rapture is somewhat controversial and more popular among fundamentalists and conservative evangelicals than mainstream theologians. What do people disagree about? What would you say to those who dispute your interpretation?

Jerry B. Jenkins: They disagree about timing, mostly, and some think this is all allegorical and should in no way be taken literally. We don't argue. We have 400 pages every six months to give our side.

Carla from South Carolina: Jerry, I love the books. They are very well written. I also love to read your comments on the Left Behind message board. I think it is so cool. Have you or Tim ever thought about trying to make this into a TV series? I know you are planning a movie.

Jerry B. Jenkins: The dream is a movie, then sequels, then a TV series about people living postapocalyptically. Say that three times fast.

Chad Jenkins from Downstairs: Where are we eating tonight, Dad?

Jerry B. Jenkins: Probably at the theater, dude. Now back in your cage! :)

Moderator: Recommend three books that you have read this summer and enjoyed.

Jerry B. Jenkins: Roger Ebert's GLOSSARY, THE ENDURANCE (the history of a ship that was frozen in Antarctica in 1913), and SHADOW.

Susan from Tennessee: I finished NICOLAE the other day, and the suspense at the end drove me crazy. I searched frantically for someone who had SOUL HARVEST. I started reading today, and I'm on page 131 of it now as I await your responses. I applaud you for the captivating ending of NICOLAE compared to the earlier two. Do I have this same type of suspenseful ending to look forward to from the others?

Jerry B. Jenkins: I got hassled for too much of a cliffhanger in SOUL HARVEST, so I made APOLLYON a little more self-contained. Then I really got hassled for no cliffhanger. Thus, ASSASSINS....

hazel from Minnesota: Could you please share an anecdote about someone whose live has been changed by reading the Left Behind series?

Jerry B. Jenkins: Thanks for asking. I just today we got a letter from a 17-year-old girl who said she had given up on God and her moral standards had slipped. "On July 5 my step-sister brought me a book and asked me to read it. It was LEFT BEHIND. I was skeptical but I was wrong. I broke down and cried. As Rayford prayed for salvation, I prayed for forgiveness..." It goes on, but you get the point. Those really get to us.

pamela from Jacksonville, FL: I am curious about the structure of the books, Did you intentionally exclude about-the-author information until later in the series so as to not turn off non-Christians? And I love the dedication in the fourth book: To all our new brothers and sisters! Thanks!

Jerry B. Jenkins: Yes. Good catch. :)

Heather from Maryland: In ASSASSINS when Nicolae prays to Satan is very scary and powerful, and it gave me chills. Was it hard to write that?

Jerry B. Jenkins: I write as a process of discovery, and it shocked and scared me too. I got chills writing it.

Full-time Mom from Maryland: Too cute! How many kids do you have Jerry? And where do you live? How long married?

Jerry B. Jenkins: We have three sons, aged 24, 21, and 16 -- one married, one in college, one in high school. We just moved from Illinois to Colorado. We've be married 28.5 very short years. You can see a picture of my wife at

chuck from Oklahoma: Any clues on who might play Buck or Rayford in the big-screen movie?

Jerry B. Jenkins: Everybody seems to vote for Harrison Ford. He would only cost us $20 million. Gary Busey actually wants to do the movie. He might make a better Buck or even Bruce. We can dream.

Jennifer Hotchkiss from Virginia: I absolutely love this series! My husband and I finished APOLLYON in one weekend. I agree with your interpretation of what will happen when the Rapture occurs. Some people that I talk to have questions about it. Can you give me any scriptural references to help explain to others?

Jerry B. Jenkins: See Tim's nonfiction book REVELATION UNVEILED, soon to release from Zondervan. Order it on B&N! :)

Moderator: Before you became a writer, what is one of the worst jobs you had and why?

Jerry B. Jenkins: I worked construction the first summer out of high school and decided I never wanted to work that hard again as long as I lived.

Mrs. Hill from Pennsylvania: What is the address for the Left Behind message board. I never heard of that.

Jerry B. Jenkins: and

Jim from WI: Is there a phone number I can call to order your book because I don't want to order online for security reasons? Any suggestions or phone numbers are greatly appreciated.

Jerry B. Jenkins: It's in every kind of bookstore now, probably your best bet.

Marilyn from Eden Prairie, MN: Hi Mr. Jenkins! All my friends love this series, even one friend who hates to read, but now even she can't seem to put down your books! We were wondering about Amanda; in one book you wrote she was the sister of Nick's right-hand man, but then no more word on that. Did you leave us in suspense on purpose? (Thanks for your marvelous gift of writing, and God bless you!)

Jerry B. Jenkins: The truth about Amanda is revealed in APOLLYON.

Ashley from USA: Is there any chance book 7 will be released early? Also any plans for the cover art of THE INDWELLING. By the way, thanks for coming to the Left Behind BBs even if you often stump us with a riddle.... :)

Jerry B. Jenkins: Actually, I suggested that to my agent yesterday. If I deliver on schedule on October 15th, the publisher has been known to turn these manuscripts around in 20 weeks, but I certainly can't make that promise. I mean, I will hit the deadline, but 20 weeks on a book that would normally take 9 months to produce is a lot to ask.

Beth from Franklin, VA: How have the success of your books changed your life?

Jerry B. Jenkins: We felt blessed and comfortable before this. I've asked friends to punch me in the mouth if they notice one iota of difference now. And some of them are large.

Melanie from Reno, TX: Do you have an idea how many people have become Christians by reading your books? Is this a hope or goal of yours in writing Christian fiction?

Jerry B. Jenkins: We have heard from more than 1,500 who tell us that, and we assume that represents many more. Very humbling.

Stacey from Dallas, TX: How do you feel being at the forefront of what USA Today calls "millennium madness" in the publishing industry? Did you plan on capitalizing on this craze when you set out to write an apocalyptic series?

Jerry B. Jenkins: As our books don't even mention the millennium, it has always astounded us that they are lumped with the same. I can't imagine we're capitalizing on it when the majority of our audience knows the books have nothing to do with that.

Susan from Tennessee: Does your family get to read your manuscripts as you write them and add their touch?

Jerry B. Jenkins: Yes, and no. :)

Chuck from Oklahoma: Please tell a little more about your family.

Jerry B. Jenkins: Our eldest son works for the film company that optioned LEFT BEHIND. Our second son is a college baseball star. Our 16-year-old is 6-feet-6 and a basketball player, but there's nothing shorter than white hang time. :) Dianna is a quilter and such a beauty that my son's friends often say, "No offense, but your mom's a babe!" The offense is to me when they say, "Is that your grandpa?"

Suzanne from California: I think Matt Damon would make a great Buck Williams! :)

Jerry B. Jenkins: He could play Chloe if he asked. :)

Mrs. Hill from Pennsylvania: I have already purchased and read ASSASSINS, but I would like to get your signature bookplate. Is there a phone number, so I don't have to do it over the Internet for security reasons?

Jerry B. Jenkins: Write me at Box 280, Wadsworth, IL. [The bookplates can also be obtained free of charge by contacting's Customer Service Center at 1-800-The-Book(1-800-843-2665) seven days a week from 9:00am until 9:00pm ET.]

Heather from Maryland: I've heard that the part in NICOLAE -- when Tsion and Buck are escaping from Israel, and the guard finds Tsion but doesn't turn him in -- is your favorite scene. Do you have a favorite book?

Jerry B. Jenkins: Yes, it is. I also had fun with the conversation between Leon and David when Leon asks about his father and David answers about God. Leon says he'd love to meet him someday, and David assures him he will. My favorite book is always the next one. I know that sounds like a cop out. I have a special place for book one, of course, felt good about SOUL HARVEST, heard great enthusiasm over APOLLYON, and am thrilled to see ASSASSINS debut at No. 2 on the USA Today list today.

Moderator: Mainstream America now seems to have "discovered" your books because they now make the New York Times and USA Today lists immediately. How would you explain this?

Jerry B. Jenkins: Interestingly, when Christian writers have tried to cross over in the past, they have watered down the message a bit to make it more palatable to the general market. Now a very overtly evangelical series has crossed over. Go figure.

Nancy from Baltimore, MD: I understand that your series will have like 12 books total. Have you already outlined the plot for later books? If not, what inspires most your new book ideas?

Jerry B. Jenkins: The prophecy chart and chronology is laid out, but the plots are organic. I write as a process of discovery, just as eager to find out what happens as they readers seem to be.

Moderator: Thank you everyone for joining us tonight and sending through all the great questions. Thank you, Jerry Jenkins, for being such a great guest! Best of luck with ASSASSINS! Before you go, do you have any closing remarks for our online crowd?

Jerry B. Jenkins: I always enjoy these. Thanks for showing up and for continuing to support the series.

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