Big Brother

Inspirada en la experiencia autobiográfica de la autora, cuyo hermano mayor padeció una obesidad que le provocó un fatal ataque al corazón, esta novela es una sátira feroz de las «familias felices» y de una sociedad desquiciada, que se obsesiona con el culto al cuerpo y al mismo tiempo publicita y consume toneladas de comida basura. Pero es también una indagación en las complicadas relaciones entre hermanos, en el complejo de culpa y la necesidad de redención, en la lucha por salvar de la autodestrucción a las personas a las que queremos y a nosotros mismos. «Su mejor novela hasta el momento... Preparaos para algunos episodios brutalmente viscerales. Pero ¿quién podía pensar que una novela sobre la dieta podía ser tan conmovedora y desbordante de suspense?» (Amanda Craig, The Independent).

Big Brother

Inspirada en la experiencia autobiográfica de la autora, cuyo hermano mayor padeció una obesidad que le provocó un fatal ataque al corazón, esta novela es una sátira feroz de las «familias felices» y de una sociedad desquiciada, que se obsesiona con el culto al cuerpo y al mismo tiempo publicita y consume toneladas de comida basura. Pero es también una indagación en las complicadas relaciones entre hermanos, en el complejo de culpa y la necesidad de redención, en la lucha por salvar de la autodestrucción a las personas a las que queremos y a nosotros mismos. «Su mejor novela hasta el momento... Preparaos para algunos episodios brutalmente viscerales. Pero ¿quién podía pensar que una novela sobre la dieta podía ser tan conmovedora y desbordante de suspense?» (Amanda Craig, The Independent).

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Inspirada en la experiencia autobiográfica de la autora, cuyo hermano mayor padeció una obesidad que le provocó un fatal ataque al corazón, esta novela es una sátira feroz de las «familias felices» y de una sociedad desquiciada, que se obsesiona con el culto al cuerpo y al mismo tiempo publicita y consume toneladas de comida basura. Pero es también una indagación en las complicadas relaciones entre hermanos, en el complejo de culpa y la necesidad de redención, en la lucha por salvar de la autodestrucción a las personas a las que queremos y a nosotros mismos. «Su mejor novela hasta el momento... Preparaos para algunos episodios brutalmente viscerales. Pero ¿quién podía pensar que una novela sobre la dieta podía ser tan conmovedora y desbordante de suspense?» (Amanda Craig, The Independent).

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9788433934901
Publisher: Anagrama
Publication date: 05/21/2014
Series: Panorama de narrativas , #865
Sold by: Libranda
Format: eBook
Pages: 400
File size: 384 KB
Language: Spanish

About the Author

About The Author

Lionel Shriver nació en 1957, en Carolina del Norte. Periodista y escritora, estudió en la Universidad de Columbia, ha vivido en Nairobi, Belfast y Bangkok, y en la actualidad reside en Londres. Después de varias novelas, en el año 2005 ganó el prestigioso Premio Orange con Tenemos que hablar de Kevin, que se convirtió en un bestseller internacional y consagró a la autora: «Un libro muy valiente, muy arriesgado, muy trabajado y muy impactante, sin concesiones ni gratuidades, de poderoso calado literario» (José María Guelbenzu, El País). Además de esta, Anagrama también ha publicado sus siguientes novelas: El mundo después del cumpleaños: «Una escritora que va siempre a por todas» (Pablo Martínez Zarracina); «Repleta de humor inteligente» (Ramón Loureiro, La Voz de Galicia); Todo esto para qué: «Mordaz y de un humor negrísimo, después de leer a Shriver ya todas las demás nos parecen tontas e insulsas» (Gabriela Wiener, Marie Claire); «Me leí su novela anterior, El día después del cumpleaños, y no quiero dejar de leerme todo lo que hace» (Lola Beccaria, El País); «Lionel Shriver no escribe, construye bombas» (Laura Fernández, El Mundo); Big Brother: «La lucidez de Lionel Shriver nos da siempre un merecido y a ratos hilarante bofetón. Nos mantiene despiertos» (Marta Sanz, El Confidencial); y Los Mandible: «Shriver perfecciona su condición de cronista social... La autoconsciente brillantez de sus diálogos y el satírico aliento de su prosa se con-juran, como en las mejores novelas de Jonathan Franzen o Jeffrey Eugenides, a favor de sus personajes, que siempre resultan cercanos» (Sergi Sánchez, El Periódico).


Brooklyn, New York, and London, England

Date of Birth:

May 18, 1957

Place of Birth:

Gastonia, North Carolina


B.A., Barnard College of Columbia University, 1978; M.F.A. in Fiction Writing, Columbia University, 1982

Read an Excerpt

Big Brother

By Lionel Shriver

HarperCollins Publishers

Copyright © 2013 Lionel Shriver
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-06-145857-6

chapter one
I have to wonder whether any of the true highlights of my
fortysome years have had to do with food. I don't mean cel-
ebratory dinners, good fellowship; I mean salivation, mastica-
tion, and peristalsis. Oddly, for something I do every day, I can't
remember many meals in detail, while it is far easier for me to call
up favorite movies, faithful friendships, graduations. It follows,
then, that film, affinity, and education are more important to me
than stuffing my face. Well done, me, you say. But were I hon-
estly to total the time I have lavished on menu planning, grocery
shopping, prep and cooking, table setting, and kitchen cleanup
for meal upon meal, food, one way or another, has dwarfed my
fondness for Places in the Heart to an incidental footnote; ditto
my fondness for any human being, even those whom I profess
to love. I have spent less time thinking about my husband than
thinking about lunch. Throw in the time I have also spent ru-
ing indulgence in lemon meringue pies, vowing to skip breakfast
tomorrow, and opening the refrigerator/stopping myself from

4 ? lionel shriver
dispatching the leftover pumpkin custard/then shutting it firmly
again, and I seem to have concerned myself with little else but
So why, if, by inference, eating has been so embarrassingly
central for me, can I not remember an eidetic sequence of stellar
Like most people, I recall childhood favorites most vividly,
and like most kids I liked plain things: toast, baking-powder bis-
cuits, saltines. My palate broadened in adulthood, but my char-
acter did not. I am white rice. I have always existed to set off
more exciting fare. I was a foil as a girl. I am a foil now.
I doubt this mitigates my discomfiture much, but I have some
small excuse for having overemphasized the mechanical matter of
sustenance. For eleven years, I ran a catering business. You would
think, then, that I could at least recall individual victories at
Breadbasket, Inc. Well, not exactly. Aside from academics at the
university, who are more adventurous, Iowans are conservative
eaters, and I can certainly summon a monotonous assembly line
of carrot cake, lasagna, and sour-cream cornbread. But the only
dishes that I recollect in high relief are the disasters—the Indian
rosewater pudding thickened with rice flour that turned into a
stringy, viscous vat suitable for affixing wallpaper. The rest—the
salmon steaks rolled around somethingorother, the stir-fries of
thisandthat with an accent of whathaveyou—it's all a blur.
Patience; I am rounding on something. I propose: food is by
nature elusive. More concept than substance, food is the idea of
satisfaction, far more powerful than satisfaction itself, which is
why diet can exert the sway of religion or political zealotry. Not
irresistible tastiness but the very failure of food to reward is what
drives us to eat more of it. The most sumptuous experience of

big brother ? 5
ingestion is in-between: remembering the last bite and looking
forward to the next one. The actual eating part almost doesn't
happen. This near-total inability to deliver is what makes the
pleasures of the table so tantalizing, and also so dangerous.
Petty? I'm not so sure. We are animals; far more than the
ancillary matter of sex, the drive to eat motivates nearly all of
human endeavor. Having conspicuously triumphed in the com-
petition for resources, the fleshiest among us are therefore tower-
ing biological success stories. But ask any herd of overpopulating
deer: nature punishes success. Our instinctive saving for a rainy
day, our burying of acorns in the safest and most private of hid-
ing places for the long winter, however prudent in its way, how-
ever expressive of Darwinian guile, is killing my country. That
is why I cast doubt on whether the pantry, as a subject, is paltry.
True, I sometimes wonder just how much I care about my coun-
try. But I care about my brother.
Any story about a sibling goes far back indeed, but for our
purposes the chapter of my brother's life that most deserves
scrutiny began, aptly, at lunch. It must have been a weekend,
since I hadn't already left for my manufacturing headquarters.
As usual in that era, my husband Fletcher had come upstairs
on the early side. He'd been getting up at five a.m., so by noon he
was famished. A self-employed cabinetmaker who crafted lovely
but unaffordable one-of-a-kind furniture, he commuted all the
way to our basement, and could arise whenever he liked. The
crack-of-dawn nonsense was for show. Fletcher liked the implied
rigor, the faÃade of yet more hardness, fierceness, discipline, and

6 ? lionel shriver
I found the up-and-at-'em maddening. Back then, I hadn't the
wisdom to welcome discord on such a minor scale, since Fletcher's
alarm-clock setting would soon be the least of our problems. But
that's true of all before pictures, which appear serene only in ret-
rospect. At the time, my irritation at the self- righteousness with
which he swept from bed was real enough. The man went to sleep
at nine p.m. He got eight hours of shut-eye like a normal person.
Where was the self-denial?
As with so many of my husband's bullying eccentricities, I
refused to get with the program and had begun to sleep in. I was
my own boss, too, and I detested early mornings. Queasy first
light recalled weak filtered coffee scalded on a hot plate. Turning
in at nine would have made me feel like a child, shuttled to my
room while the grown-ups had fun. Only the folks having fun,
all too much of it, would have been Tanner and Cody, teenagers
not about to adopt their father's faux farming hours.
Thus, having just cleared off my own toast and coffee dishes,
I wasn't hungry for lunch—although, following the phone call of
an hour earlier, my appetite had gone off for other reasons. I can't
remember what we were eating, but it

Excerpted from Big Brother by Lionel Shriver. Copyright © 2013 Lionel Shriver. Excerpted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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