Read an Excerpt
Dallas detective Trey Bonney strode into the precinct, nursing his second cup of coffee of the morning while trying not to think about the paperwork stacking up on his desk. He was a crackerjack detective, but when it came to filling out reports, he sucked.
"Morning, Trey."
He nodded a hello to file clerk Lisa Morrow without meeting her gaze. To a single man who'd had his share of one-night stands, her come-hither drawl was unmistakable. Three years ago — even two years ago — he might have taken her up on the invitation. But no more. His transition to a true maturity with an end to one-night stands had finally arrived. It had been gradual, and he still wasn't sure when it had happened, but it was a lot lonelier than he had expected. Even so, Lisa's presence and beckoning voice were nothing more than a small obstacle course on his way to his desk. But when another female called his name, he recognized the voice and looked up.
"Hey, Trey!"
Trey set his coffee cup on his desk as he gave Detective Chia Rodriguez his full attention. If she stretched, she measured an inch over five feet tall, but her size was deceiving. She was bulldog tough and constantly pissed due to the fact that the detectives in the precinct had a habit of referring to her as the office "Chia Pet." Her short, unruly curls did nothing to deflect the image. Still, he liked her attitude and, on occasion, fished with her husband, Pete Rodriguez, who owned and operated his own landscape business.
"Yeah, what's up?" he asked.
"Lieutenant Warren said for you to come see him as soon as you came in."
Trey eyed the backlog of paperwork and grimaced. "Probably going to chain me to the desk until I finish these files."
Chia grinned and pointed toward their superior's office.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm going," Trey said, then took one more sip of coffee and put down the cup, bracing himself for what he figured would be, at the least, a dressing-down.
He lifted his chin, yanked nervously at the tail of his sports coat, then moved toward the office. He knocked once, then opened the door and leaned inside.
"You wanted to see me, Lieutenant?"
Harold Warren looked up from the paperwork on his desk and waved Trey inside.
"If it's about the files ..."
"Don't second-guess," Warren muttered. "It'll get you in trouble every time. Come in and shut the door."
"Yes, sir," Trey said.
"Sit," Warren said, pointing to a chair.
Again Trey obeyed, wishing he'd brought the rest of his coffee with him.
"How old are you?" Warren asked.
"I'll be thirty in September," Trey said.
"Too young to remember," Warren muttered, more to himself than to Trey.
"Remember what?" Trey asked.
"The Sealy kidnapping."
Trey flinched. Warren saw it.
"Actually, I do know something about it," he said.
"How so?" Warren asked.
"I, uh ... know Olivia Sealy."
Harold arched an eyebrow. "I wasn't aware that you ran in such exclusive circles."
"I don't," Trey snapped. "We went to the same public high school. Even then she was sort of famous, you know. Parents murdered — raised by a rich-as-sin grandfather who showed up for school plays in a limousine."
"She went to public school?"
Trey shrugged. "Marcus Sealy didn't believe in separation of the classes. He wanted her to grow up as normally as possible." He just didn't want her anywhere near me.
"You seem to know a lot about her. Is there anything else you'd like to tell me before I continue?"
He thought about the fight they'd had when she came to break it off with him — remembering the shame in her eyes when she'd told him they couldn't see each other anymore and they both knew it was because his father was a drunk and his mother waited tables for a living.
"Is there anything between you two that could be construed as a conflict of interest?"
Now Trey was getting curious. "I haven't seen her in years," he muttered. "What's up?"
"Two days ago, while renovating a lake cabin up at Texoma, a man found a suitcase in a wall. They found the skeletal remains of a toddler inside."
"Good God," Trey muttered, then frowned. "But what does this have to do with the Sealy family?"
"Maybe nothing, but I want you to go see the Grayson County sheriff. His name is Blue Jenner. He's a friend of mine, and he's the one who caught the coincidence."
"Yeah, sure, Lieutenant, but what coincidence? What does a baby's skeleton have to do with Olivia Sealy's kidnapping? They found her, remember?"
"Maybe ... maybe not," Warren said. "The Sealy kidnapping was the department's case. I was a rookie when it happened. Hadn't been on the force more than three months when she was snatched. Half the force was on that case. I was there when one of the kidnappers, Foster Lawrence, took the ransom money. We followed him, hoping to get to the kid, only we lost him. By the time we found him again, the money was missing and the kid was nowhere to be found. We were all down and out, certain that we'd blown any chance of getting that kid back alive, when she up and appears wandering around a shopping center in a pair of pajamas and dragging her blanket behind her. Talk about a high!"
Trey couldn't quit thinking of the Olivia he'd known. As a teenager, she'd been so pretty and self-assured. Even though they'd all known her history, it had never occurred to him to think of her as a toddler, lost and frightened and wondering what had happened to her world. Had she seen her parents murdered? Did she remember any of that now?
"So what does that skeleton up at Texoma have to do with Olivia Sealy?" Trey asked.
"One of the defining factors in identifying the kidnapped baby was the fact that she'd had two thumbs on her left hand ... a trait that all the Sealy family supposedly share."
Trey shook his head. "But Olivia didn't have —"
"I understand that they all have the extra digit removed once it's obvious which one is dominant. Even the old man, Marcus Sealy, has a small scar to prove it."
"So ...?"
"So after the Grayson county coroner finished his autopsy on the remains and Blue Jenner saw it, he gave me a call."
"The coroner's best estimate is that the remains found at the cabin are of a female about two years old. They're still running tests to determine when they think the baby was murdered, but he's guessing it was twenty to twenty-five years ago."
Trey frowned. "I still don't see what that has to do with —"
"It was twenty-five years ago this year that the Sealy kidnapping occurred, and ... it seems that the baby in the suitcase also had two left thumbs."
Trey leaned forward. "Are you saying that Olivia Sealy isn't really —"
"I'm not saying anything," Warren said. "Just go talk to Blue Jenner, question the coroner, check out the cabin, and do what you do best, which is nose around. Find out what you can about the previous owners."
"Yeah, all right," Trey said as he stood. He reached for the doorknob, then stopped and turned around.
"What?" Lieutenant Warren asked.
"The Sealys ... do they know about this?" Trey asked.
"If they don't, they will soon enough," Warren said.
"How so?" Trey asked.
Warren unfolded the newspaper and pointed to the headline: Sealy Connection To Skeletal Remains?
"We don't know squat and they still print it. How do they get away with that?" Trey muttered.
Warren pointed to the question mark in the headline.
"It's all in the punctuation, but maybe after you talk to Jenner we'll have answers for everyone."
Marcus Sealy had his taste buds set for the waffles he could smell cooking in the kitchen down the hall, then smiled to himself at the sound of his granddaughter's laughter coming from the same place. Best guess would be that she was stealing bacon faster than the housekeeper, Rose, could cook it, just as she'd done for the past twenty-odd years.
After three weeks of a much-needed vacation in Europe, it felt good to be home. Last night he and Olivia had been on the last plane to land at DFW airport. It was after midnight by the time they arrived at the estate. Exhausted from the long overseas flight, they'd ignored a stack of phone messages, a huge pile of mail and suitcases needing to be unpacked, and headed for the comfort of their beds.
The trip had been Olivia's gift to him for his seventieth birthday, and they'd had a ball. They'd laughed and partied all the way across Europe, and made memories he would take to his grave. This morning, as he was dressing, he'd kept thinking of how much fun they'd had and what Olivia meant to him. After his son, Michael, and daughter-in-law, Kay, had been murdered years ago, he'd held his only grandchild far too close to his heart. He knew that he'd sheltered her more than he should have, but it seemed impossible to be any less protective. She was all the family he had left, and if anything ever happened to her, it would be the end of him, too.
His musing ended when he heard footsteps and then saw a flash of yellow. Moments later, Olivia came out of the kitchen.
"Grampy! I didn't know you were already downstairs. After that flight, I thought surely you'd sleep in."
Marcus smiled and kissed Olivia on the cheek as she threw herself into his arms.
"You didn't," he said.
"I know, but it's so good to be home," she said, then added, "You smell good. Calvin Klein's Obsession, isn't it?"
"Yes, and you smell pretty darn good yourself. Oscar Meyer bacon, right?"
As always, her laughter rocked his world. He slipped an arm over her shoulder as he led her to the breakfast room.
"Did you leave any bacon for me?" he asked as he seated her at the table.
Olivia made a face. "Why, Grampy ... surely you're not suggesting that I'm a pig?"
"Oh no ... only that you like eating them."
He grinned as Rose carried in a platter of bacon in one hand and a bowl of scrambled eggs in another. The basket of hot biscuits was already on the table beside a pot of honey and a glass compote of strawberry jam. Even though there were only Marcus and Olivia to share the meal, he always insisted their meals be served in an old- fashioned, home-style manner. Despite the vastness of his wealth, the simple bowls of food reminded him of his own childhood and humble beginnings.
"Rose, as always, it looks marvelous and smells delicious," Marcus said as the housekeeper poured hot coffee into their cups.
Rose Kopecnick smiled and winked at Olivia. "Tastes good, too, doesn't it, honey girl?"
"I plead the Fifth and please pass the bacon," Olivia said.
"If you don't mind, I'll help myself first," Marcus said. "After that, it's all yours."
"Works for me," Olivia said, and served herself a healthy helping of fluffy scrambled eggs while keeping a watchful eye on the bacon Marcus was putting on his plate.
The meal progressed in silence as the first pangs of hunger were appeased, interspersed with bits of conversation later as it drew to an end.
"What are you going to do today?" Marcus asked as he laid his napkin beside his plate.
Olivia swallowed her last sip of coffee, then leaned back in her chair.
He smiled. "And after that?"
"Return some phone calls and sleep through jet lag. You should do the same."
"I'll nap in the daytime when I'm too old to do anything else," Marcus said.
Olivia rolled her eyes. "Oh, Grampy, you'll never be old."
He thought of the seventy years that were behind him while refusing to dwell on the dwindling few he had left.
"Maybe not in my head, but we'll see what my body has to say about that."
Olivia leaned forward and threaded her fingers through Marcus's. Before she could speak, the phone began to ring.
"I'll get it," she said.
Marcus stood up and followed her out of the room. He was in the hall and heading toward the library when he heard Olivia raise her voice to the caller on the other end of the line.
"I don't know what you're talking about," she said, and hung up the phone. There was a frown on her face as she turned around.
"Olivia ... darling ... what's wrong?"
"That was weird," she said. "Some reporter wanted to know if I had any comments regarding the headline in the morning paper."
"What headline?" Marcus asked.
Olivia shrugged. "I don't know. I haven't seen a paper, have you?"
Marcus pointed down the hall. "Rose probably put them in the library with the accumulated mail. Let's go see."
Rose had laid the mail on Marcus's desk, with the oldest on the left and the most recent on the right. The newspapers were in a stack with the most recent on top. Marcus saw the headline even before he picked up the paper.
"What the hell? Sealy connection to skeletal remains? What does that mean?" He tried to read the smaller print, then squinted and patted his pockets. "I need my glasses."
"Here, Grampy, let me," Olivia said, and took the paper out of his hands and scanned the story, frowning as she read.
"What's it about?" Marcus asked.
Olivia's frown deepened as she looked up.
"Some people up at Texoma were renovating a house they just bought. They found a suitcase in a wall, and when they opened it, it contained the skeletal remains of a little girl about two years old."
"Good Lord!" Marcus said, and reached behind him for a chair. He sank into it with a thump. "That's horrible, but why would they link the discovery to us?"
Olivia's hands were shaking as she handed him the paper. "Because the coroner said she was born with two left thumbs."
Marcus let the paper fall to the floor as he reached for Olivia's hand, unconsciously rubbing the tiny scar where her second thumb used to be.
"We're not the only family with such anomalies. Why would they single us out again?"
Olivia pointed to the paper, then had to clear her throat before she could say it.
"They're putting the homicide at about twenty-five years ago ... which was the time of my kidnapping."
Marcus's hand stilled momentarily; then he clutched Olivia's hand firmly.
"See, that just proves that tragedies happen to all of us," he said gruffly.
There was a long moment of silence between them, and when it was broken, it was Olivia who spoke.
He spoke absently, his mind still turning over the facts of what she'd read. "What, darling?"
"Were you sure?"
He started, then looked up. "I'm sorry ... what were you saying?"
She said it again, this time putting emphasis on the last word.
"Were you sure?"
"Sure about what?"
"Me ... when the kidnappers turned me loose. You knew for sure it was me, didn't you?"
Marcus stood abruptly and took Olivia in his arms.
"Oh, Olivia, of course I was sure. You were my grandchild. Your father and mother ate Sunday dinner with me every week. You and I fed the fish in the goldfish pond every Sunday afternoon. I remember the day I let you pick all the blooms off your mother's prize begonias because you liked the way they felt against your skin. I knew you, darling ... just as I know you now. Never doubt that we are of the same flesh. Never."
Olivia blinked back tears as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
"I'm sorry for asking. It's just that we never talk about it, and I wasn't sure if —"
Marcus took her by the shoulders and pushed her back until she was forced to meet his gaze.
"Darling, we never talk about it because there's nothing to say. You were so small, barely two years old. Thank the good Lord you have no memory of seeing your parents murdered, or of where you were kept, or who had you. It has been the only blessing to come out of it all. The last thing I would ever do is speak of something that I always feared would cause you emotional damage."
"Oh, Grampy, I'm sorry. I never thought of it like that."
Marcus smiled gently as he cupped her face. "You know who you are. There are pictures of you with your parents all over this house, and at least once a year we get out the old albums and look at them, right?"
She nodded, then managed a smile. "And the old movies ... don't forget them," she added.
"Yes. Your father was something of a fanatic about you. He filmed you at every stage of your life. I'd venture to say there's more film of you and your first two years of life than many people have of their entire existence. Besides that, there's no mistaking that the baby in those pictures is the same baby I got back."
"When the kidnappers let me go, was I happy to see you?" Olivia asked.
Marcus frowned. "You weren't happy about anything, darling, and the doctors expected it. You cried nonstop for days, begging for your mother. It nearly broke my heart."
Olivia laid her hand against her grandfather's chest, taking comfort from the steady rhythm against her palm.
"How did you cope?"
"I finally hired a nanny, remember? It was Anna Walden who finally settled you in, although, to be honest, by then I think you'd just cried yourself out."
Excerpted from "Bloodlines"
by .
Copyright © 2015 Sharon Sala.
Excerpted by permission of RosettaBooks.
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