The only more thrilling than a well-told story of tactics, weapons, and heroic soldiers is a well-told story of tactics, weapons, heroic soldiers, and space aliens. The best military science-fiction is just that—a combination of pulse-pounding war story adventure and widescreen intergalactic scope—and can often be a gateway for non-SF fans to get into the genre. […]
Jack Campbell’s The Lost Fleet series is a high-water marks for military science fiction. Set a century or so into a war between two human cultures, the Alliance and their corporate enemies the Syndics, it follows the aftermath of what was planned as a decisive strike in the war. The fleet involved pick up a […]
Jack Campbell’s space sagas—of which Vanguard is the latest—may well be the most realistic military-oriented books I’ve ever read. “But, wait,” you say. “They’re military space opera, and deal with all sorts of impossible things, like spaceships and interstellar travel. How can you call them realistic?” True enough, the spaceships and interstellar travel and energy […]
[ean6]Dealing with Dragons, by Patricia C. Wrede A bored princess goes off to live with a dragon and they have adventures. One, there’s there’s a dragon and that’s always a good thing in a graphic adaptation and, two, there’s the bunny rabbit who keeps changing into something different, and, three, it’s just a great story […]