The hunter is being seduced by his prey...

Mexico, 1850. One fateful night Noah Diaz is ravished by a bold woman who transforms him into an immortal lion. Now he is a wealthy man who owns an underground sex club where supernatural beings can indulge in no-holds-barred sensual play. Though Noah has scores of willing victims, it is the thrill of the hunt he desires...

Jenny Lincoln runs a big cat rescue operation that can't stay afloat-until a donor comes through with the condition that she goes to his club. Both Noah and the club at first frighten her but eventually thrill her. It's clear that she is Noah's prey, but once she gets a taste, it is Jenny who wants more...

The hunter is being seduced by his prey...

Mexico, 1850. One fateful night Noah Diaz is ravished by a bold woman who transforms him into an immortal lion. Now he is a wealthy man who owns an underground sex club where supernatural beings can indulge in no-holds-barred sensual play. Though Noah has scores of willing victims, it is the thrill of the hunt he desires...

Jenny Lincoln runs a big cat rescue operation that can't stay afloat-until a donor comes through with the condition that she goes to his club. Both Noah and the club at first frighten her but eventually thrill her. It's clear that she is Noah's prey, but once she gets a taste, it is Jenny who wants more...

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by Sheri WhiteFeather


by Sheri WhiteFeather


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The hunter is being seduced by his prey...

Mexico, 1850. One fateful night Noah Diaz is ravished by a bold woman who transforms him into an immortal lion. Now he is a wealthy man who owns an underground sex club where supernatural beings can indulge in no-holds-barred sensual play. Though Noah has scores of willing victims, it is the thrill of the hunt he desires...

Jenny Lincoln runs a big cat rescue operation that can't stay afloat-until a donor comes through with the condition that she goes to his club. Both Noah and the club at first frighten her but eventually thrill her. It's clear that she is Noah's prey, but once she gets a taste, it is Jenny who wants more...

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780425243329
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Publication date: 12/06/2011
Pages: 240
Product dimensions: 5.30(w) x 8.20(h) x 0.70(d)
Age Range: 18 Years

About the Author

Sheri Whitefeather is a national bestselling author. She lives in California.
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