God Loves Sex: An Honest Conversation about Sexual Desire and Holiness
We live in a sexually mad world where God's gift of sex has been distorted through pornography, promiscuity, prostitution, abuse, trafficking, and rape. The church's position on sexual matters has been made clear throughout history: all sexual activity outside the boundaries of Christian marriage is sin. But rarely has the church honestly addressed the true needs of Christians who are struggling with sexual desires they believe to be counter to the Bible. So we hide our struggles and pretend to live above the erotic fray, or else we cozy up to the culture's redefinition of which sins are acceptable. But what does the Bible really say about sexual desire and sexual intimacy?

God Loves Sex
offers a truly liberating, godly view of holy sensuality by recovering the clear meaning of the Song of Songs as God-sanctioned eroticism. Then it uses that lens to answer questions posed by a fictional new Christian struggling with expectations of sexual purity. It asks provocative questions, such as What does it mean to be both holy and filled with rich sexual desire? and How can our sexual struggles take us deeper into the purposes of God?

Pairing psychological insight with sound biblical scholarship, Allender and Longman bring it all out into the open, allowing Christians of any age and any marital status to discover sex the way God meant it to be.
God Loves Sex: An Honest Conversation about Sexual Desire and Holiness
We live in a sexually mad world where God's gift of sex has been distorted through pornography, promiscuity, prostitution, abuse, trafficking, and rape. The church's position on sexual matters has been made clear throughout history: all sexual activity outside the boundaries of Christian marriage is sin. But rarely has the church honestly addressed the true needs of Christians who are struggling with sexual desires they believe to be counter to the Bible. So we hide our struggles and pretend to live above the erotic fray, or else we cozy up to the culture's redefinition of which sins are acceptable. But what does the Bible really say about sexual desire and sexual intimacy?

God Loves Sex
offers a truly liberating, godly view of holy sensuality by recovering the clear meaning of the Song of Songs as God-sanctioned eroticism. Then it uses that lens to answer questions posed by a fictional new Christian struggling with expectations of sexual purity. It asks provocative questions, such as What does it mean to be both holy and filled with rich sexual desire? and How can our sexual struggles take us deeper into the purposes of God?

Pairing psychological insight with sound biblical scholarship, Allender and Longman bring it all out into the open, allowing Christians of any age and any marital status to discover sex the way God meant it to be.
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God Loves Sex: An Honest Conversation about Sexual Desire and Holiness

God Loves Sex: An Honest Conversation about Sexual Desire and Holiness

God Loves Sex: An Honest Conversation about Sexual Desire and Holiness

God Loves Sex: An Honest Conversation about Sexual Desire and Holiness


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We live in a sexually mad world where God's gift of sex has been distorted through pornography, promiscuity, prostitution, abuse, trafficking, and rape. The church's position on sexual matters has been made clear throughout history: all sexual activity outside the boundaries of Christian marriage is sin. But rarely has the church honestly addressed the true needs of Christians who are struggling with sexual desires they believe to be counter to the Bible. So we hide our struggles and pretend to live above the erotic fray, or else we cozy up to the culture's redefinition of which sins are acceptable. But what does the Bible really say about sexual desire and sexual intimacy?

God Loves Sex
offers a truly liberating, godly view of holy sensuality by recovering the clear meaning of the Song of Songs as God-sanctioned eroticism. Then it uses that lens to answer questions posed by a fictional new Christian struggling with expectations of sexual purity. It asks provocative questions, such as What does it mean to be both holy and filled with rich sexual desire? and How can our sexual struggles take us deeper into the purposes of God?

Pairing psychological insight with sound biblical scholarship, Allender and Longman bring it all out into the open, allowing Christians of any age and any marital status to discover sex the way God meant it to be.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780801015663
Publisher: Baker Publishing Group
Publication date: 11/04/2014
Pages: 176
Product dimensions: 5.90(w) x 8.90(h) x 0.50(d)

About the Author

Dan B. Allender (MDiv, Westminster Theological Seminary; PhD, Michigan State University) is professor of counseling psychology and is former president of Mars Hill Graduate School in Seattle, Washington. He travels and speaks extensively on sexual-abuse recovery, love and forgiveness, worship and other related topics. Allender is the author of nine books, including The Wounded Heart, which has sold over 400,000 copies.

Tremper Longman III
(PhD, Yale University) is the Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies at Westmont College in California. He has authored, coauthored, or edited numerous books, including An Introduction to the Old Testament, How to Read Proverbs, The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary, and commentaries on Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Jeremiah and Lamentations, and Daniel.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments xi

Introduction: Holy Sex 1

1 Song of Songs: A Holy and Erotic Book 7

2 Roped In 27

3 Before the Bible Study on Desire 35

4 The Dance of Desire 40

5 After the Bible Study on Desire 56

6 Before the Bible Study on Beauty 63

7 The Intrigue of Beauty 68

8 After the Bible Study on Beauty 81

9 The Sad Sexual Tales of My Friend 85

10 The Fantasy of Sexual Play 89

11 Before the Bible Study on Struggles 99

12 The Struggle toward Intimacy: Part 1 102

13 The Struggle toward Intimacy: Part 2 113

14 After the Bible Study on Struggles 123

15 Before the Bible Study on Glory 129

16 The Glory of Sex 133

17 Tears of Laughter 146

Conclusion: After the Glory 149

Notes 157

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