Laws of Life

Laws of Life

by Donna Duffield
Laws of Life

Laws of Life

by Donna Duffield


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Life is governed by natural laws. They are as old as the hills, recalled a thousand times by many teachers both past and present. They are always presented new and fresh according to the times, cultural norms of society, and personal experiences of the teacher. In Laws of Life, author Donna Duffield shares a collection of these laws so that life will eventually become a moment to moment joy rather than a daily chore to endure. Gathered from years of fighting the dark and finally finding the light, these nuggets of wisdom address the problems human beings face every day including topics such as destructive habits, being judgmental, inner peace, growth, and compassion, the true meaning of karma and understanding suffering. Shared in snippets, the laws and the accompanying text demonstrate there is light at the end of every dark tunnel.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781532000492
Publisher: iUniverse, Incorporated
Publication date: 11/14/2016
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 228
File size: 802 KB

About the Author

Donna Duffield completed two degrees in the psychology field. She owns Total Health, a business in Ireland and also runs workshops, gives presentations, and writes.

Read an Excerpt

Laws of Life

By Donna Duffield


Copyright © 2016 Donna Duffield
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-5320-0048-5


    God and Religion

    Some followers of religion get so caught up with following their

    They forget God


    If you judge yourself
    You will have no love
    To love others

    Non-Judgment starts with you first

    Freedom from judgment
    Comes with understanding....
    Why you do what you do
    Then you know why others do as they do

    We behave bad because we feel bad
    Not because we are bad
    Knowing this brings compassion
    Compassion transforms bad to good

    Old Habits Die Hard ...

    Let your heart decide
    What's right for you
    Not the people around You

    Caring too much about what people think
    Is an old habit
    That destroys the freedom
    To be as you are
    And live the life you want

    When your time Is up
    Will you wish you had of pleased more people?
    Or had the courage to please yourself?

    Inner Peace ...

    All we want in life is peace!

    Without peace we cannot feel love
    Without peace we cannot see beauty
    Without peace we cannot be content

    Peace comes not from changing all that surrounds you
    It comes from changing that which is within you

    Self-condemnation breeds guilt and destroys peace
    Understanding breeds compassion and creates peace

    Where are you?
    In peace or conflict?


    Do you feel stuck - going round in circles?
    Do you keep suffering with the same -
    Pain, condition, situation or person?

    You may see the truth
    But yet it continues ...?

    Old habits die hard my friend
    Some are as old as your birth
    But many are from generations before
    Put unto you to resolve
    Too difficult for them to face

    See the situation clearly
    Go into it deeply
    See your ignorance - more than theirs
    Do not run - face yourself
    The truth will eventually set you free

    More than anything else
    Be kind to yourself
    This takes great courage


    You are doing the best you can ...

    Do you continue to fall?
    You are supposed to....
    That's how we learn

    No one is born perfect

    Our greatest teachers faced internal battles
    They too fell many times

    Great teachers ...
    Get back up
    Feel no pity
    And no guilt

    To get back up and grow
    You must understand that you are destined to fall
    To get back up and grow
    You must know - life is tough!

    Bigger Picture

    If you think about the particulars of your life
    You will find problems and suffering

    If you think about why you are here
    You will find, mystery, beauty, truth and God

    What do you think about?

    Heaven Is Within You....

    But you have to go through hell first, to get there
    Hell is all of your conditioning, past pain, ignorance and ego

    Let all your situations reveal to you your ignorance
    And all that you have been searching for

    Will be revealed!

    Life's Greatest Gift

    Lessons are life's greatest gift....
    They teach wisdom

    Without wisdom there is no..
    Peace, compassion, contentment and joy

    The biggest gift wisdom taught me was..
    Living without fear of the future
    And guilt of the past

    Without wisdom life was not worth living

    Wisdom comes from your life situations
    Particularly painful ones
    You are not a victim of life
    You are a student of existence

    Look, listen and learn
    And life will reveal its beautiful mystery

    The True Meaning
    Of Karma....

    Doing something good
    Does not create good karma
    Unless it is done without....

    'The desire to gain'

    Doing something bad
    Does not create bad karma
    Unless it is done with....

    'The intent to harm'

    Karma is your internal energy
    Manifesting everyday as your life circumstances
    If you hold and create anger energy
    You will create destructive circumstances
    If you hold and create peaceful energy
    You will create harmonious circumstances

    You have to attract according to
    Your internal energy
    Past and what you create now with your mind

    This isn't punishment
    Its divine evolution
    Karma is your mirror
    You can only change that which you can see

    Your Suffering Is
    Your Teaching ...

    Whatever you resist - persists!
    Because in resistance to the situation
    You also resist the teaching

    You cannot by pass your divine destiny to learn
    Without learning the human race could not exist

    The rule is this....
    As you change from within your life changes from without
    Thus before you seek to change a painful situation
    Seek to understand its teaching
    If you change the situation before learning
    The situation will simply repeat itself

    Are you going round in circles?

    Understand Suffering

    To pass through the grips of suffering
    You must understand....

    Suffering comes from within
    Not without

    Circumstances are bringing your past pain to conscious awareness
    Not causing it

    Hidden in this pain
    Is wisdom, depth, joy and divine connection


    First you must understand your suffering
    You simply make more of it

    Suffering Is Oxygen

    At certain stages of your evolutionary growth
    Suffering is as vital as oxygen

    Without it you are....
    Shallow, ignorant, a coward, blind, selfish and most of all without
    knowledge of the divine Nature of life

    You are here on earth to learn
    When You Realize This, Your Suffering becomes your greatest gift

    And your key to the greatest joy you have ever known

    Suffering Is Your
    Divine Gift

    Freedom from suffering is in understanding suffering
    Your greatest lessons are always in your greatest pain

    Freedom from suffering is knowing how to deal with suffering
    Understand, accept, feel and let go

    Our greatest teachers, Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela etc
    Have often suffered the greatest pain
    Their suffering was their teaching

    Now It's our turn and mine
    What is the teaching hidden in your suffering?
    Do you know how to access it?
    What are your circumstances trying to tell you?

    When you know this your suffering will pass
    Leaving only wisdom behind

    Evolving Pains

    Only when your suffering Is acute
    Are you close to dissolving it
    This is the process of evolving

    To evolve you need experience and knowledge
    Suffering will naturally attract your experience
    And the sincere desire to see the truth
    Will attract the right knowledge

    Not Mad Or Bad

    You suffer not because you are mad, bad or guilty
    You suffer because its your time to grow

    Belief in God or not makes no difference
    To be happy, at peace and content
    Man has to evolve out of this stage of ignorance

    If you suffer consistently with....

    Anger, hatred, jealousy, insecurity, fear, anxiety, depression and
    addictions -

    Then you are in the stage of growth not insanity

    Desire Is Growth

    Desire is an essential part of mans spiritual growth....

    All desire is only man searching
    To quench the relentless thirst for contentment

    Such contentment cannot be found in the world
    Only in returning back to his divine nature

    Man must first search the world, however
    In the form of his desires

    When he satisfies all desire and still feels empty
    Then he is ready to go in search
    Of the divine

    Thus ...
    Leave man to his desires
    He must see the truth for himself

    Peace Starts With You

    Man who is not at war within himself
    Will not be at war outside himself

    To create peace
    You must first be at peace with yourself

    To love another
    You must feel love for within yourself

    To stop judging another
    You must first accept yourself

    Self-condemnation for any reason
    Creates anger and pain within War against the self
    And conflict with another

    Stop Running

    Alcohol, drugs, cigarettes,
    Food, sex, gambling, masturbation etc....

    Regardless of your addiction type
    All can be transcended with true understanding

    Your compulsion to obsessively engage in any behavior
    Without the ability to stop - is an addiction

    In truth however it is your body and mind trying
    To tell you something important
    But you are not listening
    You are running

    You are running from
    Emptiness, boredom, pain, problems, stress

    Stop running
    And your addictions will stop too

    A Quiet Mind

    When you quiet the mind
    Suffering is not painful
    It is felt as a little discomfort in the stomach

    When you quiet the mind
    Difficult situations
    Are resolved easily

    When you quiet the mind
    You feel all is well regardless

    Understand your
    Suffering ...

    If no matter what you achieve in your life
    There is still a desire for more

    If each desire once satisfied
    Still leaves you empty inside

    If the material world has lost its appeal
    And you feel somewhat depressed

    You are suffering from a spiritual thirst
    That cannot be quenched by the world
    But only by the spiritual dimension

    It is your time to go within
    Find the truth
    Join your divine being
    And return home

    Suffering Comes From

    Inability to deal with emotions
    Ignorance of how the mind works
    Inability to read situations properly

    This is not a weakness - such fundamental things were not taught
    Once you understand these things life becomes....

    A joy despite and because of challenges
    Peace becomes your natural state regardless
    You find divine meaning to existence


    Self-Knowledge is seeing without judgment

    Seeing that happiness
    That is dependent
    Is merely unhappiness woven in ignorance
    Ignorance of once i have this i will be happy
    Only to gain it and return to unhappiness and seeking again

    Happiness dependent upon conditions remaining same
    Is illusion
    It is merely a comfort zone
    Woven in fear
    Leading to control and anxiety of change

    True happiness is self-knowledge
    Seeing through illusion
    That happiness is your natural state
    Not a dependent one

    Can you see yet?

    Pain Is Natural

    A response to the present moment
    Training the being in wisdom, strength and depth
    Adding to the richness of life and being
    Passes easily with acceptance

    Suffering is man-made
    Created by resistance to present circumstances
    Or dwelling on what has past
    Accumulates with time
    Rendering the being to weakness and sickness

    Understanding is key
    Letting go is vital

    All Are Divinely Equal

    Only man and his ego places one man above another....

    Every child is special, not just yours
    Every prophet is equal to every man - only his stage in evolution
    which separates him
    Every life is important in the evolution of consciousness - not just
    those that changed history
    Every being is divine - behavior is not a measure of his being only
    his consciousness

    Me and mine is you trapped in ego - all is divinely one!

    You Get What You Need

    Life doesn't bring you what you want
    It brings you what you need

    When that is painful or challenging
    It is only trying to free you from your own ignorance
    It is mirroring you through your reactions

    Stop blaming and justifying
    And you will see and be free

    Always ask 'what is life trying to teach me'?

    Inner Conditions Create
    Or destroy Happiness

    You do not need to change the world
    To be happy
    You need to change how you see the world

    Happiness is an internal experience created every moment
    Not by outer circumstances
    But by inner conditions

    You are in control of your happiness
    Once you learn to control your mind

    What are you creating right now?

    Belief Systems Are False

    They are ideas without evidence

    Their calling card is fear
    Fear that essentially you know you do not know

    Knowledge is seen directly
    And thus requires no belief

    Its calling card is authority
    Authority which cannot be shaken

    One will set you free from suffering
    As only the realization of truth can

    The other will keep you trapped
    Offering only momentary release in the form of hope

    Challenge your belief systems
    Admit you do not know
    Only then can the power of knowledge enter

    Pain vs Suffering

    When i finally came out of the darkness
    I realized it was my greatest gift ...

    If you learn to understand suffering
    Suffering comes to an end

    If you learn to face pain
    You will experience the utter joy of being alive

    Suffering is in the mind - understand it
    Pain is in the body - face it

    Then you will know 'the peace that passeth all understanding'
    (Philippians 4:7)

    Endless Desire

    As long as man seeks an orgasm
    He will only ever be able to make sex, not love

    This will only happen when man
    Has outlived the pleasure principle
    And thus seen the truth....

    Pleasure is man's endless desire for fulfillment
    Pleasure always leads to pain as emptiness returns
    Pain of pleasure will eventually drive man to truth
    Truth will take him home

    His divine home is what he is searching for

    Heart Vs Mind

    Follow your hearts calling -
    Its nature is divine
    Its intention is to serve you

    Follow your mind
    Its nature is fear
    Its intention is to people please

    Follow your heart
    Its nature is love
    Its intention is to bring you peace

    Follow your mind
    Its nature is conditioning
    Its intention is empty pleasure

    The calling of heart is silent 'knowing'
    The calling of mind is obsessive noise

    What is your heart saying?

    Live Your Desires Fully!

    Guilt and regret serve only....

    To suffocate the life in you
    Preventing the seeing of truth and personal growth

    Each desire is governed by the erroneous belief of fulfillment
    Not until you have lived the desire fully can you see the truth
    That is its divine purpose

    Live each desire without guilt
    You will see the truth and drop them
    Eventually tiring of worldly desires
    Seeking the only fulfillment, of the spiritual way


    Depression is not cured by ...

    Adding worldly pleasures
    Or by taking tablets

    Depression is cured by ...

    Releasing the sadness of the past in you
    And challenging negative thought patterns

    Live And Let Live

    The true meaning of respect is to ...
    Live and let Live

    Some may behave in one way
    And you in another

    Others may follow one religion
    And you another or none

    Live your own beliefs, that is your birth right
    Let others live theirs, it is their birth right

    Thus, live and let live
    All else is control

    You Are Perfect As You Are

    Your flaws and imperfections were divinely created
    They are the drive to take you home

    We are each given a cross to carry
    That serves as our resurrection to be reborn

    Learn to accept yourself
    And you will go home to your divine beautiful being

    Learn to carry your cross
    And you will transcend all suffering and be reborn into peace
    and joy
    You are a divine being living a human existence

    The Real Law Of Attraction

    What you play with in your mind
    You create In your body
    You manifest in your life

    This is as real as it gets ...

    Understand the law
    And you consciously create your life


Excerpted from Laws of Life by Donna Duffield. Copyright © 2016 Donna Duffield. Excerpted by permission of iUniverse.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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