Making Time: A New Vision for Crafting a Life beyond Productivity
We are constantly fed the line that more productivity will bring more ease, satisfaction, and meaning to our lives. But what if all the gold stars and check boxes are just a distraction? What if we could stop project-managing life and act from our being instead of all our doing?

If you long to leave the pressure to do enough behind in favor of a life full of meaning, creativity, and joy-a life where you don't feel rushed because you can't fall behind-Making Time is for you. You won't find any life hacks to control your schedule in order to cram in more work. It's about liberating yourself from the myth that humans are producers and discovering the freedom of being a maker who trusts life as a creative process. In this bold, revitalizing call back to human being, you'll learn how to

¿ let go of the constant pressure to do more

¿ find deeper meaning in how you spend your time and energy

¿ resist external noise that crowds out inspiration

¿ make what you really desire to make with your time

You don't need to do more or try harder. It just takes a new, transformative vision for how to live from your values every day.
Making Time: A New Vision for Crafting a Life beyond Productivity
We are constantly fed the line that more productivity will bring more ease, satisfaction, and meaning to our lives. But what if all the gold stars and check boxes are just a distraction? What if we could stop project-managing life and act from our being instead of all our doing?

If you long to leave the pressure to do enough behind in favor of a life full of meaning, creativity, and joy-a life where you don't feel rushed because you can't fall behind-Making Time is for you. You won't find any life hacks to control your schedule in order to cram in more work. It's about liberating yourself from the myth that humans are producers and discovering the freedom of being a maker who trusts life as a creative process. In this bold, revitalizing call back to human being, you'll learn how to

¿ let go of the constant pressure to do more

¿ find deeper meaning in how you spend your time and energy

¿ resist external noise that crowds out inspiration

¿ make what you really desire to make with your time

You don't need to do more or try harder. It just takes a new, transformative vision for how to live from your values every day.
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Making Time: A New Vision for Crafting a Life beyond Productivity

Making Time: A New Vision for Crafting a Life beyond Productivity

by Maria Bowler

Narrated by Maria Bowler

Unabridged — 5 hours, 7 minutes

Making Time: A New Vision for Crafting a Life beyond Productivity

Making Time: A New Vision for Crafting a Life beyond Productivity

by Maria Bowler

Narrated by Maria Bowler

Unabridged — 5 hours, 7 minutes

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We are constantly fed the line that more productivity will bring more ease, satisfaction, and meaning to our lives. But what if all the gold stars and check boxes are just a distraction? What if we could stop project-managing life and act from our being instead of all our doing?

If you long to leave the pressure to do enough behind in favor of a life full of meaning, creativity, and joy-a life where you don't feel rushed because you can't fall behind-Making Time is for you. You won't find any life hacks to control your schedule in order to cram in more work. It's about liberating yourself from the myth that humans are producers and discovering the freedom of being a maker who trusts life as a creative process. In this bold, revitalizing call back to human being, you'll learn how to

¿ let go of the constant pressure to do more

¿ find deeper meaning in how you spend your time and energy

¿ resist external noise that crowds out inspiration

¿ make what you really desire to make with your time

You don't need to do more or try harder. It just takes a new, transformative vision for how to live from your values every day.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940193525844
Publisher: EChristian, Inc.
Publication date: 01/21/2025
Edition description: Unabridged
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