Months and Seasons
"Months and Seasons" is the follow-up story collection to Christopher Meeks's award-winning "The Middle-Aged Man and the Sea." With a combination of main characters from young to old and with drama and humor, the tales pursue such people as a supermodel who awakens after open-heart surgery, a famous playwright who faces a firestorm consuming the landscape, a reluctant man who attends a Halloween party as Dracula, and a New Yorker who thinks she's a chicken. "Christopher Meeks's quirky stories are lyrical and wonderfully human. Enjoy," says Sandra Tsing Loh, author of "A Year in Van Nuys.")
Months and Seasons
"Months and Seasons" is the follow-up story collection to Christopher Meeks's award-winning "The Middle-Aged Man and the Sea." With a combination of main characters from young to old and with drama and humor, the tales pursue such people as a supermodel who awakens after open-heart surgery, a famous playwright who faces a firestorm consuming the landscape, a reluctant man who attends a Halloween party as Dracula, and a New Yorker who thinks she's a chicken. "Christopher Meeks's quirky stories are lyrical and wonderfully human. Enjoy," says Sandra Tsing Loh, author of "A Year in Van Nuys.")
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Months and Seasons

Months and Seasons

by Christopher Meeks
Months and Seasons

Months and Seasons

by Christopher Meeks


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"Months and Seasons" is the follow-up story collection to Christopher Meeks's award-winning "The Middle-Aged Man and the Sea." With a combination of main characters from young to old and with drama and humor, the tales pursue such people as a supermodel who awakens after open-heart surgery, a famous playwright who faces a firestorm consuming the landscape, a reluctant man who attends a Halloween party as Dracula, and a New Yorker who thinks she's a chicken. "Christopher Meeks's quirky stories are lyrical and wonderfully human. Enjoy," says Sandra Tsing Loh, author of "A Year in Van Nuys.")

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780615188706
Publisher: White Whisker Books
Publication date: 04/07/2008
Pages: 172
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.40(d)
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