My Extraordinary Experiences: Questioning the Essence of Life

From as young as eight years of age and continuing throughout her life, Viviana has experienced events that fall way beyond the parameters of normal everyday life.

Her astonishing experiences have shown her that you are not yourself, you are not what you think you are. You are far greater and far more than you could ever possibly imagine.

Vivianas experiences will challenge your views on reality, science, spirituality, and just about everything you believe is true.

Through sharing her story with you, you will be offered a fresh new look at the world around you and how you operate within it.

This book will inspire a powerful shift in perception as you discover just how equally amazing, unique, and important you are, in the greater scheme of things.

My Extraordinary Experiences: Questioning the Essence of Life

From as young as eight years of age and continuing throughout her life, Viviana has experienced events that fall way beyond the parameters of normal everyday life.

Her astonishing experiences have shown her that you are not yourself, you are not what you think you are. You are far greater and far more than you could ever possibly imagine.

Vivianas experiences will challenge your views on reality, science, spirituality, and just about everything you believe is true.

Through sharing her story with you, you will be offered a fresh new look at the world around you and how you operate within it.

This book will inspire a powerful shift in perception as you discover just how equally amazing, unique, and important you are, in the greater scheme of things.

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My Extraordinary Experiences: Questioning the Essence of Life

My Extraordinary Experiences: Questioning the Essence of Life

by Viviana Verheesen
My Extraordinary Experiences: Questioning the Essence of Life

My Extraordinary Experiences: Questioning the Essence of Life

by Viviana Verheesen



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From as young as eight years of age and continuing throughout her life, Viviana has experienced events that fall way beyond the parameters of normal everyday life.

Her astonishing experiences have shown her that you are not yourself, you are not what you think you are. You are far greater and far more than you could ever possibly imagine.

Vivianas experiences will challenge your views on reality, science, spirituality, and just about everything you believe is true.

Through sharing her story with you, you will be offered a fresh new look at the world around you and how you operate within it.

This book will inspire a powerful shift in perception as you discover just how equally amazing, unique, and important you are, in the greater scheme of things.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781504304252
Publisher: Balboa Press AU
Publication date: 09/19/2016
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 366
File size: 733 KB

About the Author

At seven, Viviana Verheesen sailed with her parents onboard a migrant ship from Holland to Australia. Having experienced many events outside of normal everyday life, Viviana has always known that these would eventually lead her to write this book.

Viviana has travelled extensively and resides in tropical North Queensland Australia.

You may reach Viviana Verheesen at

Read an Excerpt

My Extraordinary Experiences

Questioning the Essence of Life

By Viviana Verheesen

Balboa Press

Copyright © 2016 Viviana P. J. Verheesen
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-5043-0424-5


The Mystery Begins

As new migrants, we had been invited to accompany Mrs B, who had lived in Australia for some years, on a long journey through the Australian countryside. I was around eight and a half years of age at the time.

After many hours on the road, my younger brother needed the toilet, so my mother asked Mrs B where the next toilet was. At that moment, I became filled with incredible excitement because all of a sudden, without ever having been there, I knew exactly where the toilet was and how to get there.

Can you imagine what that was like for an eight-year-old?

With electrifying excitement and almost jumping out of my seat, I squealed out to my mother at the top of my voice, "Mum! Mum! I know where the toilet is! I know where the toilet is!"

I didn't know how I knew, but I knew that I knew, and I knew that I was right.

My mother turned to face me with a frustrated look. "Stop yelling!"

She turned to listen to Mrs B, who replied, "We will soon be in the next town. There's a public toilet there."

I was so excited that I was unable to contain myself and excitedly continued yelling, "Mum! Mum! I know! I know! I know! Mum, I know!" My words were flying out like rockets. "Mum, we turn left at the road with the grass in the middle! Mum! Mum! We go to the top of the hill and go left! And Mum, there's a milk bar on the left with a red door! And Mum, the toilet is in the middle of the road in front of the milk bar! Mum! Mum!"

My mother wasn't taking any notice of what I was saying and yelled at me again to keep quiet.

I was totally frustrated. I was having an amazing experience seeing into the future, and nobody was listening.

"But Mum! The counter is on the right when you go in! Mum, I know! I know! I know where it is!"

At the realization that no matter how hard I yelled, everyone was just continuing to do their own thing and not taking any notice, I fell back into my seat and withdrew into a silent world of my own, feeling somewhat deserted.

I will never forget how I felt as I sat quietly in the back seat of the car when we drove into that town.

In a quiet, stunned state of shock, I took in the scenery, confirming everything that I had already seen in my mind.

It was exactly as I had seen it. We drove into town until we came to a road with a grass median down the middle. We turned left and drove up the hill. At the top of the hill, we turned left again, as I knew we would. There was a milk bar on the left with a red door, and the toilet was opposite the milk bar in the middle of the road.

Still in my silent world, I was now trying to figure out how I could have possibly seen all this when I had never been there before. A million questions rushed through my young, inexperienced mind.

After my mother and brother came out of the toilet block, I followed them into the milk bar. It too was just as I had seen it in my mind.

How was that possible?

How incredibly isolated and alone I felt at that time.

If only people had stopped and listened to me. But they hadn't, and now here was the proof that I had seen into a future place, and no one was there to share or witness this with me. The internal questioning that followed totally absorbed me to the point where I don't remember what happened for the rest of the day – or what the rest of the holiday was about. I had entered my isolated world, and a mystery beyond my understanding had changed me. There was more going on than what I had so far been told about life. The mystery had begun, and so had my search for answers.

I pondered on this event in my life as a child for many years and knew that I would not rest until I understood what had happened.

Five years later, I started to figure things out.

* * *

Approaching thirteen years of age in the 1960s, I'd been given a transistor radio and was sitting on the small brick wall in front of our house with my "tranny" to my ear. The mystery of seeing into the future five years earlier was still haunting my mind, and I was desperate to understand it logically, but nobody had yet been able to give me anything that resembled a logical answer – let alone take me seriously.

As I was listening to the radio, I started contemplating, How can I be hearing people talk on this radio without an electrical cord plugged in? How can voices be invisibly carried through the air from a faraway place to this box thing that somehow picks it up and then translates it to my ear so that I can hear what they are talking about in a place beyond my normal hearing reach?

Suddenly, at the onset of my teenage years, the obvious answer had arrived.

* * *

It dawned on me that humans are capable of being transmitters and receivers just like radios and TVs. I realised that Mrs B had been there before and was remembering where the toilet was in her own mind, and I was able to receive the pictures in the same way that a television set picks up a picture transmitted by invisible wavelengths from elsewhere. How else could that occur?

I could logically conclude that humans must have the capacity and the capability of developing telepathy through somehow intercepting invisible wavelengths.

I finally had a logical answer that made sense.

Many similar events occurred throughout my life. Some of these will be referred to later in this book.


An Invisible Playmate

Not long after I had concluded that we are capable of being transmitters and receivers, I was thrown another very different experience that couldn't be explained and is very difficult to put into a language designed only for our expression of a material world.

The words that I have chosen in my endeavour to share the experience with you, are the closest possible descriptions I can find. They are indeed not able to fully communicate the experience, as there are just no words to adequately describe it. I can only inform you that the experience was far more intense and exhilarating than any of these words can convey.

Every year from the age of eight until the age of fifteen, my mother, father, two siblings, and I, along with other families from our community, would take on the long, challenging dirt road with trailers and caravans in tow to Wilsons Promontory National Park. There, we set up camp for the six-week Christmas school holiday period.

The scenery was spectacular as the road meandered through mountains laced with giant orange granite boulders that disappeared into the deep sapphire-blue sea below.

How I just loved those massive boulders!

After everyone set up camp and had dinner, the dads would return home to continue working to support their families, returning only at weekends with supplies.

These were the most magical times of my life, although I have to say that I feel quite blessed with having had many magical times.

My mum would burst into new life during these holidays, always playing highly inventive practical jokes. She was totally in her element and was loads of fun to be around. She was a wonderful storyteller and a great poet who was always exciting to listen to. The child within my mother glistened during our time at "the prom."

The contrast between life at home in daily routine and these holidays taught me a lot about people and life itself. One of the greatest and most obvious lessons was just how beautifully people shine, given the right conditions. Another great lesson was how routine seemed to rob us of so much of our creativity. It seemed that everyone just blossomed during these holidays.

I enjoyed it all: the families, the friends, the place itself, and the fun times that we all shared. As children we were given almost limitless freedom while the mums enjoyed their own time as women together.

We would often go bush and explore the many walking tracks throughout the national park, but most of our days were spent down at the beach lazing beside an isolated bunch of large orange granite boulders. Our favourite was a massive flat rock that rose gently from beneath the sand and was surrounded by bigger boulders offering shelter when the breeze picked up.

For all those years that we holidayed in this magnificent place, this group of rocks was our ever-faithful meeting place. Life on that rock with family and friends was loads of fun and holds some of my dearest memories, but there were times when I just needed to go off and explore on my own to spend time by myself with my own thoughts. On these occasions, I would sneak off to the end of the beach, where a rim of huge granite boulders - some the size of houses – stretched out from the bottom of the mountain, reaching down and disappearing into the waters below.

For hours I would investigate these boulders and meander through the many caverns hidden amongst them, watching and listening to the powerful waves washing over them. I would peek into the many rock pools to see what little creatures I might find. There were sea anemones with red tentacles and I took great joy in sticking my fingers gently into these jelly-like creatures to feel them sucking on to me. Another great delight were the little 'squirties'; sea sponges exposed at low tide, which when you gently pushed down on them would squirt a jet of water up to a meter into the air!

Nearly every day, in this magical place, I would lose myself to time and felt such an affinity that the more familiar I became, the more home it became and like a spirited racehorse I would challenge myself, knowing exactly where to place my feet, to see how fast I could sprint over the rocks from one end to another.

It was here in this much loved place that I was to be thrown my next challenge in the mystery of life.

It was a most glorious, calm, sunny day. I had just started to run over the rocks for my playful speed challenge.

With my shiny long straight hair swishing around me, I ran and jumped from one rock to another, carrying with me a lovely feeling of freedom as I happily enjoyed each wonderful leap. Then all of a sudden something untoward happened:


"Oh my God! What's happening!?"

The world was no longer normal and the question of life confronted me yet again. I was no longer in charge of my own physical body and something other than myself had taken hold of me, lifting me up and carrying me at a speed faster than I could have possibly accomplished all on my own.

This was totally unnatural according to everything that I had ever experienced. Something else was carrying my body and I felt no weight. It certainly didn't fit in with my understanding of gravity. Gravity didn't even seem to be playing any part in what was occurring.

I was hardly touching the surface of the rocks, and as I continued to run, at times I felt that I had completely missed touchdown. I felt as light as a feather. I was desperately trying to understand in my mind what was occurring. It was both very strange and very exhilarating.

In the first instance I was totally shocked. This whoosh initially entered and carried me with quite a bit of force and I was completely taken by surprise. I was confused, a little afraid, and in wonderment all at the same time. Shortly after the initial shock, I began to feel an incredible and immense joy and the fear completely subsided.

So there I was, running like the wind without any effort on my part and not even having to think about where to place my feet, because I certainly wasn't the one doing the running. Something else was doing the running and whatever was running me felt inconceivably amazing. There are simply no words in the English language to describe the feeling of this experience. It was an immeasurably beautiful and very endearing feeling.

Can you imagine this happening to you? Something other than yourself takes your body for a run? How does one describe that?

The feelings experienced as we ran like the wind itself with amazing leaps and bounds over the rocks simply put, can't be adequately explained but I will endeavour to continue to share it with you.

I experienced a joy beyond any joy that I had ever felt before. My fear had completely dissolved. I felt totally safe and was able to completely surrender to allow whatever was happening to me, to happen (as if I knew how to stop this anyway).

The more relaxed I became, the more I could feel what was happening. I continued to feel as light as a feather without any sense of weight at all, which was immensely liberating.

Then I had the most amazing moment of understanding which I can only express as being cleared to me (I really don't know how to describe this), and then I knew.

And trust me, this is going to sound incredibly bizarre.

My body had been joined by an aboriginal boy's spirit who was of my age group and who had also, like me, taken great joy in running over these magnificent rocks in his own physical life.

This was his country, and this was his final resting place.

His personality had joined me in my body in order to once again experience the great physical delight of running over these magnificent boulders, as he had done many times in his own life.

(It takes great courage to be writing this down in a world where such events are both rare and not easily accepted.)

For most people this event is going to be very difficult to believe, and I know that I am really putting myself out there by sharing this with you.

Nevertheless, regardless of just how bizarre this event sounds or what people will think of me, it is time to share what I have experienced and what has been waiting for almost a lifetime to be shared.

It was indeed one of the most magical, blissful, and endearing events of my life. We had "united" into inseparable playmates "in love" (not of the romantic type), playing together as one under the sun.

Throughout the event, we were both ecstatically happy and in total unison, yet we were still aware of our separate identities. We were both immensely delighted in running over the rocks together at superhuman speed and sharing this delightful experience with each other. We were indeed ultimate playmates.

It was unbelievably, lovingly electric.

Two personalities joined in one spirit, or should I say two spirits in one body, doing what both delighted in doing, together, as one, inseparable.

* * *

Just when I thought that I had figured out that we are transmitters and receivers and I could finally get on with living a normal life without incessant questioning, I was now faced with a whole new experience to be sorted out.

A new list of questions bombarded my mind. How was this possible?

Let me share a phrase that I once read which has been of great benefit in my search for truth and I feel would be appropriate to share with you at this point;

"Only an open mind will ever be able to know the secrets of the universe."

I have never forgotten that phrase. I totally believe that to be true, and I toast and commend those who can keep an open mind when everything they have ever been taught about their life defies that such an experience is even possible.

I know that if I hadn't had this experience myself, I would find myself struggling to accept this. I can only reiterate again: this is as real an experience to me as the experience of you reading this is to you.


Excerpted from My Extraordinary Experiences by Viviana Verheesen. Copyright © 2016 Viviana P. J. Verheesen. Excerpted by permission of Balboa Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Introduction, vii,
Event 1. The Mystery Begins, 3,
Event 2. An Invisible Playmate, 9,
Event 3. Saved by the Same Stranger, Twice, 19,
Event 4. I Died on the Wrong Day, 43,
Event 5. A Haunted House and a Beautiful Being of Light, 51,
Event 6. Time Splits, 75,
Event 7. An Out-of-Body Experience, 81,
Event 8. The Box of Photos, 87,
Event 9. Acknowledgment of a Future Time, 95,
Event 10. The Buttoned-Up Jacket, 105,
Event 11. A Surprise Visitor in My Gallery, 115,
Event 12. I Know Everyone Intimately, 121,
Event 13. Being Watched as I Move into My Apartment, 127,
Event 14. Blue Energy Rises from My Body, 133,
Event 15. Red Blood Cells, 139,
Event 16. A Foreigner on a Pushbike, 151,
Event 17. The Ford Transit Van, 163,
Event 18. The Bending of Time, 173,
Event 19. The Paper Clip Man, 177,
Event 20. The Pencil Appears, 183,
Event 21. Our Thoughts Affect Others, 187,
Event 22. Min Min Lights?, 193,
Event 23. I'm Now in the Future, 199,
Event 24. Wonderful Serendipity, 205,
Event 25. Need Signature Now, 209,
Event 26. The Hot Air Balloon, 213,
Event 27. Pennies from Heaven, 219,
Event 28. A Tiny Little Kombi Van, 227,
Event 29. Fate, 231,
Event 30. Mum Falls into Gutter, 237,
Event 31. Prawns at Popples, 241,
Event 32. 333 Paramahansa Yogananda, 247,
Event 33. Scrabble with Mum/Tailor, 253,
Event 34. Everything Liquefies, 257,
Event 35. Suspended inside a Bubble, 263,
Event 36. The Third Coffee Table, 269,
Event 37. Hit by Two Trucks, 277,
Event 38. The Clothes Peg, 287,
Event 39. Hinchinbrook Island, 293,
Event 40. Olive Oil!, 305,
Event 41. Lavender Oil!, 311,
Event 42. Mrs Priestly, 319,
Event 43. Merrilly, 325,
Event 44. Mum Passes Over and Spends Time with Me, 331,
In Conclusion, 339,
A Brief Summary, 345,

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