A modern day tale inspired by Beauty & the Beast...
Psychic Arabella Winterborne is forced to move into a mysterious fairytale-like mansion when her stepfather is caught embezzling from a powerful billionaire known for his beastly demeanor.
What started out as a life sentence to repay a debt by serving as Lux Beastly's personal oracle soon turns into a magical adventure that heals two scarred souls.
When Lux's own freedom is at stake, he must choose between the future of his company or losing Arabella forever.
Psychic Arabella Winterborne is forced to move into a mysterious fairytale-like mansion when her stepfather is caught embezzling from a powerful billionaire known for his beastly demeanor.
What started out as a life sentence to repay a debt by serving as Lux Beastly's personal oracle soon turns into a magical adventure that heals two scarred souls.
When Lux's own freedom is at stake, he must choose between the future of his company or losing Arabella forever.
Psychic's Beast
A modern day tale inspired by Beauty & the Beast...
Psychic Arabella Winterborne is forced to move into a mysterious fairytale-like mansion when her stepfather is caught embezzling from a powerful billionaire known for his beastly demeanor.
What started out as a life sentence to repay a debt by serving as Lux Beastly's personal oracle soon turns into a magical adventure that heals two scarred souls.
When Lux's own freedom is at stake, he must choose between the future of his company or losing Arabella forever.
Psychic Arabella Winterborne is forced to move into a mysterious fairytale-like mansion when her stepfather is caught embezzling from a powerful billionaire known for his beastly demeanor.
What started out as a life sentence to repay a debt by serving as Lux Beastly's personal oracle soon turns into a magical adventure that heals two scarred souls.
When Lux's own freedom is at stake, he must choose between the future of his company or losing Arabella forever.
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Psychic's Beast
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Product Details
BN ID: | 2940157471705 |
Publisher: | Udumbara Publishing |
Publication date: | 02/12/2017 |
Series: | Romance & Modern Fairytales , #1 |
Sold by: | Barnes & Noble |
Format: | eBook |
Pages: | 130 |
File size: | 289 KB |
About the Author
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