Revolutionary Wealth: How It Will Be Created and How It Will Change Our Lives
Since the mid-1960s, Alvin and Heidi Toffler have predicted the far-reaching impact of emerging technological, economic, and social developments on our businesses, governments, families, and daily lives. In REVOLUTIONARY WEALTH, they once again demonstrate their unparalleled ability to illuminate current trends and anticipate what they mean for the future.

REVOLUTIONARY WEALTH focuses on how wealth will be created—and who will get it—in the twenty-first century. As the knowledge-based economy (a reality the Tofflers predicted forty years ago) continues to replace the industrial-based economy, they argue, money is no longer the sole determinate of wealth. The Tofflers explain that we are becoming a nation of “prosumers,” consuming what we ourselves produce, and argue that we have all taken on “third jobs”—work we unwittingly do without pay for some of the biggest corporations in the country. Using fascinating examples from our daily lives, they illustrate how our everyday activities—from parenting and volunteering to blogging, painting our houses, and improving our diets—contribute to a non-monetary economy that is largely hidden from economists. Writing with the same insight and clarity that made their earlier books bestsellers, the Tofflers present fresh, groundbreaking new ways of thinking about wealth.
Revolutionary Wealth: How It Will Be Created and How It Will Change Our Lives
Since the mid-1960s, Alvin and Heidi Toffler have predicted the far-reaching impact of emerging technological, economic, and social developments on our businesses, governments, families, and daily lives. In REVOLUTIONARY WEALTH, they once again demonstrate their unparalleled ability to illuminate current trends and anticipate what they mean for the future.

REVOLUTIONARY WEALTH focuses on how wealth will be created—and who will get it—in the twenty-first century. As the knowledge-based economy (a reality the Tofflers predicted forty years ago) continues to replace the industrial-based economy, they argue, money is no longer the sole determinate of wealth. The Tofflers explain that we are becoming a nation of “prosumers,” consuming what we ourselves produce, and argue that we have all taken on “third jobs”—work we unwittingly do without pay for some of the biggest corporations in the country. Using fascinating examples from our daily lives, they illustrate how our everyday activities—from parenting and volunteering to blogging, painting our houses, and improving our diets—contribute to a non-monetary economy that is largely hidden from economists. Writing with the same insight and clarity that made their earlier books bestsellers, the Tofflers present fresh, groundbreaking new ways of thinking about wealth.
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Revolutionary Wealth: How It Will Be Created and How It Will Change Our Lives

Revolutionary Wealth: How It Will Be Created and How It Will Change Our Lives

Revolutionary Wealth: How It Will Be Created and How It Will Change Our Lives

Revolutionary Wealth: How It Will Be Created and How It Will Change Our Lives


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Since the mid-1960s, Alvin and Heidi Toffler have predicted the far-reaching impact of emerging technological, economic, and social developments on our businesses, governments, families, and daily lives. In REVOLUTIONARY WEALTH, they once again demonstrate their unparalleled ability to illuminate current trends and anticipate what they mean for the future.

REVOLUTIONARY WEALTH focuses on how wealth will be created—and who will get it—in the twenty-first century. As the knowledge-based economy (a reality the Tofflers predicted forty years ago) continues to replace the industrial-based economy, they argue, money is no longer the sole determinate of wealth. The Tofflers explain that we are becoming a nation of “prosumers,” consuming what we ourselves produce, and argue that we have all taken on “third jobs”—work we unwittingly do without pay for some of the biggest corporations in the country. Using fascinating examples from our daily lives, they illustrate how our everyday activities—from parenting and volunteering to blogging, painting our houses, and improving our diets—contribute to a non-monetary economy that is largely hidden from economists. Writing with the same insight and clarity that made their earlier books bestsellers, the Tofflers present fresh, groundbreaking new ways of thinking about wealth.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780385522076
Publisher: Crown Publishing Group
Publication date: 06/12/2007
Edition description: Reprint
Pages: 512
Product dimensions: 5.43(w) x 8.23(h) x 1.06(d)

About the Author

ALVIN TOFFLER and HEIDI TOFFLER advise companies and governments worldwide on advances in economics, technology, and social change. They are the authors of such classics as Future Shock, The Third Wave, Powershift, and War and Anti-War. They write and lecture widely and their monthly column appears in major newspapers around the world. They live in Los Angeles, California.

Read an Excerpt

CHAPTER 1SPEARHEADING WEALTH This book is about the future of wealth, visible and invisible—a revolutionary form of wealth that will redesign our lives, our companies and the world in the years now speeding toward us. To explain what that means, the pages ahead will deal with everything from family life and jobs to time pressures and the mounting complexity of everyday life. They will grapple with truth, lies, markets and money. They will cast surprising light on the collision of change and anti-change in the world around us—and inside ourselves. Today's wealth revolution will unlock countless opportunities and new life trajectories, not only for creative business entrepreneurs but for social, cultural and educational entrepreneurs as well. It will open fresh possibilities for slashing poverty both at home and around the globe. But it will accompany this invitation to a glowing future with a warning: Risks are not merely multiplying but escalating. The future is not for the fainthearted. Today e-mails and blogs bombard us. EBay makes marketers of us all. Corporate megascandals burst into the headlines. Drugs are launched to help cure breast cancer, multiple sclerosis and dozens of different diseases. Other drugs are belatedly pronounced too dangerous and yanked off the market. Robots go to Mars and land with exquisite precision. But computers, software, cell phones and networks constantly fail. Warming warms. Fuel cells beckon. Genes and stem cells trigger bitter controversy. Nano is the new techno-grail. Simultaneously, criminal street gangs from Los Angeles roam across Central America and build a quasi-army, and thirteen-year-old aspiring terrorists depart France for the Middle East. In London, Prince Harry dresses as a Nazi even as anti-Semitism re-rears its disgusting head. AIDS wipes out a generation in Africa, while strange new diseases in Asia threaten to sweep across the world. To escape—or at least forget—what appears like chaos, millions turn to television, where "reality TV" fakes reality. Thousands form "flash mobs" and gather to beat one another with pillows. Elsewhere, players of online games pay thousands of dollars in real money for virtual swords that their virtual selves can use to win virtual castles or maidens. Irreality spreads. More important, institutions that once lent coherence, order and stability to society—schools, hospitals, families, courts, regulatory agencies, trade unions—flail about in crisis. And it is against this background that America's trade deficit soars to unprecedented levels. The national budget staggers drunkenly. The world's finance ministers wonder out loud if they should risk triggering a global depression by recalling the billions they have lent to Washington. Europe celebrates itself for expanding the European Union—but German unemployment hits a fifty-year high and the French and Dutch overwhelmingly reject the proposed E.U. constitution. Meanwhile, China, we're told—again and again—is certain to become the next superpower. The combination of economic high-wire acts and institutional failures leaves individuals back home face-to-face with potentially devastating personal problems. They question if they will ever receive the pensions for which they have worked, or whether they can afford the rocketing costs of gasoline and health care. They agonize about appalling schools. They worry about whether crime, drugs and an anything-goes morality will destroy civil life. How, everyone wants to know, will this seeming chaos affect our wallets? Will we even have a wallet? FAD OF THE MONTH Not only do ordinary mortals find it hard to answer these questions, so do the experts. Corporate CEOs succeed one another like passengers pushing through a rush-hour turnstile: merging, divesting, kowtowing to the stock market; pursuing core competence one month, synergy the next, the latest management fad a month later. They study the most recent economic forecasts, but many economists themselves are befuddled as they wander around in a cemetery of dead ideas. To decode this new world we need to cut through the chatter of rear-window economists and business pundits who prattle about "business fundamentals." We need to probe below the obsolete obvious. In these pages, therefore, we will focus on the unexplored "deep fundamentals" on which the so-called fundamentals themselves depend. Once we do, things look different, less crazy, and previously unnoticed opportunities pop out of the shadows. Chaos, it turns out, is only part of the story. And chaos itself generates new ideas. Tomorrow's economy, for example, will present significant business opportunities in fields like hyper-agriculture, neurostimulation, customized health care, nanoceuticals, bizarre new energy sources, streaming payment systems, smart transportation, flash markets, new forms of education, non-lethal weapons, desktop manufacturing, programmable money, risk management, privacy-invasion sensors that tell us when we're being observed—indeed, sensors of all kinds—plus a bewildering myriad of other goods, services and experiences. We can't be sure when these will or will not turn profitable or how they will converge. But understanding the deep fundamentals will reveal the existence, even now, of new needs and previously unidentified industries and sectors—a huge "synchronization industry," for example, and a "loneliness industry." To forecast the future of wealth, we also need to look not just at the work we do for money but at the unpaid work all of us also do as "prosumers." (We'll explain later, but it might shock most people to learn just how much unpaid output we all produce every day.) We'll look, as well, at the invisible "third job" that many of us hold without even knowing it. Because prosuming is set to explode, the future of the money economy can no longer be understood, let alone forecast, apart from that of the prosumer economy. The two, in fact, are inseparable. Together they form a wealth system. And once we understand this—and the channels by which the two feed each other—we gain piercing insights into our private lives now and into the future.LOOSENED CONSTRAINTS New wealth systems don't come often, and they don't travel alone. Each carries with it a new way of life, a civilization. Not just new business structures but new family formats; new kinds of music and art; new foods, fashions and standards of physical beauty; new values; and new attitudes toward religion and personal freedom—all of which interact with and shape the emerging new wealth system. America today is spearheading just such a new civilization built around a revolutionary way of creating wealth. For better and worse, billions of lives around the world are already being changed by this revolution. Nations and whole regions of the globe are rising or declining as they feel its impact. Today millions of people around the world dislike or even hate America. Some fanatics wish to incinerate the United States and everyone in it. The reasons they give range from its Middle East policies and its refusal to sign various international treaties to what they regard as its imperial ambitions. Yet even if peace reigned in the Middle East, even if all the world's terrorists turned pacifist and democracies flowered like dandelions, the rest of the world would still view the United States with trepidation at best. This is because the new wealth system the United States is developing, by its very nature, threatens old, embedded financial and political interests around the world. Moreover, in the United States the rise of the new wealth system has been accompanied by controversial changes in the roles of women, racial and ethnic minorities, gays and other groups. Because America's emergent culture promotes greater individuality, it is seen as a threat to community. Worse yet, because it has loosened some of the traditional sexual, moral, political, religious and lifestyle constraints placed on the individual during earlier economic eras, it is seen as dangerously seducing the young into nihilism, license and decadence. In short, the combination of revolutionary wealth and the social and cultural changes so far associated with it may have more to do with global anti-Americanism than the usual litany of reasons cited by the media. The revolutionary wealth system, however, as we'll see, is no longer an American monopoly. Other nations are racing to catch up. And it is not clear how long the United States will retain its lead.GUITARS AND ANTI-HEROES The roots of revolutionary wealth can be traced to 1956—the year when, for the first time, white-collar and service workers outnumbered blue-collar workers in the United States. This sea change in the composition of the labor force was arguably the kickoff point for the transition from an industrial economy based on manual labor to one based on knowledge or mind work. The knowledge-based wealth system is still called the "new economy"—and for convenience we will at times continue to call it that here—but the first computers, still huge and expensive, actually were migrating from government offices into the business world by the mid-1950s. And Princeton economist Fritz Machlup, as early as 1962, showed that in the 1950s knowledge production in the United States was already growing faster than the gross national product. The 1950s are often pictured as a deadly dull decade. But on October 4, 1957, Russia launched Sputnik, the first artificial satellite to orbit the earth, triggering a great space race with the United States that radically accelerated the development of systems theory, information science, software programming and training in project-management skills. It also promoted an emphasis on science and mathematics in U.S. schools. All this began pumping new, wealth-relevant knowledge into the economy. Culture and politics began to change as well. Just as the industrial revolution centuries ago brought new ideas, art forms, values and political movements, along with new technology, so did the knowledge economy in the United States. Thus the 1950s saw the universalization of television and the introduction of Elvis Presley, the Fender Stratocaster electric guitar, and rock 'n' roll. Hollywood shifted from heroes and happy endings to surly anti-heroes played by actors like James Dean and Marlon Brando. The literary Beats and their hippie followers glorified "doing your own thing"—a precision attack on the conformity valued in industrial mass societies. The 1960s were marked by Vietnam War protests and the rise of movements for civil rights, gay rights and equality for women. By 1966 the National Organization for Women was pointing out that "today's technology has . . . virtually eliminated the quality of muscular strength as a criterion for filling most jobs, while intensifying American industry's need for creative intelligence." NOW demanded the right of women to participate on fair terms in the "revolution created by automation" and the economy generally. While the world's media focused on these dramatic events, almost no attention was paid to the work of top scientists, funded by the Pentagon, on an obscure new technology called ARPANET—a forerunner of what became the world-changing Internet. Given this history, the common belief that the "new" economy was the product of a 1990s stock-market bubble, and that it is going to go away, is ridiculous.GIGGLE NEWS History records endless examples of "revolutions" that replaced old technologies and even governments without significantly altering society itself and the people in it. By contrast, real revolutions replace institutions as well as technologies. And they do more: They break down and reorganize what social psychologists call the role structure of society. Today traditional roles are changing at high speed in many countries transitioning to knowledge economies. The roles of husbands and wives . . . parents and children . . . professors and students . . . bosses and workers . . . in-laws and activists, executives and team leaders all have psychological as well as economic implications. At issue are not merely a person's tasks or functions but the social expectations that come with them. On and off the job, the result is rising ambiguity, high uncertainty, complexity and conflict as tasks and titles are continuously renegotiated. We see stress and burnout as the roles of doctors and nurse practitioners, lawyers and paralegals, police and community workers are challenged and redefined to a degree not seen since the advent of the industrial revolution. Revolutions also smash boundaries. Industrial society set a clear border between life at home and life on the job. Today, for the growing millions who work from home, the line is blurred. Even who works for whom is becoming unclear. Robert Reich, former U.S. secretary of labor, points out that a significant part of the labor force consists of independent contractors, free agents and others who work in company A but are actually employees of company B. "In a few years," says Reich, "a company may be best defined by who has access to what data and who gets what portion of a particular stream of revenues over what period of time. There may be no 'employees' at all, strictly speaking." Academic boundaries are eroding, too. Against enormous resistance, more and more work on the campus is becoming transdisciplinary. In pop music, borderlines between grime, garage, rock, Eastern, hip-hop, techno, retro, disco, big band, Tejano and a variety of other genres disappear in "fusion" and "hybridization." Consumers turn into producers by remixing or "sampling" sounds from different bands, different instruments and different vocals into "mash-ups"—the musical equivalent of collages. On TV in the United States, the once-clear line between news and entertainment is being erased as "giggle anchors" joke between headlines and studio audiences applaud. Advertisers insert their messages and products into the story lines of dramas or sitcoms, thus vaporizing the border between entertainment and marketing. Even sexual boundaries are no longer fixed, as homosexuality and bisexuality blast out of the closet and the small population of transsexuals grows. Just ask Riki Anne Wilchins, a Wall Street computer expert who also happens to be what The New York Times described as a "post-operative male-to-female transsexual." Wilchin heads GenderPAC, a group that lobbies Washington on issues pertaining to gender rights and argues that categorizing people as "he" or "she" is itself oppressive, force-fitting into one of those two roles all those who more accurately fit into neither. Not all the new roles and rights will survive, as still more economic, technological and social changes bombard us. But anyone who underestimates the revolutionary character of today's changes is living an illusion. The world is being transformed, dramatically and irrevocably.

Table of Contents

Foreword     xiii
Introduction     xvii
Spearheading Wealth     3
Fad of the Month
Loosened Constraints
Guitars and Anti-Heroes
Giggle News
Embedding Intelligence
Capital Tools for Knowledge
The Wilder Shores
Converging Possibilities
The Child of Desire     13
The Meaning of Wealth
Managers of Desire
Deep Fundamentals
Waves of Wealth     19
The Pre-Historic Einstein
The Man Who Ate Himself
Beyond Fantasy
Today's Wealth Wave
Three Lives, Three Worlds
Deep Fundamentals     24
The Inerrantists
Obsolete Fundamentals
The Future of the Job
Rearranging Time
The Clash of Speeds     31
Trains on Time?
Ready with the Radar
Leaders and Laggards
When Elephants Stand Pat
Inertia Vs. Hyper-Speed
The Synchronization Industry     41
Dancing Toward Productivity
No More Cold Eggs
No Last-Minute Scramble
The Arrhythmic Economy     46
The Ecology of Time
Casualties of Time
Post-merger Blues
The Time Tax
The Technology Ballet
Supper Without Sushi
The New Timescape     52
The Chains of Time
Love at High Speed
Customizing Time
When Good Ideas Arrive
Media Time
Family, Friends and Face Time
The Americanization of Time?
The 24/7 Future
Whizzing Toward Where?
Stretching Space
The Great Circle     63
Asia, Ho!
Opening theFloodgates
Higher-Value-Added Places     66
Yesterday's Places
Dissolving Borders
The Cheap-Labor Derby
Tomorrow's Real Estate
Spatial Reach     73
Personal Geography
Mobile Money
Invaders and Invaded
An Unready World     78
More Capitalist Than Thou
The Evian and Ketchup Test
Yellow Dust
True Believers
Thrust Reversers     84
The New Titanic
Export Overload
The Nano-Teaspoon
Mad Max Scenarios
The Space Drive     90
From Dialysis to Heart Pumps
Pilots, Planes and Packages
Unexplored Wealth Frontiers
Trusting Knowledge
The Edge of Knowledge     99
Kicking Tires
Tomorrow's "Oil"     104
The More We Use...?
Steel Mills and Shoes
Our Inner "Warehouse"
Just Ask
Forget Alzheimer's
The Obsoledge Trap     111
Yesterday's Truths
Emily's Attic
The Quesnay Factor     115
Blooper Economics
Estimates of Estimates
Piecemeal Papers
The Missing Framework
The Mistress's Doctor
Filtering Truth     122
Truth on Trial
Six Filters
Truth Shifts
Trashing the Lab     130
Razor Blades and Rights
Flip-Flop Politics
Patriarchy and Palmistry
Las Vegas as Role Model
The Eco-Missionaries
Secret Science
The Truth Managers     139
Persuading the Boss
Coda: Convergence      143
Tortoise Time
Once-True Analogies
Mapping the Knowable
The Hidden Half     151
The Prosumer Economy
A Mum in a Million
The Potty Test
What Price Disintegration?
Grossly Distorted Product (GDP)
The Health Prosumers     160
Betting on One Hundred?
The Panic Zone
Besieged by Breakthroughs
The Diabetes Game
Our Third Job     168
Beyond the Buffet
The Supermarket Shove
The Coming Prosumer Explosion     172
Guitars and Golf Bags
Rampant Consumerism?
Cookies and Simulations
Dwarfing Hollywood
Collective Prosuming
Busting the Hierarchies
More "Free Lunch"     180
Teachers, Nurses and Horses
Amateurs Matter
Uncooking the Books
Attacking Anthrax
The Music Storm     187
Estonian Geeks
Prosumer Power
Baby Prosumers
Liposuction Without Surgery
The "Producivity" Hormone     194
Beyond Education
Rajender's Game
Coda: Invisible Channels     198
The Prosumer Impact
Unnoticed Therapy
The Gospel of Change     205
The Third Source
Teen Trash
Paul's Story
Hollywood Hedonism
One Step in the River
Implosion     211
Pandemic Loneliness
Post-Kindergarten Factories
Creative Accounting
Intensive Care
The Golden Years
Politics of the Surreal
Systemic Breakdown
An Epidemic of Failure
Stars on Strike
Corroding the Wires     220
FBI Time
Global Space
An Overload of Obsoledge
Complexorama     225
What Bill Gates Knows
12,203 Problems
The Sepulveda Solution     230
Every American Woman
Fake Transformation
Shifting Chairs
Cameras and Cops
Creating New Institutions
Innovations That Breed Innovations
Inventing the Think Tank
Coda: After Decadence     240
The Values War
Extreme Extremes
Mingling with Moguls
Inventing New Models
"Satanic Mills"
Capitalism's Future
Capitalism's End Game     253
Cars and Cameras
The Untouchables
The Fetish of Touch
The Horse and the Song
Converting Capital     259
Ranges of Risk
Democratic Doorways
Growth in Econo-Land
Flattening the Down
Impossible Markets     265
Rare Money
Mass + Mass = Mass+
Personal Pricing
Approaching the Limits?
Whispered Secrets
The Virtual Twin
Running Tomorrow's Money     273
The Hidden Tax
Blips on Chips
The Closing Bell
Wildcat Currency
The Anti-Obesity Card
Streaming Money
Pepsi Vodka
Prosumer Pay?
The Old Future of Poverty     287
Hitting the Limit
A Poverty of Strategies
Typical Japanese "Muck"
The Spillover Effect
Asia Can't Wait
Twin Tracks to Tomorrow     295
India Awakened
Bangalore Central
The Greatest Generation?
Yes, but No
Cracking Poverty's Core     303
Instead of Trial and Error
Bring on the Bananas
Help from the Heavens
Secret Prices
The Smartest Agronomist
Smart Dust
Bill Gates's Echo
What Worked Best Won't
Distributing Energy
The New Tectonics
China's Next Surprise?     319
Looming over the World
Accelerating Acceleration
Global Space
Mining Knowledge
Wave Politics
Three Chinas
Mercedes, Malls and Militia
Wave War
The Bloody Thread
Meet Mao II
Japan's Next Bamboo Ring     332
Latte, Anyone?
Japan's Lopsided Leap
Decision Delay
No More Christmas Cakes
The Silver Wave
A Filipina or a Robot?
Awaiting the Ring
Europe's Lost Message     344
The All-Time Low
The Widening Split
Speeding in Slow Motion
Yesterday's Heartland
The Lisbon Dream
Inside America     354
More Wave Warfare
24 Billion Hours
Stealing the Future
The Nameless Coalition
Forces for Change
The Next Step
Outside America     363
The Old Game
An "Unsordid Act"
Backlash and Bewilderment
Reversing Homogeneity
The Unseen Game of Games     369
No Longer Human?
Tomorrow's NGOs
God on the Move
The End of Petro-power
Utopia Past
The Fragility of Power
The Nano-Now
Epilogue: The Prologue is Past     380
The Nostalgia Brigade
A Prosumer Pathway?
Moon Power
Hope for the Human Race?
From Picos to Yoctos
Notes      393
Bibliography     456
Acknowledgments     466
Index     469
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